变音:Pronunciation 1. virtue——amusement 2. relax——value
3. affected——prevented 4. direction——practical 5. field——seize 6. breach——least 7. bulletin——bullet 8. shook——wood
9. occasionally——television10. notice——stomachs 11. sign——life
12. schoolyard——coo 13. scratch ——check 14. master ——tiresome 15. pigoen ——Jewish 16. opposite ——balloon 17. scatter ——gravity 18. pressure ——directly 19. float ——bellows 20. twinkle ——drink 21. essay ——away
22. splendid ——wretched 23. singer ——tongue 24. mountain ——captain 25. owner ——narrow 26. mouth ——south 27. stomach ——books 28. century ——actual 29. forehead ——regret 30. chapter ——check
31. period ——perseverance
32. counter ——south 7. My camera can be adjusted to take pictures in cloudy
33. eyebrow ——town or sunny conditions.
34. geography ——remark 8. Children who are over-protected by their parents may
35. replied ——entered become spoiled.
36. candle ——taxi 9. When Mr.Jones gets old, he will hand over his
37. cross ——fond
business to his son.
38. postmark ——chance 10. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they
39. appear ——atmosphere can’t resist so much noise.
40. stamps ——desks 11. It was difficult to guess what her reaction to the news
41. irrigate ——mirror would be.
42. waist ——paint
12. There were some artificial flowers on the table.
43. improve ——include 13. We are interested in the weather because it affects us
44. quiet ——society directly what we wear, what we do, where we go and 45. behind ——blind even how we feel.
46. latent ——squirrel 14. Chlidren are very curious by nature.
47. flood ——blood 15. I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into
48. cookie ——wolf consideration when judging my examination.
49. mud ——lung 16. When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of
50. creature ——belief school, but I soon got over it.
17. Many people complain of the rapid pace of modern
1. The bridge was named after the hero who gave his
18. American women were denied the right to vote until
life for the cause of the people.
1920 after many years of hard struggle.
2. There were no tickets available for Friday’s
19. He was ashamed of having asked such a silly
3. Many new opportunities will be opened up in the
20. Mr.Morgan can be very sad in private , though in
future for those with a university education.
public he is extremely cheerful.
4. The rain was heavy and consequently the land was
21. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to
lovely beaches around the island at regular intervals. 5. The engine gives off smoke and steam.
22. Physics is equivalent to the science which was called
6. Don’t release this news to the public until we give
natural philosophy in history.
you the go-ahead.
23. Finding a job in such a big company has always been
beyond his wildest dreams.
24. It is not easy to learn English well, but if you hang on,
you will succeed in the end.
25. Last year the advertising rate rose by 20 percent.
26. The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal
villages: several fishing boats were wrecked and many houses collapsed.
27. You see the lightening the instant it happens, but you
hear the thunder later.
28. The manager lost his temper just because his
secretary was ten minutes late.
29. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case
you stain the new carpet.
30. Convenience foods which are already prepared for
cooking are available in grocery stores.
31. Sixty percent of the readers chose her as their favorite
32. Excuse me. I haven’t taken my textbook with me.
Shall we share one?
33. The news you told me the other day has yet to be
34. Quite a lot of people watch TV only to kill time.
35. Tom’s parents died when he was young, so he was
brought up by his uncle.
36. The textile industry contributes greatly to the
economy of Hong Kong.
37. Depending on intuition, Mary led us through an
unknown part of the forest.
38. The little boy, who got home very late, was greatly
relieved when he found out he had been spared.
39. I was told that this cloth would not shrink in the wash,
but it did.
40. He just couldn’t figure out what in the world she had
been talking about all the time.
41. The old lady felt very disappointed when her
daughter forgot her birthday.
42. I’d like to go over the lessons once more before we
take the exam tomorrow.
43. The little girl woke up screaming because she had a
44. Would you please help me to wrap up the present for
the old gentleman?
45. She has to reason to refuse John’s invitation. 46. Tom has got a decent job in a chemical factory.
47. Being poor is no disgrace while being dishonest
certainly is.
48. When you read a book in a hurry, you can skip some
less important details.
49. He used to have a hobby of stamp-collection, but he
has given it up.
50. She talked to him for a long time and dissuaded him
from doing that dangerous job.
