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(1)停顿(Pause/Stop):为了使意思表达地更清晰,或者是为了换气的需要,我们在说活或者朗读时, 经常需要停顿,在形式上,在有标点的地方需要停顿,在意义上,它与意群有关;

(2)意群(Sense group):一个句子可以按照意义和语法结构分为几个部分,每一个部分可以成为一个意 群。从语义、语法上讲,意群是能表达某种意思的一个词、一组词、一个短语或一个分句、一个从句或 一个主句。


①升调(Rising tone):用于一般疑问句(General question)

②降调(Falling tone):用于陈述句(Declarative sentence)、特殊疑问句(Special question)、

祈使句(Imperative sentence)、感叹句(Exclamatory sentence)

③升降调(Rising-falling tone):用于选择疑问句(Alternative question)、 并列句(Coordinate sentence)

④降升调(Falling-rising tone):用于反义疑问句(Disjunctive question/Tag question) (4)重音(Stress):包括以下两种:


①辅音+元音(Final consonant + initial vowel):前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头; 如:pick ~ up;



②r/re+元音(r/re + initial vowel):前一个单词以r/re结尾,后一个单词以元音开头;如:for ~ example;

③元音+元音(Final vowel + initial vowel):前一个单词以元音结尾,后一个单词以元音开头; 如:how ~ are you?

④辅音+辅音(Final consonant + initial consonant):前一个单词以辅音结尾,后一个单词以辅音开头;后面的辅音实际上是半元音(semi-vowel);如:luck ~ you; (6)爆破(Plosive):主要包括以下四种:

①失去爆破(Loss of plosive):当2个爆破音相连时,第一个“引而不发”,第二个爆破;爆破音包

括:/b/ /p/ /d/ /t/ /g/ /k/ ;如:doctor;

②不完全爆破(Incomplete plosive):当爆破音后面跟有摩擦音(/f/ /v/ /θ/ / e/ /s/ /z/ /?/ /?/

/h/)、破擦音(/t?/ /d?/)时,前面的爆破音只做部分爆破;如:good friends; ③/t/ 或 /d/ + /m/ 或 /n/ 型:如:good morning; ④/t/ 或 /d/ + /l/ 型:handle;

【设计思路】语音课,我们采用3P模式,即presentation, practice以及production;各个环节可



Teaching Plan

Teaching Aims:



Knowledge aims:

(1)Students can know the meaning of … (语音现象)in English language studying. (2)Students can learn … (材料内容) Ability aims:(根据语音现象选择)

①停顿/意群:Students can pause correctly according to the sense group in reading sentences.

②语调:Students can recognize different intonations of different sentences, such as declarative sentence, general question.

③重读:Students can understand the intention of speaker and the changes of meaning through the changes of stress.

④连读:Students can read the sentences more fluently by using the knowledge of liaison. ⑤爆破:Students can read English sentences more fluently by using the knowledge of loss of plosive.

Emotional aims: (以下内容选一/二即可)

(1)Students can get more interests and confidence in learning English. (2)Students will be willing to apply their English into daily use. (3)Students can get the awareness of cooperation with others. Teaching Key & Difficult Points: Teaching key point:

Students can know what … (语音现象)is and how to use it. Teaching difficult point:

How to make students understand what …(语音现象) is. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up 1.Greetings.

2.Lead-in: (以下导入方式选其一即可)



①Review the knowledge that we learned before/in the last class with the students: … ②Check students’ homework that I assigned in the last class: … ③Share a story/saying/experience with students: …

④Show students some pictures about … and ask them to think about the following questions:/ Play a short video to the students and ask them to think about the following questions during watching:

Q1: … Q2: …

⑤Free talk: ask students to discuss the following question and then invite some of them to share their answers:

Q: …

⑥Tongue twister: read one/some tongue twisters twice for the students and ask them which time is better and why.

Tongue twisters: How many cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook cookies?

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?


Step 2 Presentation

(1)Deal with the material: (以下方式取其一即可)

①Play the tape once or twice, ask students to get the main idea of it or just ask them one or two questions:

Q1: … Q2: …


②Read the passage once or twice, ask students to get the main idea of it or just ask them one or two questions:



Q1: … Q2: …



①停顿/意群:Read the passage for the students, then ask them “how many stops are there in my reading?”

②语调:Read the passage for the students and read some new sentences twice, then ask them “what’s the difference of these two times?”

③重音:Read the passage for the students and read some new sentences twice, then ask them “what’s the difference of these two times?”

④连读:Read the passage for the students and read some new sentences twice, then ask them “which time is better and why?”

⑤爆破:Read the passage for the students and read some new sentences twice, then ask them “what’s the difference of these two times?”

(3)Make a summary about the rules of …(语音现象) Step 3 Practice

Ask the students to read the passage with the rules of …(语音现象), then invite some of them to share and give evaluation.

Step 4 Production

Play a dubbing game: play a short video and then ask students to play a dubbing game. Step 5 Summary and Homework

Summary: ask a student/lead the students to summarize the content of this lesson.(总结环节可以是老师自己总结,让同学总结,老师和同学一起总结三种方式,一般使用后两种方式比较好)

Homework: ask students to write a short passage about … and make a record of their reading with the rules of …(语音现象) and emotion.

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