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155.Jim is interested in sports,________ volleyball,soccer and basketball. A.hardly ever

B.such as

C.because of

D.at least

156.-What is her New Year's ____________ ? -She's going to study a lot. A.subject B.education A.write down them C.write it down

─He bought ________ umbrella. A.the;an month. A.record B.secret C.rule D.instruction

160.─Did you buy anything special? ─__________. I bought my favorite storybook. A.No,I didn't every year. A.famous A.policeman A.works

B.Yes,I did

C.No,I wasn't

D.Yes,I was

161.Mount Lao is one of ____________ mountains in Qingdao. Many tourists like climbing it

B.the more famous B.driver B.work

C.most famous C.pilot C.to work

D.the most famous D.scientist D.working




159.The English teacher makes it a __________ for her students to read at least two books a

C.exercise B.write them down D.write down it


157.Lucy's phone number is 563-2648. Please ____________ on a piece of paper.

158.─What did ________ old man buy in your shop?

162.Dale likes flying a plane,so he wants to be a _____________ when he grows up. 163.Li Yun's father kept on _____________ , although he was tired. 164.- _____________ on Saturday? -She is going to take guitar lessons. A.What does she do

B.When is she going to take guitar lessons C.How is she going to do D.What is she going to do

165.Thanks for your help. We learned much knowledge ___________ you. A.in

A.because of

B.at B.because

C.of C.and

D.from D.so

166.We couldn’t go shopping ________ the bad weather .

167.AlthoughTom hardly ever helps his parents housework, I think he can take care himself when he goes to college. A.with; of B.for; of

C.with; for

D.with; to

168.We will have a sports meeting if it ________rain tomorrow.

A.won’t be B.doesn’t C.won’t D.isn’t 169.John will never be able to ______in our hearts . A.dress as C.instead

B.come out D.take your place

170.____be a doctor, you have to study for five years in college. A.So as to B.In order to C.So that D.Such that

171.You should ______the traffic when you’re driving the car on the road. A.look after B.pay attention to C.set up D.take away 172.—Are you relaxing yourself here ?

—Yes . It is ________to walk slowly along the river . A.fantastic B.boring C.strange D.terrible

173.—Could I put my bike here? —No, you’d better put it ______. A.else somewhere B.somewhere else C.else something D.something else 174.--Wow, you are cool!

--Thank you. I_____ wear my school uniform, but my mother washed it yesterday and it is still wet now. A.might B.should C.can D.may 175.His parents often make him _______his homework till 11 o’clock in the evening . A.do B.does C.to do D.doing

176.Tony is good at telling funny jokes. __________, he is very popular in his class. A.In fact B.As a result C.As usual D.For example

177.The girl’s voice _______sweet . I like her songs. A.sounds A.should B.must C.need D.may

179.—Why are you so _________, Karen?

—Oh, my grandmother fell ill yesterday and I'm worried about her. A.angry A.lucky

B.bored B.unlucky

C.upset C.careful

D.surprised D.careless

180.Bruce was so _________ that he left his English book at home. 181.We had a discussion ________ them ________ TV shows.




178.Take an umbrella with you, Simon. It __________rain any time in London.

A.with,about A.two days ago A.speak

B.about,with B.last week B.speaking

C.for,about C.every day C.speaks

D.about,for D.next week D.to speak

182.My cousin is going to take piano lessons ________.

183.He practices ________ English every day.So his spoken English is excellent. 184.—I don’t know _______.

--You can buy one at a shop near our school. A.where I can buy a notebook. C.what I can buy a notebook A.chicken

A.much B.a little

C.a little much D.a little more

187.The librarian told us not to _______ the books from the library. We can only read them in it. A.take out

B.take up

C.cut up

D.wake up

188.Many animals ______ because the weather was bad. A.were dead B.died C.dying D.death

189.It's spring now,so we decide_____to the mountains. A.to go B.going C.to going D.go 190.Don’t worry. He is ______ do his homework.

