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1. You mustn’t _______ your son studying all the time. He is only a little child. A. keep B. stop C. prevent D. make 2. —San, can you tell me__________? —Try Music World on Garden Street. A. why to buy a CD B. where to get a CD C. how to choose a CD D. when to record a CD

3. —Must I finish reading the book first? —No, you ________. You may finish it tomorrow. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. shouldn’t

4. —I don’t know ________ to do with this problem. Can you help me? —No problem. A. when B. how C. where D. what

5. When your father ___ home, please ask him to help me____ the box on the fridge. A. arrives, get to B. reaches to, reach C. gets to, reach D. arrives, reach 6. Jim, don’t make any_______. Your teacher doesn’t get up,_________.

A. whisper, to B. voice, as well C. sound, also D. noise, either 7. I have already_____ the novel for two weeks. I must return it_____ the library today. A. read, back to B. bought, to C. kept , to D. borrowed, back to 8. There are many kinds of shoes. I can’t decide ______.

A. which to buy B. what to buy C. to buy which D. to buy what 9. He gave me________ on how to sing well. ______good advice! It is so helpful to me. A. a advice, What a B. some advice, What C. some advices, How D. an advice, What a

10. Where is your homework? Please __________ before class.

A. hand in them B. hand them in C. hand in it D. hand it in 11. I have a problem. Can you tell me_________ to solve it? A. how B. what C. where D. when 12. There are some books on the desk. Please __________.

A. give me them B. give them me C. give me to them D. give them to me 13. I didn’t know anything about the traffic accident _______ you told me. A. if B. until C. before D. Both B and C 14. Our teacher always tells us to finish our homework___________. A. at a time B. at times C. on time D. at one time 15. I saw some______ and __________dancing in the street the day before yesterday.

A. Germans, EnglishmenB. Germen, Englishmen C. Germans, EnglishD. Germen, Englishmans 二、完型填空(15)

As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were staring(凝视) 16 at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with 17 一beautiful and dangerous.

The huge mountain is called Matterhorn Mountain climbers had 18 the top, using the southern route. But no one had ever dared(敢)to try a winter climbing up the 19 side. But now one man was daring to try the 20 route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber from Italy.

For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him anxiously(焦急地).Now they were waiting to see his signal(信号).If he planned to 21 the next day, he would light a green signal. A red light would mean that he was turning back.

A tiny green light 22 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people

23 .

The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 24 ! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the 25 light.

In the morning, Bonatti 26 . He couldn't see the top, but he knew he was 27 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up.

Bonatti had spent months 28 for the climb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and skill to climb to the top?

He was finally at the top! News about his 29 was radioed to the world.

The trip down the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the “ 30 ” and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.

16. A. back B. forward C. down D. up

17. A. flowers B. rocks C. ice and snow D. green trees 18. A. watched B. passed C. reached D. climbed 19. A. western B. eastern C. southern D. northern 20. A. difficult B. strange C. same D. easy 21. A. turn back B. on C. rest D. stop

22. A. raised B. appeared C. turned on D. turned off 23. A. cheered B. laughed C. jumped D. shouted 24. A. sleepy B. excited C. tired D. happy 25. A. yellow B. blue C green D. red

26. A. woke up B. turned up C. got up D. looked up 27. A. already B. almost C. hardly D. surely 28. A. training B. looking C planning D. asking 29. A. victory B. thing C. climb D. courage 30. A. necessary B. important C. useless D. impossible 三、阅读理解题 (20) A

Are you interested in adventure(探险) stories? Do you want to take a trip to an unknown world? If you do, please read the book Cloud Bound by Rachael Kelley.

