掺ZrO2水泥熟料中C3 S的形成动力学
【期刊名称】《洛阳理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】应用金斯特林格方程和阿伦尼乌斯公式计算熟料中C3 S形成时的反应速率常数和活化能,研究ZrO2对熟料中C3 S形成动力学的影响。研究结果表明:ZrO2对低温固相反应阶段生料的易烧性无改善作用;高温煅烧条件下,低掺量ZrO2生料的易烧性优于高掺量ZrO2生料,ZrO2掺量为0.2%时,熟料体系中C3 S的形成活化能比基准样降低74.4 kJ·mol-1,而ZrO2掺量≥0.6%时,其熟料中C3 S的形成活化能均高于基准样。%The effects of zirconium oxide (ZrO2 )on the formation kinetics of C3 S are investigated by analyzing the reaction rate constant and the activation energy of C3 S in clinkers which are obtained according to the Gentling equation and Arrhenius equation.Results show that the burnability of cement raw doped with ZrO2 is not improved in low-temperature solid reaction;the burnablity of cement raw with low dosage of ZrO2 is superior to that of cement raw with high addition in high temperature calcination.Compared with the reference sample,the Ea value decreased by 74.4 kJ·mol-1 when the dosage of ZrO2 is 0.2%in mass,while the Ea value increased reversely when the ZrO2 content is greater than 0.6%. 【总页数】5页(1-5)
掺ZrO2水泥熟料中C3 S的形成动力学