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7 black [bl?k] a. 黑色的 8 orange ['?rind?] a. 橘黄色的 Unit 12 Lesson 23-24 重点单词: Lesson 23

1 on [?n] prep. 在…之上 2 shelf [?elf] n. 架子,搁 Lesson 24

1 desk [desk] n.课桌 2 table ['teib?l] n.桌子 3 plate [pleit] n.盘子 4 cupboard ['k?b?d] n.食橱 5 cigarette [?sig?'ret] n.香烟

6 television ['teli?vi??n, ?teli'vi??n] n.电视机 7 floor [fl?:] n.地板 8 dressing table 梳妆台 9 magazine [?m?g?'zi:n] n.杂志 10 bed [bed] n.床

11 newspaper ['nju:s?peip?] n.报纸 12 stereo ['steri?u, 'sti?r-] n.立体声音响 Unit 22 L43-44 Hurry up 1. behind the teapot 在茶壶后面



2. over there 在那边 3. There it is! 那儿呢 4. Here they are! 给你 5. hurry up 快点

6. in the front of the classroom在教室内部的前面 7. between two hills 在两座山之间 8. on a river 靠近河 9. beside the park 公园旁边 10. make the tea 切茶 11. The kettle’s boiling. 水开了 Unit 11 Lesson 21-22 重点单词: Lesson 21

1 give [giv] v. 给 2 one [w?n] pron. 一个 3 which [wit?] 哪一个 Lesson 22

1 empty ['empti] a.空的 2 full [ful] a.满的 3 large [lɑ:d?] a.大的 4 little ['litl] a.小的 5 sharp [?ɑ:p] a.尖的,锋利的



6 small [sm?:l] a.小的 7 big [big] a.大的 8 blunt [bl?nt] a.钝的 9 box [b?ks] n.盒子,箱子 10 glass [glɑ:s] n.杯子 11 cup [k?p] n.茶杯 12 bottle ['b?tl] n.瓶子 13 tin [tin] n.罐头 14 knife [naif] n.刀子 15 fork [f?:k] n.叉子

Unit 23 L 45-46 The boss’s letter 1.come here 过来 2.next door 隔壁 3.in her office 在她的办公室 4.type a letter 打一封信

5.of course/ sure / certainly 当然了 6. What’s the matter with sb.? 某人怎么了? 7.put on 穿上 8.take off 脱下

9.read a book / books 看书

10.read a magazine/magazines 看杂志 11.jump off the wall 跳墙



12.make cakes /a cake 做蛋糕 重点句型:

I can jump off the wall. I can’t jump off the wall. Can you jump off the wall? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Unit 12 Lesson 23-24 重点单词: Lesson 23

1 on [?n] prep. 在…之上 2 shelf [?elf] n. 架子,搁 Lesson 24

1 desk [desk] n.课桌 2 table ['teib?l] n.桌子 3 plate [pleit] n.盘子 4 cupboard ['k?b?d] n.食橱 5 cigarette [?sig?'ret] n.香烟

6 television ['teli?vi??n, ?teli'vi??n] 7 floor [fl?:] n.地板 8 dressing table 梳妆台 9 magazine [?m?g?'zi:n] n.杂志 10 bed [bed] n.床


n.电视机 实用文档

11 newspaper ['nju:s?peip?] n.报纸 12 stereo ['steri?u, 'sti?r-] n.立体声音响 Unit 24 L47-48 A cup of coffee

1.Do you like\\want...? 你喜欢\\想要...吗? 2.Do you want any...? 你想要一些...吗? 3.Yes, please. 是的,请给我吧。 4.No, thank you. 不, 谢谢你。 black coffee 黑咖啡 Unit 13 Lesson 25-26 重点单词: Lesson 25

1 Mrs. ['misiz] 夫人 2 kitchen ['kit?in] n.厨房

3 refrigerator [ri'frid??reit?] n.电冰箱 4 right [rait] n.右边

5 electric [i'lektrik] a.带电的,可通电的 6 left [left] n.左边

7 cooker ['kuk?] n.炉子,炊具 8 middle ['midl] n.中间 9 of [?v, ?, ?v] prep.(属于)…的 10 room [ru:m] n.房间 11 cup [k?p] n.杯子




