【期刊名称】《长江工程职业技术学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2011(028)004
【摘要】针对大多高职院校的乒乓球教学存在着忽视学生综合能力的培养、教学中缺乏针对性、实效性等问题,提出高职院校乒乓球教学应根据学校实际创造优良教学环境,树立“面向社会,健康第一”的思想,开展时尚、休闲、实用性的教学内容,培养高职院校学生社会责任感、表现力与创造能力,促进学生个性全面发展,以适应时代发展对人才培养的需求,为学生终身体育锻炼奠定良好的基础。%Table tennis teaching in higher vocational colleges has problems of ignoring the cultiva- tion of students" comprehensive abilities, lacking pertinence and timeliness. The author points out table tennis teaching in higher vocational colleges should create good teaching environment, set the idea of "society oriented, health first" and design teaching contents which are practical, fashionable and casual to cultivate students' social responsibility, expressiveness and creativity and promote the all-round development of their personality, meeting the demands of social development for talent cultivation, laying the foundation for students' lifelong physical training. 【总页数】2页(84-85)
【关键词】高等职业院校;乒乓球;教学环境 【作者】李怡双