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人教版新课标高一必修2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics--教学设计

一、课程标准内容 语言技能 语言知识 情感态度 学习策略 学习用英语表达征求意见和发表看法;能认识,区分阅读材料中的事实与观点;能在书面交流中用英语表达对某一问题的观点。 学习本单元不带△的新单词和短语以及限制性和非限制性定语从句。 尊重和理解同学之间对事物的不同看法,培养求同存异的处事态度。 征求意见并发表看法,同时对心的语言现象进行对比,培养认知策略和交际策略;搜索有关文化遗产的资料,培养资源策略;根据自身的特点,及时调整学习方法及时间分配,提高学习效率,培养调控策略。 了解文化遗产,思考文化遗产的归属问题,增强文化遗产保护意识,加深文化底蕴。 文化意识 二、教学要求 基本要求 1、掌握本单元不带△的新单词和短语在单元中的用法。 2、巩固限制性定语从句,识别和初步掌握非限制性定语从句的用法。 3、能比较清楚地表达自己的观点,并就具体事物发表自己的看法。 1、思考如何保护文化遗产,并展开讨论。 2、探究文化遗产对人类文明历史发展的作用。 非限制性定语从句要与限制性定语进行对比;在理解的基础上逐步掌握非限制性定语从句,不能要求一步到位。 发展要求 说明


第一课时:阅读课 Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading;

第二课时: 阅读课和语言点学习 Reading; Learning about language;

第三课时:语法课及阅读课复习 Grammar; Revision of Reading; 第四课时: 复习课 Revision of Attributive clauses; Revision of Reading

第五课时: 阅读课及复习课 Using language—a fact or an opinion; Revision of attributive clauses

第六课时: 读听课 Reading—Big Feng to the Rescue P45; Listening of Learning English;

第七课时: 练习巩固课 Learning English; 校本练习;单词测试。


第一课时:阅读课 Warming up; Pre-reading; Reading; (IN SEARCH OF THE AMBER ROOM)


After the class, the Ss will be able to

1. read and learn about cultural relics: definition, characteristics

2. learn about the stories of the amber room by scanning, skimming and careful reading

3. learn some words about cultural relics by classification 4. retell the story of the amber room in the Ss’ own words

I. Warming up

1. Ask the Ss to enjoy 3 groups of pictures and talk about which place they want to visit most. The Ss should show their reasons.


2.Ask the Ss to talk about the definition of a cultural relic.


3. Ask the Ss to name some other cultural relics at home and abroad.

(这一步是对上面文化遗产认识的延伸和运用,查看学生是否已经对文化遗产有了大致了解) 4.Ask the Ss to discuss the following questions: How would you feel if it got lost? Why?

If you find a cultural relic, what will you do with it? (通过上述问题的讨论,培养学生对文化遗产的热爱)

5.Ask the Ss to talk about: How should we treat cultural relics? (树立学生保护所剩文化遗产的意识)

II Reading 1. Pre-reading

1). Ask the Ss to get familiar with amber and the amber room.

2) Ask the Ss to answer the three questions with the help of the words list.

(学生大致了解琥珀;借助词汇表,按要求回答问题,让学生接触课文所涉及词汇,扫除学生学习本文的词汇障碍,同时也避免学生学习课文时查阅生词表,从而浪费时间) 2.Fast reading

1) Ask the Ss to talk about The characteristics of the passage. (本文是叙事性说明文,通过填词练习,让学生认识文体特点)

2) Ask the Ss to finish Ex. 2 on P2 and then answer the questions to further learn about the passage.

3) Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks to get the general idea for each paragraph.

(上述2步是阅读技巧训练题,也是学生阅读中的难点和重点。前一步为后一步服务,降低学生提取主旨大意的难度) 3. Careful reading

1) Ask the Ss to read the passage and finish Ex. 1 on P2


2)Ask the Ss to talk about what happened to the amber room with the help of the table. And try to retell it with the help of the years and key words mentioned in the table.


4. Post reading

Ask the Ss to discuss the question of Ex 3 on P2.


