一、重点词汇列表 动词 名词 search, murder, support, exist creature, witness, research, possibility, case, evidence, progress, treasure, strength 形容词 puzzled, puzzling, convincing, disappointed, similar 重点词组 run into, step up, due to, go missing, show up, according to, put on, rule out, look into, make up, take charge of, so far, be similar to, be said to do, run after, on average 二、精选词汇讲解 1. search (1) search vt./vi. 搜索,搜寻,搜查
search sb 搜(某人的)身;search somewhere 在某处搜查
search somewhere for sth. 在某处搜寻某物;search for sth. 搜寻/寻找某物 They searched him without any reason.他们毫无理由地搜了他的身。
They searched every part of the temple for the murderer. 他们对这座寺庙进行了全面搜查,以便找出凶手。
Scientists are searching for a cure for the disease. 科学家正在寻找治愈这种疾病的办法。 He is searching for the missing key. 他正在寻找失踪的钥匙。 (2) search n. 搜寻,寻找 in search of … 寻找/寻求某物
The villagers continued their search for the lost child in the forest. 村民们继续在森林里寻找那个迷路的孩子。
Migrant workers moved from city to city in search of work. 流动工人为找工作从一个城市移居到另一个城市。
He went in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 他去为他生病的妻子找医生。 2. support
(1) support vt. 支撑;支持,拥护;维持, 赡养;证实
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The old man entered the room supported by his grandson. 老人由孙子扶着进了房间。 They supported the Democratic Party. 他们支持/拥护民主党。
The desert climate supports little plant life. 沙漠气候使很少的植物能维持下去/存活。 He has a large family to support. 他要养活一大家子人。
Can you give some examples to support your argument? 你能举几个例子来论证你的论点吗?
(2) support n. 支援,帮助;拥护;支撑;供养;
Hunter is the chief support of the family. 亨特是他家的主要赡养者。
Jim was a great support to us when father died. 父亲死后,吉姆给了我们巨大的帮助。 We need your support. 我们需要你们的支持。 3. witness
(1) witness n. [c.] 目击者; 见证人;证明,见证 a witness to/of...是...的目击证人
The police found the witness to the murder. 警察找到了那个谋杀案的目击证人。 She was a witness of the accident. 她是那次事故的目击证人。
You cannot sign your will without witnesses. 没有见证人的情况下你不能签署你的遗嘱。 His whole life was a witness to his honesty. 他的整个一生就是对他的诚实的见证。 (2) witness vt./ vi. 目击,亲眼看见;为……作证 witness to ... / to doing ... 为某事作证/ 为做某事作证
Did anyone witness the robbery? 有人亲眼目睹了这次抢劫案吗? She witnessed our wedding. 她见证了我们的婚礼。
He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building. 他证明说看到那个人进了那栋楼。
This gift witnesses to his generosity. 这件礼物见证了他的慷慨。 4. puzzled
(1) puzzle vt. 使迷惑,使困惑
The woman’s illness puzzled the doctor, and he couldn’t find the cause. 那妇女的病使那医生很困惑,他就是找不到病因。
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The teacher was puzzled by the student’s question. 老师被这个学生的问题难住了。 (2) puzzle n. n. 难题,难解之事,谜
We are trying to work out a puzzle. 我们正设法解出一个难题。 (3) puzzled adj. 困惑的,茫然的 ; puzzling adj. 令人困惑的,莫名其妙的 a puzzled mother 一位困惑的母亲;a puzzling case 一件令人困惑的案件 I’m puzzled about what to do next. 我很迷茫下一步该干什么。
He couldn’t sleep well as he was thinking about the puzzling problem. 他睡不好,因为他一直在思考着那个令人困惑的问题。
She listened with a puzzled expression on her face. 她脸上带着困惑的表情在倾听着。 (4) 注意:在英语中,动词的现在分词或过去分词可用作形容词。当用来表示人的情绪状态或感觉时,常用过去分词形式的形容词,这些词常用来修饰人或look, expression, voice, face 等名词。当表示事物的特征或属性时,常用现在分词形式的形容词。如: frighten vt. 使惊吓; frightened adj. 感到害怕的; frightening adj. 令人害怕的 disappoint vt.使失望; disappointed adj. 感到失望的; disappointing adj. 令人失望的 surprise vt. 使惊奇; surprised adj. 感到惊讶的; surprising adj. 令人惊讶的 excite vt. 使兴奋 excited adj. 感到兴奋的,激动的 exciting adj. 令人激动的 5. convincing
(1) convincing adj. 使人信服的,有力的,令人心悦诚服的
convincing evidence 令人信服的证据; convincing arguments 令人信服的论据
No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs died out. 尚未有人能对恐龙的灭绝作出一个令人信服的解释。 (2) convinced adj. 相信的,被说服的 I'm quite convinced. 我很相信(这件事)。 (3) convince vt. 使……相信,说服
convince sb. of sth使某人相信某事;sb. be convinced of...某人相信某事 convince sb. that使某人相信某事; convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 I am convinced of her innocence. 我相信他的清白。
I have been trying to convince him to see a doctor. 我一直在努力说服他去看医生。
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