【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)031
【摘要】To optimize determination method of polysaccharide content in Rosa davurica Pall. [Method] Through precision experiment , stability experiment, recovery rate experiment and linear relationship to compare the application of phenol sulfuric acid colorimetry method and anthranone sulfuric acid colorimetry method in determining polysaccharide content in Rosa davurica Pall. [ Results ] Phenol sulfuric acid colorimetry method was superior than anthranone sulfuric acid colorimetry method in determination of polysaccharide content in Rosa davurica Pall. [Conclusion] The above determination method is stable and reliable.%[目的]优选刺玫果多糖的含量测定方法.[方法]通过精密度试验、稳定性试验、回收率试验和线性关系考察比较苯酚硫酸法和蒽酮硫酸法2种常用多糖含量测定方法在测定刺玫果多糖中的应用.[结果]苯酚硫酸法测定刺玫果多糖含量优于蒽酮硫酸法.[结论]该研究确定的多糖含量测定方法稳定、可靠,可用于刺玫果多糖的含量测定. 【总页数】2页(15194-15195)
【关键词】刺玫果(Rosa davurica Pall.);多糖;含量测定 【作者】陈帅;孙毓婷;李锐;钟方丽