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大模拟试题200道-得分×0.8>137分 通过PMP考试希望很大


级别:论坛游民 积分:15 经验:45 文章:15

注册:04-05-27 14:32

发表: 2004-06-01 09:43:46 人气:132

1. The purpose of project plan development is to— 项目计划规划的目的是 [ ]

a. Create a document to guide project execution and control 制定项目文件,指导项目执行和控制

b. Document project assumptions and constraints 提出项目的假设和约束条件

c. Promote communication among stakeholders 促进项目干系人之间的沟通 d. Define key project reports 确定主要项目报告

Please refer to the following information to answer questions 2. 请参阅以下信息,回答问题2。

You have been assigned as the project manager on a project with a clearly defined scope limited to the design-and-build phase of a product assembly line. A member of the client’s team has asked a functional supervisor on the project to complete a small job during the installation phase of the project. The functional supervisor referred the client to the project manager.


2. The BEST response to this request would require a review of information developed in which of the following sub-processes?

对这一请求作出最佳答复需要审查以下哪个分过程中开发的信息?[ ] A. Activity duration estimating 活动期限评估 B. Scope verification 范围核查 C. Scope definition 范围界定 D. Schedule development 进度计划拟定

3. Most of the project’s budget is expended during— 项目预算在下列哪个阶段投入最大? [ ]

a. Project plan development b. Project plan execution

整理:guojiayoung(项目管理者联盟/www.mypm.net的ID) 第1页 共39页


项目计划制定阶段 项目计划执行阶段 c. Overall change control d. Project initiation 总体变更控制阶段 项目启动阶段

4. A customer requests a scope change in the project you are managing. In order to determine the impact of the requested change, you will need a work breakdown structure, change request, scope management plan, and:

顾客要求变更您管理的项目的范围。为了确定要求的变更可能产生的影响,您将需要工作分解结构、变更请求、范围管理计划以及:[ ] A. Performance reports 业绩报告 B. Responsibility matrix 职责矩阵 C. Pareto chart 帕累托图表 D. Monte Carlo simulation 蒙特卡罗模拟法

5. The critical path time needs to be reduced by 25%. All of the following actions are relevant in accomplishing this objective EXCEPT:

关键路线时程需要减少25%。以下行动全都与实现这一目标相关,除了:[ ]

A. Adding resources 增加资源

B. Eliminating float 消除浮动时间 C. Crashing time schedule 缩减进度时间表 D. Paralleling activities 平行开展活动

6. Bar charts are preferred over network logic diagrams to illustrate: 为了图解以下情况,条线图优于网络逻辑图:[ ]

A. Progress or status 进展情况或状况 B. The critical path 关键路线 C. Budget relationships 预算关系 D. Logical relationships 逻辑关系

7. Change requests occur in all the following forms except— 变更请求不能以下列哪种形式提出? [ ]

a. Oral or written b. Legally mandated or optional 口头或书面 法定授权的或自主选择的

c. Formal or informal d. Externally or internally initiated 正式或非正式的 外部提出的或内部提出的

8. According to McGregor, a manager who uses Theory X sees workers as— 按照麦克格雷格的观点,运用X理论的经理把员工看作是: [ ] a. Highly motivated, willing to take responsibility, and reliable 主动性高,可靠并愿意承担责任

b. Highly untrustworthy, needing to be watched and closely managed at all times 不可信任,任何时候都需要监视和严格管理 c. Very productive when first given an assignment 第一次接受任务时,工作效率很高

d. Unproductive at first, followed by periods of high productivity 开始时工作效率不高,但随后进入高效率工作期

9. Although an output of the various control processes, corrective action is also an input to project plan execution because it—

纠正措施是不同的项目控制过程的结果,也是项目计划执行的内容,这是因为它: [ c ] a. Ensures that project objectives are met 能确保项目目标的实现

b. expedites actions to ensure that activities are completed on time 采取措施确保每项工作都按时完成

c. Completes the feedback loop needed to ensure effective project management

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d. Involves performing a planned response for a specific project risk event 能就某特定项目的风险事项进行有计划的应对

10.During the course of a project, the number of team members increases from five to ten. How many ADDITIONAL lines of communication now exist?

在项目进行过程中,项目班子成员的人数从五人增加到十人。会增加多少条沟通线路?[ ]

A. 15 B. 35 C. 45 D. 55

11. A change control board is— 变更控制委员会是: [ ]

a. Recommended for use on all projects, large or small 被推荐在所有大小项目中使用

b. Used as required to approve or reject change requests 在决定是否批准变更请求时使用

c. Managed by the project manager who serves as its secretary 由项目经理担任其主任并对其进行管理 d. Composed of key members of the project team 由项目小组主要成员组成

12. The monthly report to the client shows zero schedule variance. However, members of the team know that a milestone has been missed that will cause an overall delay to the project. Which one of the following is being inadequately reported?