Rachael Kelley, 13, is a seventh-grade student in New Jersey, the US now. She started writing a short story in December 2010, but as new ideas kept coming to her, the story got longer and longer. \预测) the future. She travels around the world to save people's memory,\

Michelle Kelley, her mother, said, \surprised when she started a book like this. We all thought she was writing a story, but later she told us 'I think this is going to be a long book'. \

The idea to write a book came to Rachael from one of her friends. The friend was writing a book when Rachael visited him one day. After talking with him, Rachael decided to write a book of her own. With the help of her parents, Rachael worked on editing (编辑) the novel for a whole year. Rachael then sent the book to the Library of Congress (代表大会) for official copyright registration ( 官方版权注册) and began to sell it on the Internet. Recently, the book is printed and is sold well in bookshops.

However, Rachael doesn't stop now. She has already started another story. She hopes to go on writing when she gets older.

31. According to the passage, we know that Cloud Bound is________.

A. an adventure story B. a science report C. a documentary D. a comic book 32. When did Rachael Kelley begin to write Cloud Bound? A. When she was 13 years old. B. In 2000.

C. In 2010. D. After her parents encouraged her. 33. How did Rachael Kelley get the idea to write her own book?

A. She got it from her classmates. B. She got it from her teacher. C. She got it from one of her friends. D. She got it from her mother.

34. According to the passage, the best word to describe Rachael Kelley is “_______”. A. shy B. outgoing(外向的) C. serious D. creative(有创造力的) 35. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Rachael planned to write a short story in the beginning. B. Rachael's book is sold only on the Internet now. C. Rachael's parents helped her edit the novel. D. Cloud Bound has 136 pages altogether.


My favourite book is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom lives with his aunt Polly in a quiet street of St Petersburg, Missouri. He's a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures(探险). He runs away with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days.

My favourite scene (场景) in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead. He decides to go to his own funeral(葬礼). He hides and watches for a time, and then suddenly he appears(出现). Everyone is surprised to see him, but they're also pleased to see him alive.

Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him. Becky is pretty with fair hair. Joe is Tom's best friend, and Injun Joe is the bad man in the story.

The theme of the story is about children's growing up. It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America. Finally, it talks about freedom(自由), social rules and how people are punished(被惩罚) for bad behavior(行为).

Mark Twain wrote the story in 1876, but it's still read and loved by people all over the world today. Although it's only a story, Mark Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states(州) of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real. Today it's thought to be one of the greatest books in American literature(文学). Go to read it! I know you'll enjoy it. 36. Where does Tom run away with his two friends?

A. To a quiet street. B. To a small town. C. To an island. D. To a forest. 37. Who is the bad man in the story?

A. Huck Finn. B. Injun Joe. C. Becky. D. Polly. 38. How do people feel when Tom appears at his own funeral?

A. They were surprised and pleased. B. They were surprised and sad. C. They were worried but excited. D. They were frightened but happy. 39. The whole book is mainly about_________.

A. freedom and social rules B. children’s bad behavior

C. the growth of young children D. strangers in American small towns 40. The writer writes the passage to______.

A. ask us to read the book B. tell us how popular the book is today C. tell us when Mark Twain wrote the story D. tell us why the story sounds very real 四根据所给词的适当形式填空(20)

41.She is reading a book__________ (call) Gone with the Wind. 42. What's the secret of your__________ (success)? -Work hard.

43. ____________ (Canada) families have a lot of free time so they often go travelling. 44.—__________ you___________(renew) your book, Linda? —Not yet.

45. —Look at the sign. You can't take photos here. —Sorry, I__________ (not see)it. 46. My sister works as a ________________ (library) in a school near my home. 47.The boy is happy because he _____________ (sell) out all the newspapers. 48.The book sells well. We have sold out millions of ________ (copy) already.

49. Look! He __________(tie) his horse to th我_ (publish) House? —Yes, of course. 50.Are you sure that there is no _____________ (hide) meaning in this letter? 五、完成句子(10)


He found __________________________ when he ________________________. 52. 你打算怎么处理你的旧相机?还是继续使用?

