SL1500/77型风电机组测试参数说明 Manufacturer’s certificate on specific data of the type SL1500/77 of installation 1、概要 / General
风电机组制造商/manufacturer: 型号 / type name:
类型(水平轴/垂直轴)/kind ( horizontal/vertical axis): 额定功率/rated power:
额定视在功率/rated apparent power: 额定电流/rated current: 额定电压/rated voltage:
轮毂距塔架基础法兰高度/hub height above top of foundation flange: 额定风速/rated wind speed:
切入和切出风速/cut-in and cut-out wind speed:
变压器高压侧短路电流/contribution to short circuit current:
Sinovel SL1500/77 水平轴 1520 kW 1688 kVA 1255 A 690 V 80 m 13 m/s 3m/s,20 m/s 453 A
直径/diameter: 扫掠面积/swept area: 叶片数量/number of blades:
轮毂类型/kind of hub (teetered/rigid):
与塔架的相对位置(上风向/下风向)/relative position to tower (luv/lee): 额定转速/转速范围/rated speed/speed range: 尖速比/design tip speed ratio:
风轮叶片桨距角设置/rotor blade pitch setting:
风轮法兰中心与塔架中心线之间距离/distance between rotor flange centre and tower centre line:
77 m 4657 m2 3 刚性轮毂 上风向
1500 / 1000-2000 r/min
7.5 -2° - 86°
4.08 m
3、叶片/Rotor blade
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name: 类型/kind:
材料/material(外部/outer ; 内部/inner) 长度/length:
弦长(最大/最小)/chord length (max./min.):
附加组件(如失速条,扰流器等)/additional components (e.g. stall strips, vortex generators, trip strips): 中复 LZ37.5-1.5MW-V
升力型 GRP 37.5 m 3.2 m/ 0 m 无 4、齿轮箱/Gear
制造商/manufacturer: not applicable 型号/type name: not applicable 类型/kind: not applicable 设计类型/design: not applicable
PPSC1290 增速箱 一级行星轮+二级平行轴
齿轮比/gear ratio: not applicable 104.125 5、发电机/Generator
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name: 类型/kind: 数量/numbers:
额定功率/rated power (s):
额定视在功率/rated apparent power:
额定转速/转速范围/rated speed (s)/speed range: 电压/voltage: 频率/frequency:
定子电感/ stator inductance: 定子电阻/stator resistance: 激磁电感/ excitation inductance: 转子电阻/ rotor resistance: 转子电感/ rotor inductance:
转子开路电压/rotor open-circuit voltage:
接线方式(定子/转子)/winding connection type(stator/rotor) : 额定转差率/rated slip:
永济新时速 YJ93A 双馈式感应发电机
1 1520 kW
1689 kVA
1800 / 1000-2000 r/min
690 V 50 Hz 0.2578 mH 5.2 m? 15.877 mH 5.8 m? 0.4186 mH 2024V 三角/星形 -0.2
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name: 类型/kind:
额定电压/rated voltage:
电平数量/ number of electrical level: 额定功率/rated power:
额定视在功率/rated apparent power: 数量/ numbers: 变流器1/ No.1 converter
电网侧变流器额定功率/ rated power of grid side converter: 电机侧变流器额定功率/ rated power of generator side converter: 电网侧变流器额定视在功率/ rated apparent power of grid side converter: 电机侧变流器额定视在功率/ rated apparent power of generator side converter: 直流侧chopper电阻(有/无)/ DC bus chopper resistance(yes, no): 直流侧chopper电阻阻值/ resistance value of DC bus chopper: 直流侧chopper电阻容量/ capacity of DC bus chopper resistance: Crowbar电阻(有/无)/ crowbar resistance(yes, no): Crowbar 阻值/ resistance of crowbar: Crowbar 容量/ capacity of crowbar:
滤波器(有/无)/harmonic filter (yes, no):
滤波器类型(L/LCL/LC…)/type of harmonic filter (L/LCL/LC…):
美国超导 PM3000 双馈 690 V 2 1500 kW 1500 kVA
1 006926404 750 kW 750 kW 750 kVA 750 kVA 有 2.2 Ω 250 KJ 有 0.3 Ω 8000KJ 有 LC
