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一、 课程基本信息

课程名称 总学时/学分 任课单位 适用专业 先修课程 课程负责人 主撰人 无 国际贸易实务 36学时/ 2学分 外国语学院 课程代码 实践学时/学分 所属教研室 英语专业 开设学期 学期 0学时/ 0学分 英语专业教研室 主审人 制订时间 2024年 3月11日 二、课程定位





一级指标 二级指标 1.1 Reasons for International Trade 内涵 Understand what are reasons for international trade. Understand what are benefits of international trade. Understand what are problems in international trade. Understand every vital aspects of a transaction in international trade. Understand every term of delivery in Incoterms 2000. 1. International Trade 1.2 Benefits of International Trade 1.3 Problems in International Trade 2.1 Vital Aspects of a Transaction 2. Terms of Delivery 2.2 Incoterms 2000 2.3 Consideration for Choosing Understand how to choose the terms of Terms of Delivery 3.1 Cargo Packing 3. Cargo Packing, 3.2 Cargo Stowage Stowage and Marking 3.3 Marking delivery in international trade. Understand How to use proper cargo packing in international trade. Understand the basic knowledge of cargo stowage. Understand standards of shipping marks in international trade. 4.1 Ocean Transport 4.2 Air Transport 4.3 Rail Transport 4. International Transport 4.4 Road Transport Understand the basic knowledge of ocean transport in international trade. Understand the basic knowledge of air transport in international trade. Understand the basic knowledge of rail transport in international trade. Understand the basic knowledge of road transport in international trade. 4.5 Containerization, Palletization, Understand the basic knowledge of and Pipelines 4.6 International containerization, palletization, and pipelines in international trade. Multimodal Understand basic knowledge of international multimodal transport. Understand the basic knowledge of foreign exchange 5.2 How to Choose Proper Understand how to choose proper exchange Exchange Rate in the Contract 6. Business Negotiation?? 6.1 Offer 6.2 Counter offer and Acceptance rate in the contract Understand the basic knowledge of offer. Understand the basic knowledge of 2

Transport 5.Foreign Exchange 5.1 Foreign Exchange Rate counter-offer and acceptance. 7. Terms of Payment 7.2 L/C 8. Insurance 9. Inspection and Force Majeure 10.Documentation?? Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance 9.1 Inspection 9.2 Force Majeure in the Contract 7.1 Payment Instruments Understand the basic knowledge of payment instruments in international trade. Understand the basic knowledge of L/C. Understand the basic knowledge of ocean marine cargo insurance. Understand the basic knowledge of inspection in international trade. Understand the basic knowledge of force majeure in the contract. 10.1 Documents in International Understand the basic knowledge of Trade documents used in international trade.

(二)能力板块目标 一级指标 1. International Trade Theory 二级指标 1.1 Reasons for International Trade 1.2 Benefits of International Trade 1.3 Problems in International Trade 2.1 Vital Aspects of a Transaction 2. Terms of Delivery Terms of Delivery 3.1 Cargo Packing 3. Cargo Packing, Stowage and Marking 3.2 Cargo Stowage 3.3 Marking 4.1 Ocean Transport 4.2 Air Transport 4. International Transport 4.3 Rail Transport 4.4 Road Transport 2.2 Incoterms 2000 内涵 Explain why we need international trade. Explain why we need international trade. Learn how to deal with the problems. Explain why we need terms of delivery in international trade. Learn to apply all the terms of delivery into international trade. 2.3 Consideration for Choosing Learn to apply all the terms of delivery into international trade. Learn to how to choose cargo packing in international trade. Learn to apply cargo stowage into practice. Learn to use shipping marks. Learn to how to arrange ocean transport in international trade. Learn to how to arrange air transport in international trade. Learn to how to arrange rail transport in international trade. Learn to how to arrange road transport in international trade. 4.5 Containerization, Palletization, Learn to how to arrange containerization, 3