What are you going to_____________________________.Or do you ______________________? 53在街道的拐角处有一大群警察,他们正设法抓捕小偷。

There are _______________police at the corner of the street, they are ______________the thieves 54.他们不得不得记住什么时候应该交报告在如此短的时间内

They have __________________________ their report______________________________.


Please ______________ this sentence ____________ English. 六任务型阅读 A

People are different, so are friends. Some friends are patient and are always helpful while some friends are cheerful and caring. The following are some kinds of friends. You can read it and find out what kinds of friends you have. This will help you improve your relationships with them and make you find new friends more easily. Animal friends

It is right to say that animals are wonderful creatures. They can be with you whenever you need. Many people say that dogs are people’s best friends. Internet friends

The Internet has become a very important part of our lives. Not only it is helpful for people to work, it is also a good way to make friends. Internet friendship has become more popular. More and more people begin to make online friends. Online friends are those people who know each other through the Internet. Making Internet friends is similar to making pen pals. Pen friends

Pen friends, also known popularly as pen pals, are quite popular with people who like writing. Pen friendship was mainly developed by writing to each other. It was a popular way of making friends in different parts of the world before Internet showed up. Mostly, pen friends aim to share different cultures with each other.

56. People have different friends, some of them are ________ and are always ready ________ you when you have trouble.

57. _______ can be with you whenever you need. Among them, dogs are said to be people’s _________.

58. The Internet can help us a lot in our lives. It helps people _______ and make friends, and making _______ has become more and more popular.

59. People mainly developed pen friendship by ___________ before the Internet appeared and pen friends usually aim to share ____________ with each other.

60. In this passage, ________ kinds of friends are mentioned. After reading it, you will improve relationship with friends and find it ___________ to make new friends.


Wang Fei,a Chinese student,and Mary,an American student studying Chinese in China,were in a supermarket.They saw a young man walking down the stairs.In his hurry,he missed the last two steps and fell onto the ground.He tried to stand up while people around him laughed. Luckily, he seemed to be OK.

Mary found Wang Fei smiling a little and was not happy about it.“Tell me,Fei,how could people laugh when someone fell like that? Why didn’t they go up and ask him if he was hurt?’’

Wang Fei said,“Because they knew he wasn’t hurt too much.”

“But I still don’t understand.A fall is a fall.In my culture.people would never laugh!” This is an example.The Chinese and the westerner will think and act differently when seeing such a thing.Chinese people are used to laughing or smiling.Very often the person who is in embarrassing(困窘的)situation would also laugh or smile to get out of it.However,if someone gets hurt seriously,it will not be a laughing matter any more.People will help him or her instead.

But,in that case,a westerner will rush over and help the person get up.If a westerner falls,he or she,like a Chinese person,may try to make a joke if he or she is not hurt.If two close friends are walking together,and one falls but clearly isn't hurt,a common joke is to say “Have a nice trip”.So different people have different habits and different countries have different cultures. 61Where is Mary from? ______________________________________________________________________ 62.Why didn't people go up and ask the young man if he was hurt?


63.What do Chinese people often do when they find themselves in embarrassing situation? ___________________________________________________________________ 64.What is a westerner likely to do when he or she sees someone fall down?

___________________________________________________________________ 65.What might Mary say to Wang Fei if he fell but clearly was not hurt? __________________________________________________________

六. 1. (She is from) America.

2.Because they knew he wasn't hurt too much. 3.(They often)laugh or smile. 4.(He or she may/will/is likely to)rush over and help the person get up. 5.(She might say)“Have a nice trip.” 任务型阅读

1-patient_,_to help 2Animal friends,best friends 3work,online friends 4writing to each other,different cultures 5three,easier_


一.1—5 ABCDD 6—10 DCABD 11—15 ADDCA(15)

二.完型填空 11-15 DCCDA 16-20 BBACC 21-25 DBAAD(15) 三.51—55 ACCDB 55—60 CBACA



