Marriott Hotel - International Materials & Products - 16A
Door Closers: ? Commercial grade.
? Guestroom: Closers required at entry / exit doors <7A>. ? Back-of-House Door Closers: Heavy duty.
? Accessibility: Approved type where applicable.
? Finish: Manufacturer's standard sprayed finishes as
specified for project.
Flat Goods / Metal Thresholds:
? Door stops, wall type where possible.
? Kickplate, minimum 1.52 mm (U.S. 16 gage). ? Flush bolts, concealed type.
? Thresholds, extruded aluminum. Comply with
accessibility codes for threshold heights.
Guestroom Hardware - Miscellaneous: See Module <7A> Special Function Hardware:
? Administrative Areas: For perimeter access, provide
push button mechanical lockset as manufactured by Simplex.
? Encode card station.
? Guestroom Entry Locksets: Magnetic encoded card -
electronic operated locks. See Module <13E> Security. Automatic Door Hold-Open Devices: Provide electro-magnetic door hold-open devices with built-in 24 Volt controller. Mount devices on wall, connect to electrical service <15C> and to Fire Alarm System <14>. Provide as required by code, governing authority or Marriott to hold fire / smoke rated doors in open position and to automatically release the door when fire/smoke alarm is activated. Key Cabinet: Include for each project. Hardware Schedule - General
? Guestroom Doors: See Module <7A>
? Ballroom / Meeting Rooms: See Module <6>.
? Receiving Dock Entry: Continuous architectural type
hinge; push plate; pulls; kickplate; door position switch; closures; seals; bottom seals; electronic operated remote control lock; power supply; motion detector; astragal. ? Exterior Service / Exit Doors: Latch set; cylinder lock or
magnetic encoded card - electronic operated lock access compatible with guest room lock system; door position switch; exit device; hinges; closer; stop/holder; stainless steel or brass kickplates; weather / bottom seals. ? Offices: Lockset; hinges; stop; silencers.
? Exit Stair: Latch set; hinges; closer; stop; silencer.
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3. Hardware Mounting Locations:
General: Coordinate installation locations and requirements with door, frame and hardware manufacturers. Unless specific project, product, governing regulations and manufacturer's conditions dictate otherwise, install hardware at the following recommended mounting heights: Hinges:
? Top: 12.7 cm (5 inch) from head to top of hinge leaf. ? Bottom: 25 cm (10 inch) from bottom of hinge to finished floor.
? Intermediates: Equal distances between top and bottom hinges; maximum 91 cm (36 inch).
Lever Handles: 97 cm (38 inch) from finished floor to center line of handle.
Door Guards: 1.14 m (45 inch) from finished floor to center line of guard.
Dead Bolt: 1.22 m (48 inch) from finished floor to center line of dead bolt.
Door Viewer(s): From finished floor to centerline of viewer.
? Standard: 1.45 m (57 inch).
? Accessible Guestrooms: 1.14 m (45 inch). 4. Glass and Glazing:
? Overhead: Laminated glazing above occupied areas. ? Safety Glass / Glazing: Tempered or laminated at showers, bathtubs, entrance doors and sidelights, guestroom balcony / patio locations, full-length mirrors and other locations subject to human impact.
? Safety Backing: Required at sliding mirror doors and for Fitness Center mirrors.
? Mirror Glazing: Provide mirrors with moisture resistant back seal and edge seal.
? Mirror Installation Standard: Set mirrors in compliance with National Association of Mirror Manufacturers recommendations. ? Vanity Mirror Installation: Install with adhesive required for use with mirrors, and minimum of 2 clips at top and continuous angle at bottom. Secure clips and angle to wall with toggle bolts.
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Marriott Hotel - International
K. Division 9 - Finishes
Materials & Products - 16A
1. Finish Schedule: See Module
Preferred materials are typically shown for each space in other Modules of this Design Standard.
2. Ceramic and Stone Tile Standard: Comply with the Tile
Council of America (TCA) Handbook for ceramic tile installation, materials, workmanship and installation, tile and stone installation. 3. Ceilings – General:
? Food Preparation: Accessible, commercial duty, vinyl
coated or non-corroding panels on an aluminum suspension system. Panels shall be capable of being repeatedly washed without damage.
? Guestrooms Bathroom and Guest Corridors: See
Modules <7A> and <7B>. ? Service Corridors / Back-of-House: Accessible,
commercial duty, exposed grid, acoustical tile of a composition to resist cupping and deflection from moisture.
? Administrative Offices: Accessible, commercial duty,
exposed grid, acoustical, tegular-edge tile system.
? Public Areas, Lobby and Reception: Gypsum board or
plaster. Coordinate ceiling designs with interior design. ? Minimize use of acoustical ceiling tile.