III Homework Section V Ex. 1 P3

第二课时: 阅读课和语言点学习 Reading; Learning about language; Aims:

After the class, the Ss will be able to 1. learn the languages of the passage;

2. go over the main idea and some of the language points for the passage;

I Ex. checking

Check Section V with the Ss (阅读和完形训练,常规做法)

II Language points

Read through the passage with the Ss and point out the key words mentioned in the word list and useful phrases and sentences.

Pay more attention to the following words and phrases:

rare, valuable, survive, amaze(amazing), select, design, fancy, style, decorate, jewel, reception, doubt, former, worth.

In search of, belong to, in return, at war


III Passage revision

Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks about the summary of the passage.


IV Preview work checking

Check the preview work with the Ss.


V Learning about language

Ask the Ss to finish the Ex on P3 and check the answers. (进一步巩固相关语言点)

VI Homework

Write a summary for the passage and retell it. Learning English Part 1

Find out all the attributive clauses from the passage. A dictation for the reading passage

第三课时:语法课及阅读课复习 Grammar; Revision of Reading; Aims:

After the class, the Ss will be able to 1. retell the story of the amber room;

2. go over the language points of the passage;

3. compare the restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses and learn to use them.

I Dictation

Give the Ss a dictation for the reading passage.


II Retelling the story of the amber room

Ask the Ss to retell the story of the amber room.


Ⅲ: Discovering useful structures.

1. Join the pairs of sentences using attributive clauses by blank filling.

2. Compare restrictive and non-restrictive attributive clauses through an example. 3. Underline all the sentences with attributive clauses in the text and tell the non-restrictive attributive clauses from the restrictive attributive clauses. (Independent work and pair work)

4. Join the pairs of sentences using restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clauses by Exercise 2 on page 4. (Pair work)

5. Complete the sentences using restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clauses by Exercise 3 on page 4. (Group work)

6. Make sentences using restrictive or non-restrictive attributive clauses to describe the pictures on the screen and let others guess what they are talking about. (Independent work and group work)

(设计意图:1. 通过图片创设情境,全班一起复习已经学过的限制性定语从句。2. 继续通过图片引出非限制性定语从句,比较限制性和非限制性定语从句的异同。3. 在课文中找出所有的定语从句,并区分限制性和非限制性定语从句;先独立作业提高课堂效率,再双人作业进行核对与补充。4. 双人作业,使用限制性或非限制性定语从句将两句话合并成一句话,选择合适的关系代词或副词,并确定语序;选择第1,3和5句话进行操练,掌握who/that,why和when引导的定语从句。5. 小组活动,在横线上填写定语从句,将句子补充完整;可以让组长把讨论的结果写在黑板上,在全班进行交流;选择第1,3和4句话进行操练,掌

握whose/who/that/whom,which/that和where/which/that引导的定语从句。6. 先独立作业,选择一幅图片,对其用一个完整的句子进行描述,用上定语从句,全班猜测所讲的是哪幅图片;再小组活动,与组员进行猜谜游戏,并分享所写的句子。)

Ⅳ: Homework.

Finish the sentences left in Exercise 3 and 4 on page 4. 定语从句分类练习 1-38 Section II

第四课时: 复习课 Revision of Attributive clauses; Revision of Reading Aims:

After the class, the Ss will be able to

1. further go over the language of the reading passage; 2. try to solve the problems of the Ex. of attributive clauses

I Section II

Give the Ss the answers of Section II (核对练习,进一步巩固课文的语言点)

II 定语从句分类练习

Give the Ss the answers of the Ex. and give some explanation where the Ss think they have difficulty.


III homework


Learning English – Cloze and reading

第五课时: 阅读课及复习课 Using language—a fact or an opinion; Revision of attributive clauses Aims:

After the class, the Ss will be able to

1. learn about the difference between a fact and an opinion;

2. solve most of the problems of the Ex. of the attributive clauses;

I. Reading ---- A Fact or an Opinion

1. Ask the Ss to read the passage on P5 quickly and answer the following questions: 1). What is a fact ? A fact is anything that can be proved. 2). What is an opinion ? An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved. 3). What is an evidence?