A.too strong to B.strong enough to C.enough strong to D.strong to 191.I will on my father’s farm this summer. A.take out

B.help with

C.help out

D.look out

192.-Oh,no! We’ve missed the 9o'clock train! - .There's another one in half an hour. A.Don't worry

B.Hurry up

C.Give me a break

193.—Our city will put ________ bikes on the streets for people to use. —Good news!That'll be good for the traffic. A.five hundreds

B.five hundreds of

C.hundreds of

D.hundred of

194.-How are we going to spend our free time? -Why not ____________ a hobby, like collecting cards? A.turn up B.put up C.pick up A.However



D.take up D.But

B.piece of chicken

B.where can I buy a notebook D.what can I buy a notebook C.pieces of chicken

D.pieces of chickens

185.─What did you eat for breakfast this morning? ─Two ________ and some vegetables. 186.Tom is my friend. He’s _________energetic than me.

195.It's raining outside.________,the kids are playing volleyball happily. 196.Many plants die ______ the bad weather. A.but B.because C.because of D.and 197.—Do you have ________ to say about the plan? —Yes.I think it is less important than that one.

A.something else A.not to talk A.It's a pleasure

B.else something B.to not talk B.You're welcome

C.anything else C.not to talking C.Thanks a lot

D.else anything D.to not talking D.That's a good idea

198.It's best ________ about personal things in the office. Your work is more important. 199.—Let's go swimming this Sunday,Jake.—________. 200.—What do you want to do for fun this weekend,Jack? —I _____ stay at home watching a cartoon.However,I'm not sure. A.must B.might C.shouldn't D.should 201.The rich people enjoy golf. A.to play the A.write them down she's getting heavier. A.much;little

B.playing B.write down it

C.to play

C.write down them

D.playing the D.write it down

202.There are some important words in this unit,please ________.

203.The doctor told Ann to eat ____________ vegetables and ____________ meat, because



D.more; fewer

204.—What are you going to do this weekend,Laura?

—I ________ go to see the movie Coming Home,but I'm not sure. A.might




205.I arrived in China last Sunday. A.reached B.reached to C.got D.get to

206.When and where ________ the accident ________? A.was; happened

B./; happened

C.is; happening

D.did; happen

207.─Would you like to attend the farewell(告别)party next week,Mr. Huang? ─Sure. I have no reason to ________ your invitation. A.turn down B.turn off C.turn up _____________ ten minutes. A.other B.the other

209.- ____________ are you going to do that? -I'm going to study science harder. A.When B.How 210.-How are you going to be a scientist? -I'm going to ____________ from now on. A.buy a fast car B.study harder A.join

B.to join

C.go to a music club C.joined

D.take acting lessons D.joining


D.Where D.turn on

208.First,cook the meat for half an hour. Then add some vegetables and cook for

C.the others


211.My friend invited me ______ the art club , and I accepted it with pleasure. 212.There are _____people in the market. A.a few quite B.a quite few C.quite a few D.a lot

213.Now ______ is very serious. Some rivers and lakes are ______.

A.pollution;pollute C.pollution;polluted 214.-How was your vacation? -_____!I had a great time in London. A.Not good B.Terrible C.Wonderful D.Boring

B.polluted;pollution D.pollute;polluted

215.Movie theatre has the service, but we can sit the there. A.worse; most comfortable B.worse; most comfortably C.worst; most comfortable D.worst; most comfortably 216.“Stop talking,boys.I have_____to tell you.”said the teacher. A.anything important B.important anything C.something important D.important something

217.Let me tell you_____news about cell photos(手机)-Apple asks Samsung to stop copying,and hundreds of people lined up to buy iPhone 4S. A.a B.many C.some D.few

218.Sally decided ________ sorry ________ her parents. A.said; in B.to say; at C.to say; to D.saying; to 219.—Who taught you Japanese? —Nobody. I learnt it by ______. A.myself B.my C.me D.mine

220.—What did you buy for your son at the supermarket? —I bought ______, because I couldn't find ______ he likes. A.something, anything B.anything, something C.nothing, anything D.something, nothing

221.—Did you go to the movies last Sunday? —______. The movie was very interesting.

A.Of course B.No problem C.Not really D.Sounds great 222.I look forward to ________ the football game tomorrow. A.watch B.watches C.watching D.watched 223.-You went to the beach last Sunday.What did you do there? -_____.

A.I went to the Tian'anmen Square. B.We had great fun playing in the water. C.We visited the museum. D.I went to the Central Park



