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1、a wise guy 骄傲自大的人。


Alic's all right, I guess, but sometimes he's such a wise guy. 据我看,亚历克这个人还不赖,不过有时候太狂妄自大了。 有时候本词组还用于朋友之间的调侃。

Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box? 是哪位机灵的大爷拿走了我的饭盒?

2、a shrinking violet 畏首畏尾的人。


George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in the world if he weren't such a shrinking violet.


3、a backseat driver 不在权限范围内而指手划脚的人。

在美国开车出门是许多人生活的一部分。开车的技术当然每个人都不一样,一般来说,开车的人都不太愿意被别人指指点点。所以我们把那些老是喜欢在后面给开车的人提出不必要的指导和建议的人叫做backseat driver。

One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics. 要说指手画脚的人,在政界你可以找到好多。

4、a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人。


I'm sorry to be such a wet blanket, but I'm afraid I have to go home now. 我让大家扫兴,实在太对不起了。不过,我现在必须回家啦。

5、a late bloomer 大器晚成的人。 原意是“迟开的花”,与人大器晚成相似。

Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer.


6、an apple polisher 拍马屁者。

过去美国学生为了讨好老师,把擦得光光亮亮的苹果递给老师,本词组源于此。 You should take much care of him, and he's a real apple polisher. 你可得多留心那小子,他可是个货真价实的马屁精。

7、an ugly customer 粗暴的人。

Ugly是ugly behavior(行为丑恶)的意思,指使用暴力,威胁他人。Customer原意为“顾客”,转用于表示“一沾上边就会有麻烦的人”。

When he starts drinking, he can become an ugly customer. 他一喝上酒就会大吵大闹,令人真是没办法。

8、a visiting fireman 远方的客人。


I'm behind in my work because our office had three groups of visiting firemen this week. 本周我们公司有三批远方来客,因此我耽搁了工作。

9、an Indian giver 送东西给人而日后往回要的人。

这一表达法的起源是:在过去,某些印第安部落有送礼必须还礼的习俗。因此,有不少印第安人为了得到新奇的礼物而向白人送礼。后来就把一般给人送礼而指望别人还礼的人都称为“印第安送礼者”。 Toby may have given you these books, but don't start celebrating yet. He's famous for being an Indian giver.


10、a name-dropper 以仿佛很熟悉的口吻谈到著名人物的人。


Most social climbers are name-droppers.


11、an eager beaver 工作卖力的人。

Beaver海狸是一种哺乳动物,前肢比后肢短,趾有爪,擅长挖掘,忙于筑坝。所以用eager beaver


He seems never to know what tiredness is, and he's really an eager beaver. 他似乎从不知什么叫累,真是个用功的人。

12、mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人。


I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But now I join the football club, and I have no time.



咳嗽 coughing 肝炎 hepatitis 癌症 cancer 心脏病 heart disease/attack Acidosis 酸中毒 Adams-Stokes syndrome 亚-斯氏综合症 alcoholism, alcoholic intoxication 酒精中毒 alkalosis 碱中毒 anaphylaxis 过敏症 anemia 贫血 iron deficiency anemia 缺铁性贫血 megaloblastic anemia 巨幼红细胞性贫血 aplastic anemia 再生障碍性贫血 angiitis 脉管炎 angina pectoris 心绞痛 arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化 apoplexy 中风 auricular fibrillation 心房纤颤 auriculo-ventricular block 房室传导阻滞 bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘 bronchitis 支气管炎 bronchiectasis 支气管扩张 bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎 carcinoma 癌 cardiac arrhythmia 心律紊乱 cardiac failure 心力衰竭 cardiomyopathy 心肌病 cirrhosis 肝硬化 coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease 冠状动脉硬化性心脏病 Crohn disease 克罗恩病 Cushing's syndrome 库欣综合症 diabetes 糖尿病 diffuse intravascular coagulation 弥散性血管凝血 dysentery 痢疾 enteritis 肠炎 gastric ulcer 胃溃疡 gastritis 胃炎 gout 痛风 hepatitis 肝炎 Hodgkin's disease 霍奇金病 hyperlipemia 高脂血症,血脂过多 hyperparathyroidism 甲状旁腺功能亢进 hypersplenism 脾功能亢进 hypertension 高血压 hyperthyroidism 甲状腺功能亢进 hypoglycemia 低血糖 hypothyroidism 甲状腺功能减退 infective endocarditis 感染性心内膜炎 influenza 流感 leukemia 白血病 lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎 lymphadenitis 淋巴结炎 lymphoma 淋巴瘤 malaria 疟疾 malnutrition 营养不良 measles 麻疹 myeloma 骨髓瘤 myocardial infarction 心肌梗死 myocarditis 心肌炎 nephritis 肾炎 nephritic syndrome 肾综合症 obstructive pulmonary emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿 pancreatitis 胰腺炎 peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pleuritis 胸膜炎 pneumonia 肺炎 pneumothorax 气胸 purpura 紫癜 allergic purpura 过敏性紫癜 thrombocytolytic purpura 血小板减少性紫癜 pyelonephritis 肾盂肾炎 renal failure 肾功能衰竭 rheumatic fever 风湿病 rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎 scarlet fever 猩红热 septicemia 败血症 syphilis 梅毒 tachycardia 心动过速 tumour 肿瘤 typhoid 伤寒 ulcerative colitis 溃疡性结肠炎 upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage 上消化道血 Neurology 神经科 brain abscess 脑脓肿 cerebral embolism 脑栓塞 cerebral infarction 脑梗死 cerebral thrombosis 脑

