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一、1. east 2.right 3. countries 4. where’s 5. maps

二、1. 在东部 2.a big country 3.in the south of China 4. 许多动物 5. the West Lake

三、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 四、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. D 五、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6.B 7.C

Module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing.

一、选择每组中不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. A. Chinatown B. dancing C swimming ( ) 2. A. often B. time C. sometimes ( ) 3. A. shop B. there C. restaurant ( ) 4. A. famous B. high C. tell ( ) 5. A. strong B. long C. river 二、据句意及汉语提示写出单词。

1. I _____ (有时) go to school by bike. 2. There are many______ (商店) near my home. 3. The Great Wall is very ______ (坚固的). 4. —There isn't any food to eat. — _______(那么) let's eat outside. 5. There is Chinese ________(舞蹈). 三、用 is或are填空。

1. There _______ many children in the park. 2. There _______ twenty desks in the classroom.

3. There _______ a book, two pens and three pencils on the desk. 4. There _______ a tall tree in front of our classroom. 5. There _______ some meat on the table. 四、单项选择。

( ) 1. —What ______ Linda doing?

—She ______ a book.

A. is; is reading B. does; is reading C. does; reads

( ) 2. Let's ______ to the park tomorrow.

A. going B. to go C. go

( ) 3. Do you want to send an email ______ your friend?

A.in B. to C. at

( ) 4. There are many ______ in Beijing.

A. shop B. shops C. shopes

( ) 5. ______ there any books on the desk?

A. Do B. Is C. Are


It's a sunny day today. My mother and I will have a picnic in the park. There are many people in the park.

There are some women flying kites. And there are some Young Pioneers(少先队员). Two boys are playing with a ball. A girl is drawing.

Look at the big tree. There are many birds in it. They are singing. There is a man under the tree. He is sleeping. ( ) 1. It's a ______ day today.

A. sunny B. cloudy C. windy

( ) 2. What are the women doing?

A. They are playing cards. B. They are singing a song. C. They are flying kites.

( ) 3. Two boys are ______ .

A. playing with a cat B. playing cards C. playing with a


( ) 4. What’s in the tree?

A. A cat. B. Many birds. C. A boy.

( ) 5. Who is under the tree?

A. A boy. B. A man. C. A girl.


一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C 二、1. sometimes 2. shops 3. strong 4.Then 5. dancing 三、1. are 2. are 3. is 4. is 5. is 四、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 五、1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B

Module 2 Unit 2 There are lots of beautiful lakes in China. 一、选出下列单词不同类的一项。

( ) 1. A. long B. strong C. wall ( ) 2. A. are B. do C. is ( ) 3. A. famous B. shop C. lake ( ) 4. A. hundred B. kilometer C. thousand ( ) 5. A. go B. late C. like 二、用there be句型完成下列各句。 1. _______ a boy in the classroom. 2. _______ lots of water in the bottle. 3. _______ many beautiful flowers in the park. 4. _______ some people in the shop. 5. _______ an egg in my bag. 三、连词成句。

1. is, New York, a, there, Chinatown, in (. ) ____________________________________ 2. go, do, to, the, you, park, want, to(?)

____________________________________ 3. from, are, postcards, China, my, these(. )

____________________________________ 4. postcard, like, hope, you, this, I(. )

____________________________________ 5. go, let' s, to, now, restaurant, the(. )

____________________________________ 五、阅读理解。

This is Jim's bedroom, It's new and nice. There is a bed and a chair in it. There is a desk on the floor. There are some flowers on it. There is a bookshelf(书架)behind the bed. Some English books are on the bookshelf. There is a picture on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you



