课题: Unit 5 Canada -- “The True North” Period 1 Warming up and Word study教学设计 科目: 英语 提供者:王晶晶 教学对象: 高一 单位:课时: 第一课时 本单元是必修三的最后一单元内容,主要介绍加拿一、教学内容分析大国家的一些基本信息:地理位置;主要气候;…..本节课时内容主要让学生了解一些基本信息,为下节课时的学习内容作一铺垫,同时学习了一些有用的单词和短语. 二、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标 1.Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. Let students learn the knowledge of Canada. 3.Talk about the basic information about Canada— location, main cities…… 4.Phrases: rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for 2.过程与方法目标 (1)Preview new words and expressions。 (2)Teamwork : To find out some basic information about Canada。 (3)Make up stories according to the new words and expressions。 3.情感、态度与价值观目标 1. Stimulate students’ interest in learning about foreign countries. 2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning. 三、学习者特征分析 学生对于加拿大国家的一些基本知识还是了解一些的,但如若用英语来描述还是有一些困难的.四、教学策略选择与设计 本节的教学活动我主要采取小组合作制查找信
息,激发学生集体合作意识和团队精神。 五、教学重点及难点 1.教学重点 1.Get students to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. Let students learn the knowledge of Canada. 2.教学难点 1. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning. and spirit of teamwork. 2. Enable students to learn about some basic information and talk about Canada. 六、教学过程 教师活动 Step 1 lead-in 学生活动 设计意图 Show some pictures to Ss about a man and Canada , talk about them Answer some the teacher 以问答方课时的内容 展示学生课前小组合作所完成作提升学生的自信心 检测学生 业的结果,questions asked by 式引出本节Step 2Presentation -----Teamwork Let students to show what Students show what they they have found out about have found out about Canada.Canada. Step 3 Quiz -----Choice How much do you know about Canada? Seven choices Step 4 Word Study First learn news words and expressions, then practice them To test what 对所学知识they have learnt 的掌握情况 Read and make up a story using 强化学生对单词的掌
by teamwork what they have learnt in this period,and then translate each others’stories 握和记忆 七、教学评价设计(创建量规,向学生展示他们将被如何评价(来自教师和小组其他成员的评价)。也可以创建一个自我评价表,这样学生可以用它对自己的学习进行评价) Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Presentation Word scores Total scores scores 八、板书设计 Unit 5 Canada -- “The True North” Period 1 Warming up and Word study Location: Climate: History: …… 九.教学反思可以从如下角度进行反思(不少于200字): 本节课的教学过程,课堂按照之前预设的方案步骤成功地进行。整个课堂开场导入不错,很吸引人,整