1 suprasegmental
2 rime(rhyme)
3 cranberry morpheme
4 phrasal category
5 mental lexicon
6 genetic relation
7 paraphrase
8 implicature
9 synecdoche
10 syllabus
11 For each natural class of sounds listed below, state the phonetic feature(s)that they all share. 12
14 [j][w][l][r][m] 15
16 In Southern Kongo, a Bantu language spoken in Angola, the non-palatal consonants[t, s, z]are in complementary distribution with their palatal counterparts[c,∫,], as shown in the following words: tobola to bore a hole cina to cuttanu five
kofi lionciba
bananaimola almskesoka to be cut nselele termitekasu emaciation loloi to wash housekunezulu heaven zega to cutnzwetu ourima to stretchzevo then(1)State the distribution of the palatals and the non-palatals, and(2)formulate one phonological rule and derive all the surface palatals with the rule formulated, using the wordima \stretch\
17 The English word unlockable has two different lexical meanings, i. e. \lock\
structural ambiguity. Give the meaning corresponding to the morphemic structure of the word in your analysis. Draw two tree diagrams to show the difference between the two structures. Label the nodes in the tree diagram with proper categories.
18 How do you understand \
19 How do you distinguish \
20 What is a social dialect?
21 Syntactic analysis.
The following are two declarative-question pairs, as given in(la, lb)and(2a, 2b). (1a)The boy who is sleeping was dreaming. (1b)Was the boy who is sleeping dreaming? (2a)The boy who is sleeping was dreaming. (2b)* Is the boy who sleeping was dreaming?
Draw a tree diagram for sentence(la)and sentence(lb)respectively. Then answer the questions.
Question 1: What syntactic mechanism(s)operate(s)to derive the structure of sentence (lb)from the structure of sentence(la)? Question 2: Why sentence(2b)is ungrammatical?
22 Semantic properties of words are not directly observable. Their existence must be inferred from linguistic evidence. One source of such evidence is \that speakers of a language produce. Consider the following unintentional word substitutions that some English speakers have actually produced. Name the semantic
properties shared by or related in the intended word and its substitution in each pair of the utterances.
Intended utterances Actual utterances(slips of the tongue) 1. bridge of the nose bridge of the neck
2. when my gums bled when my tongues bled 3. he came too late he came too early 4. Mary was young Marry was early
5. The lady with the dachshund the lady with the Volkswagen 6. there's a horse of another color there's a horse of another race 7. he has to pay her alimony he has to pay her rent
8. I saw the dog in the garden I saw the cat in the garden
23 Identify the thematic roles in each of the sentences given below. a. The door opened.
b. The key opened the door.
c. The boy opened the door with the key.
24 Analyze the conversations below as required.
9a. Analyze the following mini-talk in light of the cooperative principle. A: Have you had your lunch?
B: I have been unwell for the whole morning.
25 9b. Find the deixis in the following dialogue and analyze them into different groups according to their function in the linguistic interaction. (1)Debby: Go anywhere today?
(2)Dan: Yes, we went down to Como. Up by bus, and back by hydrofoil. (3)Debby: Anything to see there ?
(4)Dan; Perhaps not the most interesting of Italian towns, but it's worth the trip. (5)Debby: I might do that next Saturday.
(6)Jane; What do you mean when you say perhaps not the most interesting of Italian towns?
(7)Jack: He means certainly not the most interesting. . . (8)Dan: Just trying to be polite. . .
26 Grammaticality judgments are made on the basis of linguistic knowledge.
27 The difference among \\