第六课 火成环境的介绍
1.Before discussing the methods petrologists use to study and understand igneous rocks, it is useful first to establish some basic definitions.
An igneous rock is defined as any crystalline or glassy rock that formed directly from a magma. 火成岩被定义为直接从岩浆中形成的所有的结晶质或玻璃质岩石。 Magma is a high-temperature molten substance that is chemically complex and contains the molecular building blocks for minerals (the nature and properties of magma are discussed in detail in Chapter 3).
As it cools and crystallizes, a magma reorganizes itself into igneous minerals that individually have simpler chemistry than the parent magma. In any given igneous rock, these individual minerals (for example, quartz, feldspars, olivine) occur as either small or large crystals, both with variable perfection of crystal form.
The minerals found in any igneous rock and the characteristics of these minerals
depend almost entirely on three things: composition of the original magma, the rate at which it cooled; and the depth in the earth at which it solidified.
The range of products is enormous, from glassy obsidians, which are volcanic rocks that cooled so rapidly that no crystals could form, to pegmatites, which can contain individual crystals a meter or more in size.
火成岩的种类是很多的,从结晶太快而没有矿物形成的玻璃质黑曜岩到含有大颗粒晶体矿物的结晶花岗岩。 What is igneous petrology? 什么是火成岩石学
2.Igneous petrology is the field of geology in which the object of study is any igneous rock or any process involved in formation of igneous rocks.
The purpose of studying igneous petrology is to gain an appreciation for how the final appearance and characteristics of igneous rocks are controlled by chemical and physical properties of magmas and their surroundings.
Much of the fascination of petrology lies in its \ 很多岩石学的魅力在于“寻找故事”这些方面。
Through geologic mapping and simple observations of igneous rocks collected with a hammer and viewed through a hand lens, a geologist can amass a wealth of clues to the origin of the rocks.
By learning how to interpret these clues, we can create a sophisticated recon-struction of geologic history.
通过学习如何解释这些线索,我们可以建造一个关于地质历史的复杂再现(重建)。 Once some of the basic techniques of petrology, such as hand specimen identifi-cation and field examination of igneous rocks, have been mastered, the student moves on to petrography.
In fact, petrography is commonly a major component of laboratory work in a petrology course.
In this subfield of petrology, the techniques of optical mineralogy are used in the microscopic examination of ultrathin, transparent slices of rocks mounted on glass slides.
Microscopic observation of rocks opens up a truly fascinating new world of detailed information.
吉林大学地质专业英语 翻译