给客户的月席报告表明进度偏差为零。然而,项目班子成员知道进度里程碑已经延误,并将造成项目全面延误。下面哪一项未充分报告?[ ] A. Communication plan variance 沟通计划偏差 B. Resource management plan 资源管理计划 C. Critical path status 关键路线状况 D. Risk analysis 风险分析

13. A resource histogram shows: 资源直方图表明:[ ]

A. Expected resource usage by time period. 按时段分配的预期的需利用的资源 B. Expected requirements for critical path activities. 预期的对关键路线活动的要求 C. Resource assignments by work package 按工作包分配的资源 D. Resource assignments by activities 按活动分配的资源

14. Typically, change control systems include automatic approval of certain types of changes. An example of such a change is one that is—

一般来说, 变更控制系统包括对某些变更的自动批准, 这种变更的一个例子是: [ ] a. Suggested by the project sponsor b. The result of an emergency 由项目赞助者提出的变更 由紧急情况造成的变更

c. Suggested by the customer d. Made mandatory by a new regulation 由客户提出的变更 由新规定引起的强制性变更

15. Project quality management includes all of the following processes EXCEPT quality: 项目质量管理包括如下过程,除了:[ ]

A. Standards 质量标准 B. Planning 质量规划 C. Assurance 质量保障

整理:guojiayoung(项目管理者联盟/www.mypm.net的ID) 第3页 共39页


D. Control 质量控制

16 . As applied to projects, temporary means that— 对项目来说,“临时”的意思是: [ ] a. Projects are short in duration 项目的工期短

b. Every project has a definite beginning and end 每个项目都有确定的开始和结束点

c. The undertaking will end at an undetermined time in the future 项目未来完成时间未定

d. Projects can be canceled at any time 项目随时可以取消

17. The MOST important reason for stakeholder analysis in preparing a communication management plan is to:

利害关系者在拟定沟通管理计划进行利害关系者分析的最重要的理由是:[ ]

A. Develop a stakeholder contact database 开发利害关系者联络数据库

B. Publish a contact list of all team members for stakeholders 发表利害关系者所有项目班子成员的联系人名单 C. Determine the stakeholder’s needs 确定利害关系者的需求

D. Ensure timely distribution of meeting minutes to stakeholders 确保及时向利害关系者分发会议纪要

18. The management-by-objectives technique addresses all the following except— 目标管理不涉及下列哪项内容 [ ]

a. Establishing unambiguous and realistic objectives 确定明确和现实的目标

b. Periodically evaluating whether project objectives have been achieved 定期评估项目目标是否完成

c. Promoting participation, team building, and commitment to the project 促进合作、团队建设和对项目的投入

d. Establishing a specific career path for a project team member 为项目团队成员建立具体的职业途径

19. To increase the probability of obtaining qualified people from a consultant, the project manager should:

为了增加从咨询机构获得合格人员的概率,项目经理应:[ ]

A. Include key personnel requirements in the request for proposal 在提案请求中包括对关键人员的要求

B. Define the statement of work and team structure 界定工作描述和项目班子结构

C. Hire a large company that has experience with the type of project 雇用一家对这类项目富有经验的大公司

D. Require candidates to work on-site for a one-week probationary period 要求候选人在一周的试用期中去现场工作

20. Lessons learned from projects are significant because they— 从项目中学到的经验是有意义的,因为它 [ ]

a. Must be collected to meet requirements of organizational policies and procedures 必须汇总起来以满足组织策略和程序的要求

b. Show the causes of variances and the reasons certain corrective actions were selected 显示偏差的原因以及选择一些纠正措施的理由

c. Show why certain projects were selected by the organization over others 显示组织机构为什么选择某些项目

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d. Show why certain people were selected as project manager and team members over others 显示为什么有些人被选为项目经理和团队成员

21.You are managing a project that involves working in various locations. Past projects have failed at one of the field locations. Your INITIAL action should be to : 您正在管理一个涉及在多个地点开工的项目。以往的项目在某个现场已经失败。您最初的行动是:[ ]

A. Increase management reserves for potential problems 增加应付潜在问题的管理准备金

B. Identify potential risks and their probability 查明潜在风险及其概率

C. Increase resources at the field location 增加现场的资源

D. Adjust the scope and close the field office 调整范围和关闭现场办事处

22. Measuring project performance regularly is necessary to identify variances from the project plan. A variance is considered to be significant if it—

定期测定项目绩效是界定项目计划偏差必需的,偏差在下面哪一种情况下被认为是 [ ] 重大偏差?

a. Is considered a project risk 偏差被视作项目风险

b. Becomes a lesson learned as a result of the corrective action selected 由于所选的纠偏措施而成为一个经验教训 c. Jeopardizes project objectives 偏差损害项目目标

d. Requires corrective action 偏差需要纠正措施

23. Which of the following is not part of the project plan? 不在项目计划内的是 [ ] a. The project charter 项目章程 b. The WBS WBS

c. Performance measurement baselines for schedule and cost 进度表和成本的绩效测定基线

30. The project team members’ compensation plan 项目团队成员的补偿计划

24. The WBS is an input to scope change control because it— WBS之所以成为范围变化控制的一个输入是因为它: [ ] a. Provides information on project objectives 提供有关项目目标的信息

b. Defines the project’s scope baseline 能界定项目范围的基线 c. Defines all project baselines 可以界定所有项目基线

d. Provides information on scope performance 可以提供有关范围功效的信息

25. The document that describes the objectives, work content, deliverables, and end product of a project is the –

注明项目目标、工作内容、交付时间以及最终产品的文件是下列哪一个? [ ] a. Project charter 项目章程 b. Product description 产品说明书

c. Scope statement 范围说明书 d. WBS WBS

26. When an organization chooses a project selection model, the most important criterion is—

一个公司在确定项目选择模式时,最重要的标准是: [ ]

整理:guojiayoung(项目管理者联盟/www.mypm.net的ID) 第5页 共39页



