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Disasters mean sadness and pain,but people always create moving(感人的)stories in face of disasters. 1 May 12th,2008.a terrible earthquake hit Wenchuan.Sichuan.Many people lost their 2 and homes.

During those days.a lot of stories about 3 could be heard.Here is one of them. After the earthquake,under a fallen building,some soldiers found that a woman died in a very 4 way.When they were ready to take her away,they were 5 to find that a baby in her arms was still alive.The baby was sleeping and wasn’t hurt at all. 6 the dead mother and the living baby,there was a 7 with a short message(信)on the screen,“My deal baby,if you can survive,remember that I love you.”Everybody 8 when they read these words.

Besides this story,many other stories also moved us deeply. 9 these stories,we know more about love.

You’re 10 if you’re loved by others.You’re great if you love others when you’re in danger.

( )1.A.In B.On C.At D.Of ( )2.A.1ife B.money C.1ives D.1and ( )3.A.home B.1ire C.love D.hope ( )4.A.strange B.happy C.funny D.interesting ( )5.A.excited B.interested C.worried D. surprised ( )6.A.From B.Through C.Round D.Between ( )7.A.radio B.mobile C.TV D.MP3 ( )8.A.cried B.1aughed C.smiled D.sang ( )9.A.From B.On C.To D.With ( )10.A.sad B.unhappy C. 1ucky D.dangerous 【阅读理解】


When the earthquake hit Japan on December 7th,2020,workers in a supermarket in Japan didn’t run away when they felt the shaking.Instead,they held on to the shelves and tried to stop the goods(货物)from falling down.

Reporters from NHK,the country’s largest TV station,stayed calm in front of cameras during the earthquake,even though some were facing real danger.

The earthquake was the most powerful one to hit Japan in the country’s history.But Japan’s reaction(反应)to the accident has shown that it is the most earthquake-prepared country in the

world.The calm Japanese showed during and after the quake has impressed the world. This is because Japan has“an earthquake culture”.Japanese people are taught how to prepare for and react to earthquakes from a young age.Schools in Japan organize earthquake practices every month.They make students become familiar with being in an earthquake.

Japan also has a good earthquake warning system(警报系统).Warnings were broadcast on television,radio and mobile phones a few seconds after experts(专家)first knew about the quake.

The warning system is unable to predict earthquakes.But it can usually alert people about 15 seconds before they feel the effects.Even 15 or 20 seconds can be enough time to save people’s lives.

1.How did Japanese people react when the big earthquake hit Japan on December 7th? A.They felt angry. B.They were scared. C.They stayed calm. D.They were frustrated. 2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A.Japan’s reaction to the earthquake impressed the world. B.Japanese schools organize earthquake practices every day. C.Japan has a warning system that can predict earthquakes.

D.Japanese people learn about earthquake safety only from universities. 3.What does the story mainly tell us? A.Japan’s earthquake culture.

B.The bad results caused by the earthquake. C.Japanese people were scared after the earthquake. D.Japanese people were homeless after the earthquake.


Because earthquakes happen without warning,it’s important to make some preparations now.Because you don’t know where you will he when an earthquake happens,prepare some supplies(Ft m~)at your home,at your workplace and in your car. *Water

A person needs at least 1/2 gallon of water daily just for drinking.Store at least 1 gallon of water per person per day and be prepared for a 72-hour period.It is suggested that you buy bottled water. Keep bottled water and do not open it until you need to use it· Also,do check the“use by”date. *Food

It's always a good idea to keep a supply of non—perishable(不易腐烂的)food On hand·

Have an enough supply of canned food,powdered milk,dried fruits,non-salted nuts and canned juice for at least 72 hours·

*Flashlights and batteries(电池)

Keep a flashlight beside your bed,at your place of work and in your car.Do not use matches or candles after an earthquake until you are sure that no gas leaks.

Prepare a battery-powered radio and batteries.Most telephones will be out of order,so radios will be your best source(来源)of information. *Clothes

If you live in a cold place,you must think about warmth.You might not have heat after an earthquake.Think about your clothing and bedding supplies. 4.What kind of natural disaster does the passage give suggestions about? A.Floods. B.Earthquakes. C.Typhoons. D.Snowstorm 5.You should prepare all of the following EXCEPT_________.

A.powdered milk B.canned juice C.dried fruits D.fresh vegetable 6.According to the passage,we know that__________. A.we need to prepare some supplies only at home B.a telephone is the most important prepared thing C.it’s dangerous to use matches first after an earthquake D.clothes are used to protect your head

7.If you live in a cold place,you should prepare_________. A.bedding supplies B.some hot water C.sonic batteries D.some flashlights 【阅读表达】

The power of nature

There are some things in nature that we cannot stop from happening.We cannot stop the power of nature.A flood comes when there is too much water on the land.Sometimes,it is after a big storm when too much rain falls on the land.Sometimes it is after a big storm at sea,when too much sea water comes onto the land.The fast flood water can hurt us and can hurt our homes. We cannot stop a flood from coming,but we can try to stop the water from coming into our homes.We can try to stop the water by making a wall.We can use sandbags to make the wall. An earthquake comes when the land moves.The land goes up and down and in different directions.Then land can crack(断裂).An earthquake can hurt us.We can get hurt by things that fall down in all earthquake.Falling things can start fires.We cannot stop an earthquake from coming,but we can try to make our homes strong so that they will not fall down in an earthquake.



