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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 第5章 英语语言结构(Ⅱ)

5.1 复习笔记


1. English paragraphs 英语段落 2. English texts 英语语篇

3. Cohesion in English texts 英语语篇的衔接

4. Thematic progression in English texts 英语语篇主位推进



【本章内容索引】 Ⅰ. English paragraphs Ⅱ. English texts

Ⅲ. Cohesion in English texts

1. Different means to develop cohesion in texts 2. Classification of reference

Ⅳ. Thematic progression in English texts

Ⅰ. English paragraphs(英语段落)

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www.100xuexi.com idea of the paragraph.

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 A typical English paragraph employs a topic sentence stating the controlling


To develop a paragraph, one may employ such means as exemplification, instantiation, comparison or contrast, cause effect reasoning, definition, analogy, and enumeration.


Ⅱ. English texts(英语语篇)

A well-written text is not a simple amalgam of paragraphs. It must be properly organized around a central purpose or coherent topic.


Different forms of writing are developed in different ways. An English narrative story runs, by default, in chronological order.


By comparison, an English argumentative essay contains three major parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.


Ⅲ. Cohesion in English texts(英语语篇的衔接)

1. Different means to develop cohesion in texts(促进语篇衔接的不同手段) a. Logically, the use of such expressions as “because” “however” “by contrast”,

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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 and “firstly” indicates how the previous sentence(s) is connected with the current or even following sentence(s).


b. Grammatically, the use of ellipsis, reference like “he” and “it”, and substitution like “so”, “do”, and “the former” helps to establish cross-reference across sentences.

从语法上来说,使用指称代词“he” “it”以及替代词“so” “do” “the former”等建立句子中的互相参照及交叉互用。

c. Lexically, the repetition of the same word(s) or the use of synonyms, antonyms, meronyms, hyponyms, and summary terms contributes to the connectedness of the neighboring sentences.


2. Classification of reference(照应的分类)

The distinction can be drawn between exophoric reference and endophoric reference.


Exophoric reference points to a relation between an entity in the situational context and a linguistic item in the text. It denotes a relation between the current pronominal item and the later occurring expression.


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www.100xuexi.com 使用表达之间的关系。

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 Endophoric reference refers to the relation between two linguistic items in the same text. It involves a relation between a preceding referential expression or an antecedent and the current pronominal item.


Ⅳ. Thematic progression in English texts(英语语篇主位推进)

(1) The way a sentence is organized in a certain word order implies the choice of a focus, point of departure, or perspective.


(2) In English, sentences can be thought of as being divided into a topic and a comment. The topic of a sentence is also called the old information. The comment, on the other hand, is the new information.

句子包括主题与内容,主题是之前提过的旧信息,而内容是首次提出的新信息。 (3) Another pair of terms used sometimes interchangeably with “topic” and “comment” is “theme” and “rheme”.


5.2 课后习题详解

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www.100xuexi.com Check your understanding.

圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 State whether each of the following statements is True or False.

(1) Every English paragraph contains a topic sentence, supporting details and a summary sentence. 【答案】F

(2) One may tell a story when arguing for a thesis. 【答案】T

(3) In order for two neighboring sentences to be cohesive, one must use some explicit device to conjoin them. 【答案】F

(4) Good texts always follow the same pattern of thematic progression. 【答案】F

In-class Activities

1. By “anaphora” we mean reference through the use of pronominal forms to something that has already been mentioned in the preceding text. Study the picture on the right.

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