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作者:张铭铭 李贝贝 张淑玲 来源:《中国卫生产业》2024年第27期
[摘要] 目的 设计适用该院的人力资源管理一体化信息系统,实现信息与管理的有效结合,规范医院人力资源管理。方法 开发一套网络版信息系统,将与人力资源相关的数据集中到一个数据库中统一管理。结果 该系统功能覆盖了人事档案、组织关系,科研教育、职称竞聘、考勤、统计分析、系统管理等过程,实现信息互通,资源共享。结论 该系统实现了对职工信息的全面、准确、可追溯和动态化管理。
[关键词] 人力资源管理;信息系统;医院;信息共享
[中图分类号] R19 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2024)09(c)-0083-02 University, Qingdao, Shandong Province, 266042 China;3.Moral Office, Central Hospital Affiliated to Qiingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong Province, 266042 China [Abstract] Objective To design the human resource management integrated information system suitable for the hospital, realize the effective combination of information and management and standardize the hospital human resource management. Methods A set of network information system was developed, and the human resources related data were concentrated one database for united management. Results The system function covered the personnel files, organizational relationship, scientific research education, professional competition, check on work attendance, statistical analysis, and system management thus realizing the information intercommunication and resources sharing. Conclusion The system realizes the comprehensive and accurate, traceable and dynamic management.
[Key words] Human resource management; Information system; Hospital; Infornatnon sharing