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name: 类型/kind:
设计(方形/管形,圆柱形/圆锥形)/design (lattice/tubular,cylindrical/conical): 材料/ material: 长度/ length:
10、变桨控制/Pitch control
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name: 类型/kind:
软件版本号/software version of control system:
KEB 5ESMEOO-2450 电动变桨 3004
11、偏航控制/Yaw control
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name:
设计(/被动)/design (active/passive):
驱动(电动./机械./液压.)/drive (electr./mech./hydr.): 运行阻尼系统/damping system during operation:
主动式 电动 滑动衬垫
12、控制系统/Control system
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name:
功率控制的驱动/ actuation:
控制特性/ applied used control characteristic:
控制系统软件版本/ software version of control system:
Sinovel MPC240 变速恒频 变桨变速 C5
13、刹车系统/Brake system
制造商/manufacturer: 型号/type name: 类型/kind:
刹车系统(主要/次要)/brake system (primary/secondary): 激励方式/activation: 安装位置/location: 驱动/actuation:
BSFI 3090-MS35S-104 AWA
被动式 次要 常闭 高速轴 液压驱动
14、升压站变压器/Substation transformer
Sr, 额定视在功率/rated apparent power: U1r,额定电压(高压侧)/rated voltage (HV): U2r,额定电压(中压侧)/rated voltage (MV): Uk,短路阻抗/short-circuit impedance: Pk,负载损耗/load losses:
15、风电机组变压器/WTC transformer
Sr,额定视在功率/rated apparent power: U1r,额定电压(中压侧)/rated voltage(MV): U2r,额定电压(低压侧)/rated voltage(LV): Uk,短路阻抗/short-circuit impedance: Pk,负载损耗/load losses:
1600kVA 35kV 0.69kV 6 国标10型
16、其他电气参数/ Other electric parameter
并网制造商/manufacturer 并网类型/kind of interconnection: 主保护制造/mains protective manufacturer: 主保护类型/kind of main protection: 调整范围/adjustment ranges 过电压保护/overvoltage protection: 低电压保护/undervoltage protection: 高频保护/overfrequency protection: 低频保护/underfrequency protection:
接触式断路器类型/type of contact breaking device:
ABB 接触器 施耐德 断路器
621V ~759V/48Hz~52Hz
759V 621V 52Hz 48Hz
17、非电量传感器/ Non-electricity Measurement Sensor
风速传感器型号/ type of wind speed sensor: 风速传感器精度/ accuracy of wind speed sensor: 风速传感器序列号/ serial number of wind speed sensor: 转速传感器型号/ type of rotate speed sensor: 转速传感器精度/ accuracy of rotate speed sensor: 转速传感器序列号/ serial number of rotate speed sensor: 桨矩角传感器型号/ type of pitch angle sensor: 桨矩角传感器精度/ accuracy of pitch angle sensor: 桨矩角传感器序列号/ serial number of pitch angle sensor:
Thies FT 0.01m 03100419 862209116-2500
2500 862209116 COMER 0.01
18、其他信息/ Other information
测试地理位置/location of measured WT: 测试地理坐标/coordinate of the location: 测试海拔高度/altitude:
风机序列号/serial number of WT: 叶片序列号/serial number of blades:
变桨控制器序列号/serial number of pitch controller: 齿轮箱序列号/serial number of gearbox: 发电机序列号/serial number of generator: 变流器序列号/serial number of converter:
D3-10 012
102544 293A100604 06926404
制造商地址/ Address of manufacturer:xxx
签字,盖章/stamp, signature
风电机组制造商确认低电压穿越测试和测试报告中所描述的机组技术数据与以上条目是一致的。The manufacturer of the wind turbine (WT) confirms that the WT whose LVRT performance is measured and depicted in the test reports, is identical with the above entries with regard to its technical data.