血栓 cerebral hemorrhage 脑出血 concussion of brain 脑震荡 craniocerebral injury 颅脑损伤 epilepsy 癫痫 intracranial tumour 颅内肿瘤 intracranial hematoma 颅内血肿 meningitis 脑膜炎 migraine 偏头痛 neurasthenia 神经衰弱 neurosis 神经官能症 paranoid psychosis 偏执性精神病 Parkinson's disease 帕金森综合症 psychosis 精神病 schizophrenia 精神分裂症 Surgery 外科 abdominal external hernia 腹外疝 acute diffuse peritonitis 急性弥漫性腹膜炎 acute mastitis 急性乳腺炎 acute pancreatitis 急性胰腺炎 acute perforation of gastro-duodenal ulcer急性胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔 acute pyelonephritis 急性肾盂肾炎 anal fissure 肛裂 anal fistula 肛瘘 anesthesia 麻醉 angioma 血管瘤 appendicitis 阑尾炎 bleeding of gastro-duodenal ulcer 胃十二指肠溃疡出血 bone tumour 骨肿瘤 breast adenoma 乳房腺瘤 burn 烧伤 cancer of breast 乳腺癌 carbuncle 痈 carcinoma of colon 结肠炎 carcinoma of esophagus 食管癌 carcinoma of gallbladder 胆囊癌 carcinoma of rectum 直肠癌 carcinoma of stomach 胃癌 cholecystitis 胆囊炎 cervical spondylosis 颈椎病 choledochitis 胆管炎 cholelithiasis 胆石症 chondroma 软骨瘤 dislocation of joint 关节脱位 erysipelas 丹毒 fracture 骨折 furuncle 疖 hemorrhoid 痔 hemothorax 血胸 hypertrophy of prostate 前列腺肥大 intestinal obstruction 肠梗阻 intestinal tuberculosis 肠结核 lipoma 脂肪瘤 lithangiuria 尿路结石 liver abscess 肝脓肿 melanoma 黑色素瘤 osseous tuberculosis 骨结核 osteoclastoma 骨巨细胞瘤 osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 osteosarcoma 骨质疏松症 osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤 Paget's disease 佩吉特病 perianorecrtal abscess 肛管直肠周围脓肿 phlegmon 蜂窝织炎 portal hypertension 门静脉高压 prostatitis 前列腺炎 protrusion of intervertebral disc 椎间盘突出 purulent arthritis 化脓性关节炎 pyogenic ostcomyclitis 化脓性骨髓炎 pyothorax 脓胸 rectal polyp 直肠息肉 rheumatoid arthritis 类风湿性关节炎 rupture of spleen 脾破裂 scapulohumeral periarthritis 肩周炎 tenosynovitis 腱鞘炎 tetanus 破伤风 thromboangiitis 血栓性脉管炎 thyroid adenocarcinoma 甲状腺腺癌 thyroid adenoma 甲状腺腺瘤 trauma 创伤 urinary infection 泌尿系感染 varicose vein of lower limb 下肢静脉曲张Paediatrics 儿科 acute military tuberculosis of the lung 急性粟粒性肺结核 acute necrotic enteritis 急性坏死性结肠炎 anaphylactic purpura 过敏性紫癜 ancylostomiasis 钩虫病 ascariasis 蛔虫病 asphyxia of the newborn 新生儿窒息 atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 birth injury 产伤 cephalhematoma 头颅血肿 cerebral palsy 脑性瘫痪 congenital torticollis 先天性斜颈 convulsion 惊厥 Down's syndrome 唐氏综合症 glomerulonephritis 肾小球肾炎 hemophilia 血友病 infantile diarrhea 婴儿腹泻 intracranial hemorrhage of the newborn 新生儿颅内出血 intussusception 肠套叠 necrotic enterocolitis of newborn 新生儿坏死性小肠结膜炎 neonatal jaundice 新生儿黄疸 nutritional iron deficiency anemia 营养性缺铁性贫血 nutritional megaloblastic anemia 营养性巨幼细胞性贫血 patent ductus arteriosis 动脉导管未闭 poliomyelitis 骨髓灰质炎 premature infant 早产儿 primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核 progressive muscular dystrophy 进行性肌肉营养不良 pulmonary stenosis 肺动脉狭窄 purulent meningitis 化脓性脑膜炎 rickets 佝偻病 sepsis of the newborn 新生儿败血症 tetanus of the newborn 新生儿破伤风 tetralogy of Fallot 法洛四联症 thrush 鹅口疮,真菌性口炎 varicella 水痘 ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损 viral encephalitis 病毒性脑炎 viral

