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C. there were other families in the waiting room D. it was dangerous to use a cell phone at the airport

40. The writer would most probably ______ to prevent similar experience from happening again. A. avoid traveling abroad B. change her name C. write to a certain agency D. do nothing special



by Laura E. Richards

All day long the little boy had worked hard, in the field and barn and shed, for his parents were poor farmers, and could not pay a workman. But at sunset there came an hour that was all his own, for his father had given it to him. Then the boy would go up to the top of a hill and look across at another hill that rose some miles away. On that far hill stood a house with windows of clear gold and diamonds. They shone so brightly that it made the boy squint at them, but after a while the people in the house put up shutters, as it seemed, and then it looked like any common farmhouse. The boy supposed they did this because it was suppertime; and then he would go into the house and have his supper of bread and milk, and go to bed.

One day the boy's father called him and said: \holiday. Take this day for your own, and try to learn some good things.\The boy thanked his father and kissed his mother. Then he put a piece of bread in his pocket, and started off to find the house with the golden windows.

It was a pleasant walk. His bare feet made marks in the white dust, and when he looked back, the footprints seemed to be following him, and keeping him company. His shadow, too, kept beside him, and would dance or run with him as he pleased; so it was very cheerful. By and by he felt hungry, and he sat down by a brown stream that ran through the alder hedge by the roadside, ate his bread, and drank the clear water. Then he scattered the small pieces of bread for the birds as his mother had taught him to do, and went on his way.

After a long time he came to a high green hill, and when he had climbed the hill, there was the house on the top. But it seemed that the shutters were up, for he could not see the golden windows. He came up to the house, and then he could well have wept, for the windows were of clear glass, like any others, and there was no gold anywhere about them.

A woman came to the door, looked kindly at the boy, and asked him what he wanted.

\are only of clear glass.\

The woman shook her head and laughed.

\have gold about our windows. But glass is better to see through.\

She let the boy sit down on the broad stone step at the door, and brought him a cup of milk and a cake, and asked him to take a break. Then she called her daughter, a child of his own age, nodded kindly at the two, and went back to her work.

The little girl was barefooted like him, and wore a brown cotton dress, but her hair was golden like the windows he had seen, and her eyes were blue like the sky at noon. She showed the boy about the farm, and showed him her black calf with a white star on its forehead, and he told



her about his own at home, which was red like a chestnut with four white feet. They became friends after they ate an apple together. However, when the boy asked her about the golden windows, the little girl nodded, and said she knew all about them; only he had mistaken the house.

\house with the golden windows, and then you will see for yourself.\

They went to a knoll that rose behind the farmhouse, and the little girl told him that the golden windows could only be seen at a certain hour, about sunset.


When they reached the top of the knoll, the girl turned and pointed;there on a hill far away stood a house with windows of clear gold and diamond, just as he had seen them. And when they looked again, the boy saw that it was his own home.

Then he told the little girl that he must go. He gave her his best pebble, the white one with the red band, that he had carried for a year in his pocket, and she gave him three horse-chestnuts, one red like satin, one spotted, and one white like milk. He promised to come again, but he did not tell her what he had learned. He went back down the hill, and the little girl stood in the sunset light and watched him away.

The way home was long, and it was dark before the boy reached his house, but the lamplight and firelight shone through the windows, making them almost as bright as he had seen them from the hilltop. When he opened the door, his mother came to kiss him, and his little sister ran to throw her arms about his neck, and his father looked up and smiled from his seat by the fire.

\ Yes, the boy had had a very good day. \

\ 41. What does the underlined sentence (in Paragraph 1) mean?

A.The boy had an hour in which to complete his tasks. B.The boy spent only an hour with his father each day. C.The boy was paid for only an hour of labor each day. D.The boy had an hour in which to rest from his work. 42.The third paragraph mainly tells us that________.

A.the boy had hard experiences to find the golden windows B.the boy left different marks on the way in order not to be lost C.the boy was optimistic about his decision though it was not easy

D.the boy was cheerful for so many people accompanied him on the trip 43.Which of the following words can best describe the boy?

A.Faithful and brave B.Diligent and adventurous C.Polite but naughty D.Imaginative but proud

44.The writer’s main purpose in including the character of the girl in this story is ________.

A.to offer the boy someone to talk with

B.to present the boy with a different view of his own house



C.to contrast the boy with someone who was satisfied with her life D.to provide the boy with a reason to visit the neighboring hilltop 45.What can we learn from the passage?