填词语Section B
1. (thirst)Do you have any water? Iam (thirsty)todeath. 2. (industry)The United States is an(industrialized)
nation, so we still have a long way to catch it.
3. (silent)She gave her husband a sharp look to (silence)
4. (economic)I am a college student now. My major is
5. (wonder)Don’t you think that’s a (wonderful)story? 6. (lie)It seems that he can always lie his way out of
trouble. But sooner or later, people will find him a
7. (patience)Nelson is certainly unfit for the teaching
profession, for he is too (impatient) with slow learners.
8. (child)He was born in China, spent his (childhood)in
England, and now he is an American citizen.
9. (disappoint)To our great (disappointment),Mrs White
won’t be able to join us in the party this weekend. 10. (invent)What an important(invention)he has made! 11. (able)Airplanes(enable)people to travel great
distances rapidly.
12. (add)They need(additional)help to get the work done
as planned.
13. (wide)The roads have to be (widened)so that problem
of traffic jam can be solved.
14. (sharp)Your scissors needs to be (sharpened).
15. (honest)He said he would have nothing to do
with(dishonest)people who always tell lies.
16. (decide)While still a young boy, Louis made
his(decision)to become a scientist.
17. (encourage)High interest rates (discourage)people
from borrowing money from bank.
18. (solve)We will not give up until we find a satisfactory
(solution) to the problem.
19. (mystery)It was very (mysterious)how he had got
into the room without being seen.
20. (produce)His farm is so (productive)that he grew
more corn than he could sell.
21. (lock)Before you enter the house, you have to
(unlock)the door.
22. (propose)I feel very sorry that the boss didn’t pay any
attention to my (proposal).
23. (unexpected)Frankly speaking, I didn’t (expect)to see
you here.
24. (unusual)I (usually)go shopping on Sundays, but this
coming Sunday I am going swimming.
25. (ordinary)This novel is(extraordinarily)interesting. I
suggest you read it.
语法Part 3 Structure
1. It wasn’t such a good dinner (as) she had promised us. 2. They decided to chase the cow away (before) it did
more damage.
3. (Any) student with a little common sense should be
able to answer the question.
4. All (that) is a continuous supply of the basic
necessities of life .
5. (When compared) with the size of the whole earth,
the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
6. He must have had an accident, or he (would have
been here) then..
7. It was essential that the application forms (be sent)
back before the deadline.
8. We (had just had) our breakfast when an old man
came to the door.
9. The manager promised to keep me (informed) of how
our business was going on.
10. She never laughed, (nor did she ever) lose her
11. I decided to go to the library as soon as I (finish what
I did).
12. The teacher doesn’t permit (smoking) in class.
13. I like watching TV (more than going) to the cinema. 14. I appreciate (being invited) to your home.
15. You (needn’t have done) all those calculations! We
have a computer to do that sort of thing.
16. The speaker, (known) for her splendid speeches, was
warmly received by the audience.
17. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill (that) we
all sat down to rest.
18. Evidence came up (that) specific speech sounds are
recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.
19. The last time we had a family reunion was (at) my
brother’s wedding ceremony four years ago.
20. How close parents are to their children (has) a strong
influence on the character of the children.
21. Only a few minutes was (spent) learning how to use
the telephone book.
22. Nature had equipped the fellow (with) two hands, but
not ,obviously, (with) the brains to use them properly. 23. When filled with a gas lighter than air, a balloon can
(float) in the air.
24. Only when (he comes will it be) possible to settle this
25. Since you have written to each other, you should
(keep in touch with) him without being asked.
26. So excited (did he seem) that he could not say a
27. Obviously, his opinion is completely opposite (to)
28. He began to speak to us in an (excited) and
(trembling) voice.
29. It was not until the teacher came (that the students
stopped talking).
30. -These students work very hard. -(So they do) I
always find them studying.
31. Tom is the boy (who) I think scored the winning
points for the basketball team.
32. Madame Curie is believed (to have discovered)
33. (Whether it rains or not) is of no concem to me. 34. Later, Tom was told (why what) he had done was not
35. Would you consider (going) to Finland with us this
36. (So) great was the destruction that the South took
decades to recover.
37. I (wouldn't) talk that way if I were Peter. 38. I (didn't go) swimming until Father returned.
39. You ought not to (have told) him the news that day. 40. (It is only when) the people have become masters of
their own country (that) science can really serve the people.