myocarditis 病毒性心肌炎Gynecology and Obstetrics 妇,产科 abortion 流产 adenomyosis 子宫内膜异位症 amniotic fluid embolism 羊水栓塞 Bartholin's cyst 巴氏腺囊肿 carcinoma of cervix 子宫颈癌 carcinoma of endometrium 子宫内膜癌 carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌 cervicitis 宫颈炎 chorio-epithelioma 绒毛膜上皮癌 corpora luteum cyst 黄体囊肿 dystocia 难产 eclampsia 子痫 edema-proteinuria-hypertension syndrome 水肿蛋白尿高血压综合征(妊娠高血压综合征) endometriosis 子宫内膜异位症 extrauterine pregnancy 子宫外孕 hydatidiform mole 葡萄胎 hyperemesis gravidarum 妊娠剧吐 infertility 不育症 irregular menstruation 月经失调 lochia 恶露 monilial vaginitis 念珠菌性阴道炎 multiple pregnancy 多胎妊娠 myoma of uterus 子宫肿瘤 oligohydramnios 羊水过少 ovarian tumour 卵巢肿瘤 pelvic inflammatory disease 盆腔炎 placenta previa 前置胎盘 placental abruption 胎盘早期剥离 pregnancy-hypertension syndrome 妊娠高血压综合症 premature birth 早产 premature rupture of membrane 胎膜早破 postpartum hemorrhage 产后出血 puerperal infection 产褥感染 rupture of uterus 子宫破裂 trichomonas vaginitis 滴虫性阴道炎 uteroplacental apoplexy 子宫胎盘卒中 vulvitis 外阴炎Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology 五官科 amblyopia 弱视 amygdalitis, tonsillitis 扁桃体炎 astigmatism 散光 carcinoma of nasopharynx鼻咽癌 carcinoma of larynx 喉癌 cataract 白内障 tinnitus 耳鸣 chalazion 霰粒肿,脸板腺囊肿 colour blindness 色盲 deflection of nasal septum 鼻中隔偏曲 deafness 聋 furuncle of nasalvestibule 鼻前庭疖 glaucoma 青光眼 heterotropia 斜视 hyperopia 远视 injury of cornea 角膜损伤 ceruminal impaction 耵聍嵌塞 iritis 虹膜炎 keratitis 角膜炎 labyrinthitis 迷路炎, 内耳炎 laryngitis 喉炎


(1) 一般病情:

He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。) He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。)

He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。) He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。)

She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家几天了。) Her head is pounding. (她头痛。)

His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. (他的症状包括没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。)

He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. (他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。) He has been lacking in energy for some time. (他感到虚弱有段时间了。) He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。) He feels as though everything around him is spinning. (他感到周围的东西都在打