A.East or west, home is best.

B.To see the trees but not the forest. C.Beauty is right here waiting for you. D.Where there is a will, there is a way.



As I walked down to the counselor’s office, I thought to myself, “What will she be like? Will she be old or young? Pretty or ugly? Will she care?” Oh well, I figured it didn’t really matter, anyway. 46 How did they find out that I stutter(口吃)anyway? The last school must have sent my records. It was pretty hard to hide the way I talked.

“Hello! I’m Mrs. Claussen. I hear you’re from Texas!” She must have thought I was a little off my rocker as I stood there gawking, with my mouth wide open and my face red as a beet. She was really pretty! And she was young, too!

“Ye-Ye-Ye-Yes m-m-m-m-m-m-m-aam I am,” I fumbled out. 47 My palms were dripping wet, and I was tense all over. I really blew that introduction, and figured she probably thought I was a goof ball. “Well,” she said with a kind smile, “I’ve always liked Texas.”

Mrs. Claussen turned out to be one of the best speech therapists I’ve ever had. Not like the one in San Antonio who told me to tap my toe so I could talk to a rhythm. That was the beginning of the longest list of circus antics anyone has ever seen. That toe tap developed into a foot stomp, a hand pound, a squinted eye, a head jerk and various other “helpers.”

48 She spent the first several weeks just talking to me, asking me all kinds of questions about myself -- about feelings, about what I thought I did when I blocked. And she listened. She began to teach me about the fundamentals of speech. Not just about my speech, but about everybody’s. Mrs. Claussen taught me about technical things, like circumlocution (a fancy term for avoiding words). And she listened.

I sang in the choir all of my school career and was a pretty good tenor. At my old school I was in the top concert choir, but when my family was transferred I learned that the new school’s choir was all filled up. 49 I felt like that was the one thing that I could really do well -- and I could do it without stuttering. Somehow Mrs. Claussen pulled some strings, rearranged my whole schedule, and got me in the choir. I felt like she really cared about me as a person, not just a speech student.

During my last two years of school I couldn’t really say that my speech got much better -- except in therapy. She explained that my increased fluency in therapy was because I was so relaxed. 50 I remember saying that I wished the whole world was a big therapy session. We laughed!

A. It was such a disappointment.

B. Mrs. Claussen was different though.



C. And I knew that she didn’t care if I stuttered. D. I tried to get in touch with her, but I never did.

E. My heart felt like it was pounding through my chest.

F. My stuttering seemed to be just as much of a problem now as it always was. 第三部分:写(共三节;满分50分)


阅读下面的短文,在短文空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式。 Though different educational systems have different purposes, one thing is certain: all students should take part in examinations.

In the English educational system, students take three important 51 . The first is the eleven-plus, which 52 (take) at the age of eleven somewhat past. At one time the ability shown on the eleven-plus would have determined 53 a child could stay in school. 54 , however, all children continue in \schools, and the eleven-plus 55 which courses of study the child will follow. At the age of fifteen 56 sixteen, the students are tested for the Ordinary Level of the General Certificate of Education. This examination covers a wide range of 57 . Once students have 58 this exam, they are allowed to specialize, so that two-thirds of their courses will be in physics, chemistry, classical language, or 59 they wish to study at great length. The final examination, at eighteen, covers only the content of the special subjects. At university, students study only in their 60 (concentrate) area, and few students ever venture outside that subject again. In a sense, the English boy or girl is a specialist from the age of fifteen.


下面文中共有10处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处加上一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。

Experiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming at a very earlier age. At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become experted at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. Babies two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water. This is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game is very popular with these young swimmers is the underwater tricycle race. Tricycles are lining up on the floor of the pool seven foot under water. The children compete against each other to reach an other end of the pool. Many pedal their tricycles, while most of them prefer to pushing or drag them. Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once. Whether they ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. 第三节:书面表达(满分20分)

面对灾难你知道如何自救吗?你知道怎样预防受骗或侵害吗?请你结合生活中的某一具体事例,写一篇题为“How to protect ourselves”的英语短文,谈谈你是如何进行自我保护




注意:1. 短文必须表达正确,行文连贯; 2. 文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息;

3. 词数:80词左右,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数),你只需接着写。

How to protect ourselves

As middle school students, I think it important for us to learn how to protect ourselves from dangerous situations. In most situations, keeping self-awareness and taking an active action in protecting ourselves is more effective than merely relying on others.






