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1.—Look! Why are there so many people?

—There are some policemen. I think there______ a traffic jam at such rush hour.

A.have B.is going to have C.is going to be D.is going to has

2.—Excuse me,is the library open on Sunday? —Yes. In fact,it's open both on ________ and weekends. A.weekdays B.daytimes C.vacations D.festival

3.To show _______ we are going to miss her, we will have a surprise party for her. A.how many B.how much C.how often D.how long 4.—Would you like to go shopping with me this Sunday? —Sorry,I ________ Lisa's invitation to her party that day. A.accepted B.discussed C.refused D.prepared 5.— My computer works too slowly. — Why not ________ something useless? A.delete B.leave C.use D.write

6.— The girl looks ________. She sat quietly with her head down. What’s the matter? — I don’t know.

A.excited B.glad C.great D.sad 7.—Is Jack going to the ? —No,he doesn’t like music at all. A.concert B.office

---___________ . I’ll put it somewhere else.

A.Not at all. B.Yes, I’d love to. C.Certainly. D.Of course. 9.My parents ask me to ____myself when they go out. A.bringup B.think of C.agree with D.look after 10.The T-shirt looks very nice. I think it costs ______ 50 dollars. A.at last

B.at first

C.at least

D.in least

11.Did you meet _____________ on the way home?

A.someone else B.else someone C.anyone else D.else anyone 12.His bicycle is quite _______________ from his sister’s. A.difference B.differences C.differently D.different

13.I don't know how to deal with my family problems.Can you give me some________? A.advice




14.The old library will close soon________ people can give some money to support it. A.if B.unless C.because D.although 15.Dear, don’t come _____ I telephone you.



8.---Would you mind not putting your bike here? An English party will be held here.

A.if B.unless C.because D.when

16.(题文)—Tom, I’ll make a banana milk shake. Please go and buy some bananas and milk. —_____, Mom?

A.What else B.Else what C.What other D.Other what 17.I have ______ friends, so I feel sad. A.few

—It’s very cold. A.What; of

B.a little


D.quite a few

18.—_________do you think___________the weather today?

B.How; of

C.What; like

D.How; about

19.What if they to the class late? A.will happen;go B.will happen;will go

C.will be happening;will go D.will be happened;go

20.Ms.Lin has much ________ of teaching.She is a wonderful teacher. A.temperature B.experience C.difference D.discussion

21.—Would you please give me ________ on how to solve the problems? —Sure,I'd love to. A.an advice C.some advice

A.tell;will ask B.will tell;will ask C.tell;asks D.will tell;asks

23.— You shouldn’t forget what he says at the meeting. —I’ll________his words. A.write down B.cut up C.fall down D.put up

24.Cut ___________ the tomatoes and put ___________ on the bread. A.into; it B.up; it C.up; them D.into; them 25.l used to ________ with my wife and watch TV at home. A.show up B.wake up C.come up D.stay up 26.(题文)Pour some tomato sauce ______ the blender. A.in B.into C.on D.onto

27.—What a heavy rain! Dad, must we get an umbrella? —No, let’s just wait ______the rain stops. A.for B.until C.after D.because

28.—Hi, Jack! ________ you come to our English party? —Sorry, I have to look after my little sister at home. A.Should B.Must C.Can D.Need 29.He usually ______ with his friends after school. A.plays the tennis

B.play tennis

C.plays tennis

D.play the tennis

B.many advice D.any advice

22.(题文)I ________ Alice the answer if she ________ me.

30.——Is this the homework you need to hand in today?

——Oh, yes, Mom. I thought I had put ______ in my schoolbag. Thank vou. A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything

31.We feel like____some food and drink because well invite some friends____in a party. A.buying;to join —Yes, sure.

A.much B.a little C.some D.any

33.(题文)—What did ________ old man in white buy in your shop? —He bought ________ umbrella.

A.a;/ B.the;an C./;the D.an;a 34.There is _________ with my eyes. I can't see clearly.

A.something wrong B.wrong something C.nothing wrong A.health, healthy, healthily B.healthy, health, healthily C.healthy, healthily, health D.healthy, healthy, healthily 36.(题文)His father was born ___________ .

A.in the 1950 B.in 1950s’ C.in the 1950s D.in the 1950s’ 37.Anna, would you like ________ us for dinner after work? A.join B.joining C.to join D.to joining 38.—Can you come to my party this Sunday?

—Yes, I’d love to. Thanks so much for your ______. A.help B.relationship C.invitation 39.My parents ________ a teacher in the future.

