第五部分是让学生将相同音的词进行连线,比如mat, hat; chair, pear;wall, ball; car, star; hen, pen; frog, dog; bee, pea; book, cook; fan, man; rain, train.
单元教学活动6 Let’s write and read.
单元教学活动7 Look, guess and write.
单元教学活动8 Read, choose and do.
第八部分是动脑筋的题。教师需让学生逐一完成。 答案是: 1)(省略) 2)250g
3)中文翻译: 我看见我吃的,
我知道我做什么,我做我知道的。 我得到我喜欢的,我喜欢我得到的。 4)underground
单元教学活动9 Look and say.
单元教学活动10 Let’s chant.
单元教学活动4 Look, draw and tell.
第四部分也是一个故事。教师首先对学生说:“Please look at the pictures on page 87. let’s look at Part 4. let’s look at the first picture. Who can tell me? What are the children doing? Yes, they are playing hide-and-seek. This boy is Jim and the girl is May.”教师可以随便起名。然后教师继续说:“Now let’s look at the second picture. May is not under the bed. She is not behind the desk. She is not in the cupboard. She is not behind the door. Where is she? Can you guess? Please draw it.”
Unit 16 Winter fun
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
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通过学习本单元,学生能进一步提高学习英语兴趣 综合复习前面所学的知识,巩固数及名词所有格的概念 综合复习一些日常生活中的常用问题 练习用英语提一些简单的问题
交际用语 Expressions in communication
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Where are the animals?
How about making a bigger snowman? Catch it!
I like coffee.
I don’t like tea.
What do we have for breakfast? Who is your friend? Where do you live?
What do you want to drink?
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
winter, snowy, skating, snowman, hide-and-seek, outside, Paul, Daisy, Mary, John, Bill, Fred, Peter, Jim, Ben, falling, sky, knee, snowflake, hooray, holiday, cinema, kangaroo, guitar
所需教具 Materials for teaching
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准备一些与冬天有关的单词图片及单词卡片 准备若干张A4白纸让学生画画 一根长皮筋
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
上课时,教师首先问大家:“What season is it now? (winter)Do you like this season? Why and why not? How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? What’s your favourite season?”
a ) 问完这些问题后,教师接着说:“Now I want you to tell me how many of you like winter and how many of you don’t like winter. If you like winter, please stand up. Let’s see how many of us like winter.”教师带着学生数数,最后说出喜欢冬天的人数。接着教师问大家:“What can we do in winter? When the weather is very cold, what can we do?”教师引导大家说:“We can play with snowballs. We can fight with snowballs. We can make a snowman. We can roll a big snowball. We can skate on the ice. We can make ice pictures. We can ski on the snow.”教师给出这些提示并把句子写在黑板上,然后让学生朗读。
b ) 铺垫练习之后,教师引导大家看书说:“Look! This is a beautiful picture of winter. Many children and animals come outside. They enjoy the snowy day. Some are skating. Some are making snowmen?”教师指着图问:“What are they doing? What is he doing? What is the lion doing?”
c ) 教师引导学生数图中的一些人物及东西的数量。比如:“How many trees are there? How many hats are there? How many children are there?”等。 d ) 最后,教师引导学生找隐藏着的动物。教师问学生:“Where is the hippo? Where is the rabbit? Where is the dog? Where is the bear?”等。
单元教学活动2 Look, follow and say.
第二部分是让学生找出圣诞老人给每个人家送礼物的最佳路线,但要求是不能越过雪堆,而且不能走重复路线。最后,教师引导大家用语言把句子说出来。教师可以让学生这样表达:“Father Christmas first came to Jim’s house and then walked along this road and came to Bill’s house, then Paul’s house, Ben’s house, Daisy’s house, John’s house, Mary’s house, Fred’s house and Peter’s house.”教师带着学生说一遍以后让学生自己再练习一下。同时教师要告诉学生“Jim’s”意思是“Jim’s house.”
单元教学活动3 Listen, chant and sing.
单元教学活动4 Let’s play and say.
第四部分是一个游戏。开始游戏之前,教师说:“In winter time we should often go out to do some exercises and make our body strong. Now we are going to play an interesting game. Let’s go to the back of our classroom. Look here.”教师拿出事先准备好的一根长皮筋,可以在教室的后在腾出一块地方,让学生站在周围。教师找两个同学各拽着皮筋的一头,然后教师给出一个示范。刚开始的时候,教师让学生把皮筋放得低一些,教师边说边从皮筋的这一头蹦到另一头再蹦回来,并且保持一定的节奏。教师示范后,让三个同学跟着一起说和一起做。教师先带着大家说肯定句,然后教师再示范否定句。说否定句的同学应该站在皮盘筋的另一边,也采取同样的方法。等学生知道如何玩的时候,教师开始让学生比赛。人数的多少根据皮筋的长短和教室的大小决定。在本歌谣的基础上,教师
a ) I like apples. I like jam. Like eating bread with a big ham.
I don’t like apples. I don’t like jam. I don’t like eating bread with a big ham.
b ) I like dogs. I like cats. I like taking a walk with my pets. I don’t like dogs. I don’t like cats. I don’t like taking a walk with my pets.
单元教学活动5 Look and do.
第五部分是手工活动。教师拿出事先准备好的白纸和剪子对学生说:“In winter we can often see something falling from the sky. They are white and light. Do you know what they are?”“Yes, they are snowflakes. Look here. I’ve got some beautiful snowflakes. Do you know how to make snowflakes? I’m going to show you how to cut the snowflakes. It’s very easy. You fold the paper like this.”教师将纸折叠起来,折成几折,然后将其剪成一个圆型后再按照图4剪成雪花样,最后打开展示给学生看。剪完之后,教师可以让学生试一试,也可以让学生回家后在爸爸妈妈的指导下剪一些雪花。
单元教学活动6 Listen, say and act.
单元教学活动7 Listen, read and write.
答案: mouse, school, hat, cheese, window, hand, cold, window, saw, laughing
单元教学活动8 Read and match.
第八部分是谜语。教师可以对学生说:“Now I’m going to give you some riddles. Please guess what they are. It’s white. It’s light. It’s cold. It’s falling from the sky.”学生会很快猜到雪花。教师接着给出书上的谜语。大家猜完之后,教师让大家看书上的句子并将句子与图连线。
单元教学活动10 Read and match.
What’s your surname?
What’s your family name? What’s your favourite food? What’s your teacher like?
What does your teacher like? Who is the youngest in your family? Who is the oldest in your family? Who is your best friend? What are you wearing?
Who buys clothes for you?
What’s the colour of your shoes? Is your bedroom big or small?
单元教学活动11 Read, think and write.
第十一部分是继续完成前面的内容。教师先引导学生看答语。比如:“It is yellow.”然后对学生说:“What question can we ask? We can try‘What colour is it?’What should we answer? ‘It is yellow.’ Is it right? Yes, it’s right. So we put the question here on this line.”教师指着书96页第十一部分的第一道题说。然后,教师让学生两人一组讨论,看应该问什么样的问题。最后,教师检查学生的问句并进行更正。
单元教学活动9 Read and draw.