41. This is my handbag, and that is (yours).
42. My wallet is made (of) leather. And what about yours? 43. Who is the man standing (over) there?
44. Excuse me, sir. I've lost my watch. Do you have (the)
45. What a shame! I could (no longer) to the movie with
46. She insist that i (go) to the movie with her. 47. No one could (live on) so little money a month. 48. He was put into prison (under) the law of this state. 49. Mark Twain was famous (for) his excellent writings. 50. The accident nearly (led to) a world war.
完形填空 1.意大利面条
Memory when served those none good at give up smoking.
arguments socially Suddenly put joy As 11. You are lucky since you've never (lost) anything in for him time hand in graded loud your life. Somebody pleasure for laugh 12. What are you doing? I'm (searching) the bedroom for my wallet. 13. Even after the meeting they still couldn't agree with each other because that's a (controversial) topic. 14. Look!Someone has (spilt) tea on the floor. 15. Where have you been all this time? I've been (worried) about you. 16. Everybody has (wondered) if there is anything wrong with the boss, for he keeps shaking his head all the whole morning. 17. Before he is given the job in this company, everybody has to be (interviewed) by the manager.
18. How can I get to the top floor of this hotel? You may 旧书词汇:vocabulary
1. Don't talk about her son's behavior at school. It's a(n) take the (lift). (embarrassing) topic to her. 19. When we make tea, we must always use (boiling) 2. China has great (potential) to become an economic water. power in not too long a time. 20. My grandpa always listens to national and 3. That small country has (declared) independence. (international) news in the morning.
4. The manger (insisted) that the new employees go 21. Wang Ping says that she doesn't like her physics through professional training before they started working. teacher because she is very (strict) and makes them work 5. Alice is a quiet girl, She never gets (involved) in the very hard. womanish gossip of the class. 22. Do you (prefer) classes on TV or on the radio? 6. I hate to be (interrupted) when I'm speaking. 23. I'm watching a football game between England and 7. The deadline is only three days away. We can't (affond) Scotland. Look! England are (attacking) again. the waste of a single minute in doing the work. 24. Two policemen are watching the (secne) of a crime. 8. Old people tend to (stick to) traditional ideas. 25. Listen! This is a telephone (conversation) between 9. The young clerk tries to earn more money by working two friends. (extra) hours. 26. Can you mend my bicycle? It has a (flat) tyre.
10. She finally succeeded in (persuading) her husband to 27. Tom told me he would be here at 8 o'clock. So I'm
(expecting) him.
28. I'm watching \, and this is my (favorite) programme.
29. What a shame! The baby has been (scratched) by the pet cat.
30. Several customers are (complaining) to the manager about the terrible food of the restaurant.
语法Part 3 Structure
1. Dick won’t drive us to the station. He has (too small a car) to take us all.
2. What time does my flight leave (on) Tuesday? 3. I usually have a walk (on) Sunday morning.
4. It has been a long time (since) I saw you last time. 5. In this conversation, the TV interviewer is interviewing a person (about) her holiday aboard.
6. We (lived) in London from 1950 to 1960, but me (have moved) now.
7. (Being interested) in English, he’s never missed any English class.
8. He spoke as if he (had never lived) in England before.
9. I know you’re planning to travel this summer, but do you know (how much it will cost)?
10. The stolen necklace must be recovered (at any cost). 11. Let’s go, (shall we)?
12. He has not been to Paris yet, and (I haven’t either). 13. If she (were) to come tomorrow, I would tell her everything.
14. The line was busy; someone (must have been using) the telephone.
15. A pretty face may win friends but it takes character
and personality to hold (them).
16. In one year, about twenty million dolls were bought before Christmas. Dolls were by far (the most popular) Christmas toys.