A.want me to B.want I to be C.want I be D.want me to be 40.My grandmother’s cat always comes in ____the kichen window A.over B.through C.at D.between

41.(题文)You are not fit at all. You need to eat____ fast food and exercise_____. A.more, less B.less, less C.more, more D.less, more 42.(题文)— Do you mind ______ Linda to join us? — Of course not. The more people, the better. A.ask B.to ask C.asking

43.-My father often relaxes himself by __________ to music after work. -How about your mother?

A.listen B.listened C.to listen D.listening

44.There is water here;but there are quite empty glasses. A.little;a few C.few; a few

A.gets B.get C.to get D.to getting

B.few; little D.little; a little

D.preparation D.wrong nothing

35.Eating ________ food is good for your _________. You can live _________.

B.to buy;joining


32.(题文)—Could I ask you questions? 45.(题文)After I leave school, I think the first step is _____ a job in some office.

46.Claire was ______ to find that most of her classmates took a trip ______ Mount Lao. A.surprising; of

B.surprised; of

C.surprised; to

D.surprising; to

47.The more exercise you take, ____you will be.

A.healthier B.happier C.the healthier D.the weaker 48.If we have problems, we shouldn’t keep ______ to ourselves. A.their




49.─Get good grades and you can study in a better school. ─You are right. So it's necessary to take all the subjects ________. A.carefully B.seriously C.quickly 50.We are going to Japan ________ the beginning of July. A.for A.enjoys pollution. A.more; fewer A.win A.making A.studies; will get

B.in B.enjoy

C.at C.enjoying

D.on D.to enjoy

51.Almost everyone in my home ________ traveling around the world.

52.I think Qingdao will be better and there will be ____________ people and ____________

B.fewer;less B.beat B.caring B.will study; gets

C.less ; less C.won C.trying C.studied; gets

D.fewer;more D.beats D.expecting D.study; will get D.easily

53.They __________ the basketball match last Wednesday.

54.She was ________ an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didn’t come. 55.If Henry ______ harder, he ______ good grades in the exam. 56.We will have _____ free time because the robots will work for us. A.less B.more C.fewer D.most

57.The movie seems ________ boring. I don't want to watch it again. A.be


C.to be

D.to being

58.—Would you like ________ shopping with me? —Sorry,I feel like ________ books at home. A.to go;read

B.to go;reading



59.— Do you know if it tomorrow?

— I am not sure. It may snow if the temperature below zero. A.snows; will drop B.will snow; will drop C.will snow; drops D.snows; drops

60.A football me when I past the football field. My arm still hurts now. A.hit; was walking B.was hitting; was walking C.was hitting; walked D.hit; am walking

61.I decide to practice harder I will be more confident when I speak in front of the class. A.so that B.after C.because D.because of

62.The more ______ the movie is, the more people will be ______. A.touching, touched B.touched, touching C.touch, touched D.touching, touch

63.(题文)一Because of G20,________visitors come to visit Hangzhou. —Yes, my hometown is one of_________ in China. A.many and many;the most beautiful cities B.more and more;the most beautiful city C.more and more;the most beautiful cities D.more and more; the beautifulest city

64.The teacher ________ his name and telephone number in my notebook. A.cut down B.wrote down C.took up D.took off 65.— Do you __________ what he said? — Yes, I think he told the truth.

A.question B.believe C.improve D.promise 66.________ he was tired, ________ he didn't stop ________. A.Although; but; to rest B.Though; /; working C.Although; /; resting D.Though; but; working 67.(题文)— Will you visit Beijing next year? — _____. I will go to New York.

A.Yes, I do B.No, I don’t C.Yes, I will D.No, I won’t 68.Oh,I have the flu,and I have to see the ______. A.teacher B.farmer C.doctor D.worker

69.I'm looking forward to _______ my grandparents in summer. A.visit B.visiting C.visits D.visited

70.He heard ______ his pen friend just now,and now he is reading it. A.of B.about C.from D.on

71.—Jack,please hang ______ with us tomorrow night. —OK.That’s great.

A./ B.out C.from D.for

72.Jim made a plan ______ the Great Wall this summer. A.visited


C.to visit


73.His mother was angry, because he did ______ job in examination in his class. A.good B.bad C.worse D.the worst 74.(题文)— ________ a new movie next Sunday. — Really? I will go to watch it.

A.There is B.There will have C.There will be D.There is going have 75.The little boy gave me a ________ answer after I asked him the question. A.surprise B.surprises C.surprised D.surprising 76.I'm going to tidy my bedroom before I ________ to school. A.will go C.went A.at; on

B.in; on

B.go D.to go C.at;to

D.on; with

77.Children will study ___________ home ___________ computers.



