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外研版英语八上试题Module8 Accidents单元练习

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Module8 Accidents单元练习


1. Tim Cook called his mother every week even while he around the world.

A. was traveling A. are; doing A. is writing A. slept A. cooks

B. is traveling

B. did; do B. was writing B. sleep B. is cooking

C. traveled D. travels

C. were; doing

2. What you when the captain came in? 3. He a letter when I came in. C. wrote C. are sleeping C. was cooking

D. writes D. were sleeping D. have cooked

4. Many people when the earthquake happened last week. 5. When I came back home, my mother dinner. 6. --- I called you last night , but you didn't answer.

--- Sorry, Grace. I I am A Singer when the phone rang.

A. am watching A. reach

B. was watching B. appear

C. attend

C. have watched

D. visit

7. I thought he would come to the party, but he didn't . 8. --- The news reported that the child in the accident was saved . --- Great! How lucky he was!

A. in time A. give A. from

B. on time B. throw B. on

C. at times C. put C. off

D. at any time D. take D. down

9. Don't all the things away. Some of them are useful, too. 10. Linda's brother fell the tree and broke his leg. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)

11. They are going to a on TV next month. 12. Now more and more people realize the r of smoking. 13. Boys and girls, please pay a to your handwriting. Write clearly and correctly. 14. Don't t your books everywhere. You should put them away. 15. Mice usually h in the holes in the day. 16. I had a p in my head last night, but now I feel better. 17. I'm g to hear that you passed the test. 18. Look! The lovely monkey is c up the tree. 19. Is the life better or w than it was 50 years ago? 20. An old woman is standing at the street c . 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)

21. While I was (爬) the tree, a man saw me.



22. The silly thief got into a bedroom and (藏) himself under the bed. 23. I waited for Jim for a long time, but he didn't (出现). 24. He (扔) a small stone at the dog yesterday.

25. The old man looked a bit (苍白) than usual after the operation. 26. I'm (高兴的) to pass the English exam.

27. The doctor asked me to take this (药) twice a day.

28. My teacher often told me to pay (注意) to my spelling while I was writing. 29. I found a little boy crying at the street (拐角). 30. Take this medicine, or you'll feel even (更糟).


31. 当心别从梯子上掉下来。

Be careful not to the ladder. 32. 在公路上和同学肩并肩地骑自行车是危险的。

It's dangerous to ride bikes with your classmates on the road. 33. 自从元月一日以来, 政府更加关注食品安全问题。

Since Jan. 1st, the government has more to the problem on food safety. 34. Luckily, the man was saved by the doctor (及时). (词数不限) 35. 当我爸爸回家的时候,我正在写作业。

I my homework my father came back home. 五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)

Mike's grandma died weeks ago. He missed her very much and felt very 36 all the time. His grandma 37 to go to the City Park. One afternoon Mike went there. He saw an old woman sitting there and 38 some birds. Little Mike went up and sat next to her. He took 39 his food and drinks and shared them with her. She 40 at him. Mike felt quite happy to see the old woman's smiling face. They sat there all the 41 , eating and talking. As it grew dark, Mike had to leave. 42 he left, he hugged the old woman and she gave him a 43 smile. When Mike got home that day, his mother was 44 to see the joy on his face. \the park. Her 45 was like what I was on grandma's face,\36. A. happy 37. A. likes 38. A. watching 39. A. away 40. A. looked 41. A. morning 42. A. Before 43. A. ugly 44. A. worried 45. A. nose

B. sad B. invites B. looking B. off B. shouted B. afternoon B. After B. scary B. surprised B. mouth

C. worried C. used C. watch C. back C. laughed C. evening C. While C. sweet C. excited C. eye

D. pleased D. wanted D. look D. out D. smiled D. day D. Until D. terrible D. interested D. smile





A man eating in a restaurant calls the waiter and says that he gets only one piece of bread. \like lots of bread,\

The next day he comes. The waiter gives him three pieces. \man. \more bread.\

After a few days he comes. The waiter gives him five pieces but still the man is unhappy. Later the waiter tells the cook about the man. The cook says he will let him feel satisfied next time. Two days later the man comes again. The waiter brings him a piece of bread six feet(英尺) long happily.

The man looks at the bread in surprise.

