人脸识别论文中英文 附录(原文及译文) 翻译原文来自
Thomas David Heseltine BSc. Hons. The University of York Department of Computer Science
For the Qualification of PhD. -- September 2005 - 《Face Recognition: Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Techniques》
4 Two-dimensional Face Recognition 4.1 Feature Localization
Before discussing the methods of comparing two facial images we now take a brief look at some at the preliminary processes of facial feature alignment. This process typically consists of two stages: face detection and eye localisation. Depending on the application, if the position of the face within the image is known beforehand (for a cooperative subject in a door access system for example) then the face detection stage can often be skipped, as the region of interest is already known. Therefore, we discuss eye localisation here, with a brief discussion of face detection in the literature review(section 3.1.1).
The eye localisation method is used to align the 2D face images of the various test sets used throughout this section. However, to ensure that all results presented are
representative of the face recognition accuracy and not a product of the performance of the eye localisation routine, all image alignments are manually checked and any errors corrected, prior to testing and evaluation.
We detect the position of the eyes within an image using a simple template based method. A training set of manually pre-aligned images of faces is taken, and each image cropped to an area around both eyes. The average image is calculated and used as a template.
Figure 4-1 - The average eyes. Used as a template for eye detection. Both eyes are included in a single template, rather than individually searching for each eye in turn, as the characteristic symmetry of the eyes either side of the nose, provides a useful feature that helps distinguish between the eyes and other false positives that may be picked up in the background. Although this method is highly susceptible to scale(i.e. subject distance from the
camera) and also introduces the assumption that eyes in the image appear near horizontal. Some preliminary experimentation also reveals that it is advantageous to include the area of skin just beneath the eyes. The reason being that in some cases the eyebrows can closely match the template, particularly if there are shadows in the eye-sockets, but the area of skin below the eyes helps to distinguish the eyes from eyebrows (the area just below the eyebrows contain eyes, whereas the area below the eyes contains only plain skin).
A window is passed over the test images and the absolute difference taken to that of the average eye image shown above. The area of the image with the lowest difference is taken as the region of interest containing the eyes. Applying the same procedure using a smaller template of the individual left and right eyes then refines each eye position.
This basic template-based method of eye localisation, although providing fairly preciselocalisations, often fails to locate the eyes completely. However, we are able to improve performance by including a weighting scheme.
Eye localisation is performed on the set of training images, which is then separated into two sets: those in which eye detection was successful; and those in which eye detection failed. Taking the set of successful localisations we compute the average distance from the eye template (Figure 4-2 top). Note that the image is quite dark, indicating that the detected eyes correlate closely to the eye template, as we would expect. However, bright points do occur near the whites of the eye, suggesting that this area is often inconsistent, varying greatly from the average eye template.
Figure 4-2 – Distance to the eye template for successful detections (top) indicating variance due to
noise and failed detections (bottom) showing credible variance due to miss-detected features.
In the lower image (Figure 4-2 bottom), we have taken the set of failed localisations(images of the forehead, nose, cheeks, background etc. falsely detected by the localisation routine) and once again computed the average distance from the eye template. The bright pupils surrounded by darker areas indicate that a failed match is often due to the high correlation of the nose and cheekbone regions overwhelming the poorly correlated pupils. Wanting to emphasise the
difference of the pupil regions for these failed matches and minimise the variance of the whites of the eyes for successful matches, we divide the lower image values by the upper image to produce a weights vector as shown in Figure 4-3. When applied to the difference image before summing a total error, this weighting scheme provides a much improved detection rate.
Figure 4-3 - Eye template weights used to give higher priority to those pixels that best represent the eyes.
4.2 The Direct Correlation Approach
We begin our investigation into face recognition with perhaps the simplest approach,known as the direct correlation method (also referred to as template matching by Brunelli and Poggio [ 29 ]) involving the direct comparison of pixel intensity values taken from facial images. We use the term ‘Direct Correlation’ to encompass all techniques in which face images are compared directly, without any form of image space
analysis, weighting schemes or feature extraction, regardless of the distance metric used. Therefore, we do not infer that Pearson’s correlation is applied as the similarity function (although such an approach would obviously come under our definition of direct
correlation). We typically use the Euclidean distance as our metric in these investigations (inversely related to Pearson’s correlation and can be considered as a scale and translation sensitive form of image correlation), as this persists with the contrast made between image space and subspace approaches in later sections.
Firstly, all facial images must be aligned such that the eye centres are located at two specified pixel coordinates and the image cropped to remove any background
information. These images are stored as greyscale bitmaps of 65 by 82 pixels and prior to recognition converted into a vector of 5330 elements (each element containing the corresponding pixel intensity value). Each corresponding vector can be thought of as describing a point within a 5330 dimensional image space. This simple principle can easily be extended to much larger images: a 256 by 256 pixel image occupies a single point in 65,536-dimensional image space and again, similar images occupy close points within that space. Likewise, similar faces are located close together within the image space, while dissimilar faces are spaced far apart. Calculating the Euclidean distance d, between two facial image vectors (often referred to as the