17. I can read your thought so (well) that I know what you’re going to say.
18. Your little girl is becoming very rude. You (ought to) scold her.
们一同在海滩上尽情狂奔。In an adorable video showing his first trip to the beach, Duncan Lou Who can been seen excitedly galloping along the sand and paddling in the water.这段可爱的视频展现了名叫Duncan Lou Who的狗第一次来到海边的场景,他兴奋地在沙滩上飞奔、或是趟水嬉戏。His exciting day trip was filmed by Panda Paws Rescue, a Washington state-based charity that cares for Duncan and other dogs with special needs.这段视频由位于华盛顿州的慈善组织Panda Paws Rescue拍摄,该组织专门照料Duncan以及其他有特殊需求的狗。Despite only having front 无论是他还是我们都已经适应了这一点。” I'm thankful to PSG for giving me the opportunity to continue but I feel now is the right time to finish my career, playing at the highest level. If you had told me as a young boy I would have played for and won trophies with my boyhood club Manchester United, proudly captained and played for my country over one hundred times and lined up for some of the biggest clubs in the world, I would have told you it was a fantasy. I'm fortunate to have realised those dreams.To this day, one of my proudest achievements is 19. I don’t remember (having seen him) before.
20. Please listen to me. It’s inappropriate for you to limbs, the boxer is able to not only balance, but also run really fast and play with the persist in (doing) this.
for the outing.虽然只有两条前肢,21. If we (had had) enough money, we could have stayed 己保持平衡,还能快速奔跑,和其余同他一起远足的there a week longer.
狗 狗玩耍。He was which were later removed 22. He had difficulties making himself understood, but comfortable. Duncan出生时,它的后肢就是畸形的,we didn’t (show any sign of) impatience.
此后为了让他舒服些,23. Two old friends meet (by) chance in the street.
posted the video on YouTube, but doesn't like to use it.24. He is one of the students who (are) always on time. 上,他们说有一把供25. Neither Larry’s father nor his mother (was) at home. 不爱用。'We let him be free and just walk on his two legs. 26. The famous Yong Le Bell is three times (as tall as a There is some slow motion in this video, but none of the man).
video has been sped up, fast Duncan really it,' his owners said. “27. It was not cool enough for us to sleep (well).
用两条腿行走。视频中有些特意制作的慢镜头,但是28. Marina is too young to (be left) in the house without 没有任何一处做过加速处理,你们可以通过视频感受a baby-sister.
到Duncan跑得有多快。running through the surf 29. Being written in pencil, the letter was difficult (to raced people and dogs make) out.
wagging excitedly. Duncan30. It was unkind of you to do that. You (should not have) 人及狗赛跑,还兴奋地摇着尾巴,他的喜悦之情显而易见。Duncan's owners have described him as a 'trooper', done so.
adding on charity's Facebook page: 'He's happy, healthy 31. Shakespeare wrote many of his plays (during) the and as far as he knows, normal too.'reigh of Queen Elizabeth 1.
词来形容Duncan,他们在组织的51. A boxer that only has front legs refuses to let his 很快乐,也很健康;而且在他自己看来,他是条正常disability hold him back as he charges across a beach 的狗。”'It would be the best if he had four legs, of course, with his four-legged pals.一条只有两条前肢的拳师犬but his body wasn't built to have back legs and that's OK. 不愿让残疾成为前进的障碍,他同其他四条腿的伙伴He and we have just adapted.' “最好,但是他天生就失去了后肢,这也没什么关系,
other dogs that joined him Duncan不仅能让自with deformed back to make the dog more His owners, who said he has a wheelchair YouTube使用的轮椅,但是他并this gives you an idea of 我们让他自由地”主人们说。The thrill was clear to see, as Duncan across the sand, with his 踏着浪花,在沙滩上同其他主人们用“骑兵Facebook中写道:他如果能有四条腿当然5
captaining my country. I knew every time I wore the Three Lions shirt, I was not only following in a long line of great players, I was also representing every fan that cared passionately about their country. I am honoured to represent England both on and off the pitch.I wouldn't have achieved what I have done today without my family. I'm grateful for my parents' sacrifice, which made me realise my dreams. I owe everything to Victoria and the kids, who have given me the inspiration and support to play at the highest level for such a long period. I also want to thank Simon Fuller and his team for their continued support. I want to thank all my team-mates, the great managers that I had the pleasure of learning from. I also want to thank the fans who have all supported me and given me the strength to succeed. Nothing will ever completely replace playing the game I love, however I feel like I'm starting a new adventure and I'm genuinely excited about what lies ahead. I'm fortunate to have been given many opportunities throughout my career and now I feel it's my time to give back. 52.
born legs, 只能进行截肢。主人们将视频传到了Duncanhow of tail ”一“他