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skills. Yet, some people say that you can never teach an old dog new skills. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things.

Husbands and wives use this doghouse term when they are angry at each other. For example, a woman might get angry at her husband for coming home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary (结婚纪念日). She might tell him that he is in the doghouse. She may not treat him nicely until he says sorry.

Dog expressions also are used to describe the weather. The dog days of summer are the hottest days of the year. A rainstorm may cool the weather. But we do not want it to rain too hard. We do not want it to rain cats and dogs. 28. What is this passage mainly about? A. How to take care of dogs. B. The reasons why Americans love dogs. C. Expressions with the word dog. D. A dog-eat-dog world.

29. Americans like dogs, so . A. all the dog expressions mean something good. B. they take good care of dogs

C. dogs lead a different kind of life. D. they teach an old dog new skills.

30. What’s the meaning of “every dog has its day” according to this passage? A. Every dog has its own life.

B. Every dog wants to be successful one day. C. Older people do not like to learn new things.

D. Everyone can get success in some period during lifetime.

31. By saying ________, we mean a woman gets angry with her husband. A. “he is in the doghouse” B. “he leads a dog’s life”

C. “he lives in a dog-eat-dog world” D. “every dog has its day”


There have been times in my life when I felt satisfied. Sometimes it was because I had


finished a goal I had set. Other times it was because I had overcome a struggle or test of life. However, every time I feel that way, I learn again that full isn’t full. There always seems to be a little more room.

When I was a little boy, I felt that the love I had for my Mom and Dad, and the love they had for me, just filled me up. Surely in a house full of nine people a young boy loved and was loved as fully as a person could stand. Imagine my surprise as I then extended that love to include grandparents, my uncle & aunt, cousins, etc. As I grew older, I met and married a beautiful woman that I thought completely filled me up with love. I could not imagine there would be any more room. Then a few short years later we added one daughter and then another daughter to our family. Again, I had room to love and be loved. See what I mean? Every time I feel that life and love is as good as it can get--it gets better.

There is a lesson here for us. We ought to always have a heart that is open to expanding. To do more, love more, live more, learn more, overcome more, forgive more and the list could go on. Each of us knows 100 stories about men and women who proved the impossible to be possible. Every day we stand at the crossroad and must decide if we are going to be a better person today than we were yesterday. You are not full yet. Young or old, there is still room for more.

32. The author feels satisfied because___________.

A. he makes a decision to achieve his goal B. he is brave when facing difficulties C. he thinks he has little room to develop D. he has realized one of his dreams 33. When the author was a child, ___________.

A. he had to love to his siblings B. he grew up in a large family C. he got all of his parents' love D. he hoped to be loved deeply 34. The author got married with a lady___________.

A. because they fell in love at first sight B. so that he could love her C. and he felt happy and satisfied D. but he felt no emotion in life 35. What does the author want to tell us in the passage?

A. Content makes poor men rich. B. Love is never without jealousy. C. Open your heart to the world. D. Nothing is difficult to human.




There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much. One day while she was walking

in the woods she found two birds. 36 She took care of them with love and the birds grew strong. Every morning they greeted her with a beautiful song. The girl felt great love for the birds. She wanted their singing to last forever.

37 The larger and stronger of the two birds flew out of the cage. The girl watched worriedly as he flew above her. She was so frightened that he would fly away and she would never see him. So as he flew close, she caught him quickly. She felt very happy. 38 Her love had killed him. She noticed the other bird standing at the door of the cage. She could feel his great need for freedom and his need to fly into the clear, blue sky. 39 The bird flew around her once, twice, three times. The girl looked happily at the bird’s enjoyment. Her heart was no longer concerned with her loss. 40 Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her hand. It sang the sweetest song she had ever heard.

The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tight; the best way to keep love is to give it wings!

A. One day the girl left the door to the cage open. B. She lifted him from the cage and freed him. C. She took them home and put them in a small cage.

D. The birds were so beautiful that she loved them very much. E. She wanted the bird to be happy. F. She realized her mistake.

G. However, when she opened her hand, she found the bird had died.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



The English Language can date back to 1500 years ago. Since then it has been spoken, changed and 41 around the world in many different42 . The language we now recognize as English43 became the most important language in Great Britain during the Middle Age. From there it has been exported to 44 corners of the globe. “International English”, “World English” or “Global English” are terms 45 to describe a type of “General English” that has, over the 46 of the twentieth century, become a way of communication47 the world.

The first lasting English-speaking colony(殖民地) was 48 in North America in the early 1600s. The Americans soon 49 a form of English that was 50 in a number of ways from the British English. In some 51 older forms were kept and still used.

_52 the Americans also invented many new words to 53 landscapes, wildlife, food andso on. Different pronunciations of words 54 as new settlers arrived from different parts of the UK and lived along the East Coast. After the USA 55 independence(独立) from Great Britain in 1776, any sense of who “owned” and 56 the “correct rules” for the English Language became increasingly57. Different forces operating in the UK and in the USA influenced the new concept(概念) of a Standard English. The differences are perhaps first 58 raised in the spelling practicebrought by Noah Webster in The American Spelling Book (1786) and laterused in his later work, An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). 59 of these publications were very successful and founded spellings such as center and color. They were therefore major steps 60 scholarly acceptance that the difference between British English and American English were clear. 41. A. brought 42. A. forms

B. given

C. sold

D. sent D. usages D. slowly

B. names

C. voyages C. first C. some

43. A. finally 44. A. no

B. never B. all

D. any

D. requested

45. A. introduced 46. A. road

B. used C. translated

B. expression C. course B. far from

D. voyage

47. A. all over 48. A. put up

C. along with D.inthe middle of

C. looked up

D. set up

B. picked up B. found

49. A. discovered 50. A. different

C. ignored

D. developed

D. official


B. entire C. fluent

51. A. languages 52. A. Because 53. A. carry

B. accents C. expressions

D. But

D. foreigners

B. When

C. Unless

B. describe C. take

D. show

54. A. disappeared B. appeared 55. A. won 56. A. added

B. lost

C. came D. left

D. celebrated D. followed D. clear

D. frequently

C. requested

C. set

B. settled B. useless B. gradually

57. A. important C. unclear

58. A. officially 59. A. Neither 60. A. from

C. quietly

B. None B. for

C. Either

D. Both

D. in

C. towards

第二节 语法填空(共10题 每小题1.5分 满分15分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置。

The adobe dwellings(土坯房) 61 (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even 62 most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their 63 (able) to “air condition” a house without 64 (use)electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat 65(slow)during cool nights,thus warming the house. When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough 66 (cool) the house during the hot day: 67 the same time, they warm up again for the night This cycle 68 (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures. As 69 (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly 70 thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days. 第四部分: 写作

第一节 短文改错(满分10分)