? Gypsum Board: 16 mm (5/8 inch) minimum supported at
61 cm (2'-0\
4. Painting:
Painting Includes:
? Exposed surfaces unless surfaces are prefinished with
desired color or finish.
? Access doors, panels, diffusers trims and grilles the
same finish as adjacent surfaces.
? Interior of ducts showing through registers and grilles
with flat black.
? Protect adjacent surfaces from paint and damage.
? Do not paint controls, sprinkler heads and covers, fire
alarms and detectors, electrical fixtures or other items adversely affected by paint / coating. Preparation:
? Caulk with joint sealant, fill voids, seal and sand
substrate and coatings to provide tight, smooth surface for application of paint and stain.
? Prime unfinished surfaces prior to finish.
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16A - Materials & Products Marriott Hotel - International
Finish: Paint and stain surfaces with multi-coat finish systems as scheduled by the Architect and Interior Designer. In general, finish levels shall be as follows: ? Flat: Ceilings and walls not accessible to guests/ staff. ? Semi-Gloss: Service areas, back-of-house, and toilet areas.
? Gloss: Food preparation, utility areas, main service corridor and wet areas.
L. Division 10 - Specialties
1. Flagpoles:
? Type: Minimum three, 12 m (40 ft.) high, ground supported flagpoles for flags of country, state or province or local jurisdiction and Marriott International. ? Construction: Seamless aluminum, cone tapered, tubular with internal halyards.
? Finish: Anodized, dark bronze; waxed. 2. Toilet Compartments - Public Areas:
? Compartment: Same construction as adjoining wall. ? Finish: Stone or ceramic tile as selected by Interior Design.
? Door: Millwork; wood.
? Hardware: Chrome plated hinges, brackets, latch with bumper, coat hook and bumper.
3. Lockers and Benches - Associate Areas: <8>
? Types: Double and single tier, metal lockers; provide full height for cold climates.
? Construction: Steel, ventilated with sloped tops and closed bottoms.
? Size (overall): 30 wide x 45 x 180 cm (1'-0\0\
? Finish: Baked enamel.
? Features: Number-plates, latch with door hasp, clothes hooks.
? Benches: Prefinished hardwood seats on steel frame supports.
4. Operable Partitions: See Ballrooms and Meeting
Rooms in Module <6>.
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Marriott Hotel - International Materials & Products - 16A
5. Toilet & Bath Accessories - General Requirements:
? Sheet Metal: 0.79 mm (22 gage) minimum thickness,
ASTM A167, Type 304 stainless steel for sheet materials.
? Backplates: For wall-mounted accessories, provide
concealed heavy-duty backplate of cadmium-plated steel.
? Fasteners: Use concealed mounting brackets where
possible; secure with non-corrosive metal fasteners.
? Where exposed fasteners must be used, provide non-corrosive metal fasteners with heads finished to match finish of accessory unit.
? Finishes: Polished, unless noted otherwise.
? Coordinate toilet and bath accessories and finishes with
the interior design.
6. Guestroom Bathroom: See Module <7A> for fixtures.
7. Presidential Suite Master Bathroom: List of accessories
is similar to typical guest bathrooms; see Module <7A>.
8. Public & Associate Toilet Room Accessories: See
Module <2A> for Public Toilet Rooms and Module <8B> for Associate Toilet Room features. Provide recessed (semi-recessed at Associate areas) wall mounted, stainless steel accessory products for the following:
? Toilet-Seat-Cover Dispensers / Toilet Tissue Dispensers,
? Toilet-Seat-Cover Dispenser / Sanitary Napkin Disposal /
Toilet Tissue Dispenser; Combination:
+ Equip with international graphic symbol identifying napkin disposal.
+ Furnish sanitary napkin disposals with a removable stainless steel receptacle. ? Toilet-Seat-Cover Dispenser / Sanitary Napkin
Disposal / Toilet Tissue Dispenser: + Mount unit in partition or wall.
+ Provide full-length stainless steel piano-hinges with stainless steel springs for hinged products and tumbler locks to secure access doors.
? Napkin / Tampon Vendor Dispenser: Combine two
dispensing mechanisms in one cabinet to provide napkins or tampons at user's option.
+ Dispensing Mechanism: Convertible to allow change of coin denomination without purchasing new mechanisms or removing unit from wall.
+ Coin Box: Each equipped with two tumbler door locks and double coin mechanisms for selected coin.
? Paper Towel Dispenser and Waste Receptacle: Provide
in Associate toilet rooms only; surface wall mounted.
Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.
January 2005
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万豪酒店设计标准DS-MHR-Intl-2005Jan-M16-Materials & Products