Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development
Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development?
Conflicts will arise whenever official decisions are to be made regarding the environment and the economy. Both of them are closely interrelated with the fundamental interests of mankind. Should the government allow the slowdown of economic development by focusing mainly on natural preservation? On emphasis be laid upon the rapid advancement of economy at the cost of a deteriorated environment? As far as I am concerned, neither of these issues can afford to be neglected. It is the inescapable obligation on the part of the government to ensure the sustainable development of both nature and economy.
To begin with, as the foundation of society, economy is of top priority in all nations. The thriving of a country depends on its economic conditions. Today, globalization has already produced chain effects in economy, whose impact have gone beyond national boundaries from one nation to another. Undoubtedly, the neglect of economic development will bring people back to poverty and hunger. To maintain a smooth and healthy economic development, government is a major force. There is no excuse for a government to shun the responsibility of helping to further develop their country's national economy. Take China as an example. The economic reforms and the opening-up policy adopted last century benefited the nations and its people as a whole. Nowadays, more preferential policies are being formed and implemented, which further testifies to the powerful role of government in economic development.
Likewise, environmental preservation is also of vital importance. In reality, the unprecedented environmental problems are closely associated with economic and scientific advancement, thus demanding attention from the government. To illustrate, among these issues, the most noticeable ones include air and water pollution caused by industrial waste, global warming, acid rain, land depletion, rainforest destruction as well as the excessive consumption of natural resources. Undeniably, no individual is capable of handling all these disasters without tremendous official support. It is the government’s responsibility to implement effective policies and take immediate measures to combat these hazards. Moreover, efforts should also be made to increase the awareness of the public to participate in these activities to preserve the environment and avoid further problems.
In effect, it is sustainable development that is crucial in saving modern society from torturing conflicts between economy and nature. That is to say, whenever an economic decision to be made, related environmental concerns ought to be taken into consideration, so that a plan can be verified with the purpose of preventing potential threats. For example, if some resources are planned to be used for human needs, research should be conducted in advance on the current storage of these resources. If these resources are not sustainable, alternative resources must be found instead.
In spite of diversified economic situations around the globe, sustainable development constitutes the common goal shared by both developed countries and developing countries. Attention should be focused on establishing healthy and harmonious systems that reduce the chance of potential economic and ecological crisis. Thus, if the economy is to prosper further the environment is also to become friendlier than ever.
Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development