\are once again giving me just one piece!\

46. When the man first eats in the restaurant, the waiter gives him piece (s) of bread.

A. one A. two A. interesting A. 惊讶的

B. three B. three B. friendly B. 满意的

C. five C. four C. strange C. 愤怒的

D. seven D. five D. shy D. 自卑的

47. The man goes to the restaurant for times(次) in the passage.

48. The waiter tells the cook about the man because he may think the man is . 49. What does the underlined word \50. The cook makes a very long piece of bread because . A. the man asks him to do so B. the man wants long bread C. the waiter asks him to do so D. he wants to make the man happy


Mr. Jenkins is a farmer. One day he drives his truck to town and on the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt him. He takes the boy to a hospital and he pays a lot of money for that, but the boy's parents want to get more money from him, so they say their son can't lift his right arm above his head. Mr. Jenkins' lawyer comes and asks the boy some question. \my boy,\he says, \Jenkins' truck knocks you down in the street.”

“Yes, sir,” he says.

“Could you show how high you can lift your right arm?” the lawyer asked. Slowly the boy lifts his right arm before his nose.

“Poor boy,” says the lawyer, \

“Oh, I can lift it very high.” Says the boy and the right hand goes up hight above his head. 51. Mr. Jenkins' truck knocks down . A. a lawyer B. a boy's father C. a boy



52. The boy's parents want to get from him.

A. more trucks A. ask some questions A. right arm A. something

B. more money

B. answer some questions B. left arm B. anything

C. more monkeys C. lift his left arm C. right foot C. nothing

53. Mr. Jenkins' lawyer asks the boy to . 54. The boy says he can't lift his now. 55. There is wrong with the boy. C

It was eleven at night. The house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except(除了) me. I looked sad because I had to read a lot of books.

I was going to have my test the next day. “When can I go to bed?” I asked myself, but I didn't answer myself. It was nearly twelve. “Oh, dear! There are still ten books I haven't read!” I think students are the saddest ones in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.

I was quite despaired(绝望的). I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “My God, please let me pass(通过) the coming test. I will work hard next time. Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I couldn't open them. A few minutes later, I fell asleep. 56. What does the word “prayed” mean in Chinese?

A. 祈祷 B. 害怕 C. 发誓

B. He worked very hard

D. 诅咒

57. What do you think of the writer?

A. He was a good student C. He could pass the test

D. He didn't work hard before



That's an old joke in the west, but it came to my mind again when I saw people crossing the road at the intersection of Shaanxi Road and Huaihai Road in Shanghai. When the traffic light was red, a group of people were waiting for the light to change. Suddenly one man began rushing to the other side of the road. Soon others followed him at the crossing and more people did the same. Just like chickens, they didn't mind the honking horns(喇叭声) and kept crossing the road in a mess.

Every year several thousand people are either killed or hurt on the roads in Shanghai. And at least one third of them were jaywalking(乱穿马路). Jaywalking is very common in Shanghai. It seems that jaywalkers are not afraid of the danger to themselves.

Traffic laws are to keep people safe. So we should obey them, and have good road-crossing habits. When someone starts to jaywalk, we should stop him, and never follow him. That way we can avoid the traffic accidents.

58. The underlined word \ A. road B. bridge C. crossing D. traffic

59. The writer saw people in Shanghai that day. 金戈铁骑制作


A. crossing the road in a mess B. waiting for the green light patiently C. crossing the road with chickens D. hurting each other in the street A. He thinks it's OK. C. He has no idea of it.

B. He thinks it's wrong. D. He doesn't mention it.

60. How does the writer like what he saw in Shanghai that day?


I'm a student from Australia. My vacation is coming. 61. But I don't know how to get there. My friends give me some advice.

Traveling by plane, of course, is faster than traveling by train or bus, but one can't see anything during the trip except the blue sky and white cloud. 62. And traveling by plane is very expensive. 63. because passengers can walk and buy food and drinks on a train. They can also see cities through the windows. 64. To travel by bus, my friends tell me, is easy and cheap. You can find buses almost in every city, big or small. 65. At last I decide to go there by bus.

A. So it is not interesting. B. That makes the trip easy. C. It's very difficult to find it. D. I want to go to the south of China. E. To travel by train is relaxing,

F. What do you think of traveling by train? G. But they don't stop in many places.


December 21 was Becky's fourteenth birthday. When she got home after school, she saw her parents in the living room. They said to her, \for it in your bedroom.\

Becky ran quickly to her room. On her bed she saw a bright red box. She thought that her present must be in the box. She opened it. There was nothing but a card in it. The girl took it out and read.

\letters are the same as in the word 'water'. My middle three letters are in the word 'put'. What am I?\ Becky thought hard and soon smiled. She then went back to the living room and shouted. \I know what present it is. Thank you very much, Mum and Dad! But where is it?\\ Becky hurried to the study. There on the desk she found her present. What was it? Do you know? 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。

66. Why did Becky's parents give a present to her? it was . 金戈铁骑制作

外研版英语八上试题Module8 Accidents单元练习


