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万豪酒店设计标准DS-MHR-Intl-2005Jan-M16-Materials & Products

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MATERIALS & PRODUCTSInternationalDesign Standards

J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 5

Module - 16

Marriott - International

Materials & Products

A.Material & Product Criteria.............................16AB.Signage & Graphics.......................................16BC.FF&E (Furniture Fixtures & Equipment)......16C

Module Organization

?This Module is a part of an integrated series of 17 Modules.?Coordination with information from other Modules is required.

?The symbol is used to indicate a Module reference that includes

additional information.

Marriott Confidential and Proprietary InformationThe contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to Marriott International, Inc. and may not bereproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of Marriott.

Copyright, Marriott International, Inc., unpublished material. All rights reserved.


January 2005Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc.

Marriott Hotel - International Materials & Products - 16A

Module 16 - Part A

Materials & Products

Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. January 2005 16A - A

16A - Materials & Products

Material & Product Criteria

Table of Contents

Marriott Hotel - International

Subject...................................................................................Page A. Overview..................................................................................1 B. The Project Manual..................................................................1 C. Division 1 - General Requirements..........................................1 D. Division 2 - Site Work...............................................................2 E. Division 3 - Concrete................................................................2 F. Division 4 - Masonry................................................................3 G. Division 5 - Metals....................................................................3 H. Division 6 - Wood and Plastics................................................4 I. Division 7 - Thermal and Moisture Protection..........................4 J. Division 8 – Doors, Windows and Glazing...............................5 K. Division 9 - Finishes.................................................................9 L. Division 10 - Specialties.........................................................10 M. Division 11 - Equipment.........................................................11 N. Division 12 - Furniture............................................................13 O. Division 13 - Special Construction.........................................13 P. Division 14 - Conveyance Systems.......................................13 Q. Division 15 - Mechanical and Plumbing Systems..................13 R. Division 16 - Electrical Systems.............................................13

Module Organization

? This Module is a part of an integrated series of 17 Modules. ? Coordination with information from other Modules is required.

? The reference symbol is used to indicate a Module reference that includes additional information.

Marriott Confidential and Proprietary Information The contents of the Design Standards are confidential and proprietary to Marriott International, Inc. and may not be reproduced, disclosed, distributed or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of Marriott.

Copyright, Marriott International, Inc., unpublished material. All rights Reserved

16A - B January 2005

Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc

Marriott Hotel - International

Material and Product Criteria

Materials & Products - 16A

A. Overview

1. Format & Content: This Module, Modules <16B>, <16C>

and Modules <1> through <15> are intended to guide the Design Team (Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers, Consultants, etc.) with selection of materials, products and systems for a Marriott Hotel project.

? The material and product requirements, although not

inclusive, are important to Marriott established quality, the Brand and operating experience.

? The Design Team shall review the provisions and

develop specifications consistent with the project requirements.

? If design and specifying conflicts arise, consult with

Marriott for resolution. B. The Project Manual

1. Organization: Marriott may require project specifications to

be organized by the 16 Division, 3-part, numbered Section format as described in the Construction Specification Institute (CSI) “Manual of Practice”. The information in this Module generally follows the CSI format by Division in a schematic outline form. Additionally, references are indicated in this Module to criteria requirements in other Modules of this Design Standard.

2. Module: The term “Module” is used to reference Modules of

this Design Standard and not the section organization as described by the CSI manual. C. Division 1 - General Requirements

1. Codes and Standards: Use approved, current edition of

codes and industry standards to produce the intended quality of construction and finishes. In the schematic design phase for “international” projects, identify an internationally accepted structural code, in addition to designing the project to meet governing building codes. 2. Structural Loads: Design and construct the facilities and

building components to safely accommodate structural loads (dead, live, wind and impact loads) in compliance with the current edition of the governing building code. Also, see Module <14> Fire Protection / Life Safety. 3. Seismic Loads: Prior to design, contact the Zurich Regional

Operations Office to obtain project criteria required by Marriott’s “Customized Servicing Agreement” with Zurich.

? At a minimum, comply with criteria contained in the

current edition of the “International Building Code” and applicable governing code.

Design Standards - Copyright, Marriott International, Inc. January 2005 16A - 1

万豪酒店设计标准DS-MHR-Intl-2005Jan-M16-Materials & Products


