Present situ ation and development suggestion of nylon 66
H UA Yang 1, LIU Zhen ming 2, LIU Quan yi 3, ZH ANG Li 4, ZH ANG Wei 5 (1. Sales M anag ement Dep ar tm ent of J ilin P etr ochemical Comp any , L td. , PetroChina, J ilin 132021, China; 2. R esearch I nstitute of J ilin Petr ochemical Comp any , L td. , P etr oChina, J ilin 132021, China; 3. Electronic B usiness Dep ar tm ent of J ilin Petr ochem ical Comp any , L td. , P etr oChi na, J ilin 132021, China; 4. J ilin E lectr ic P ow er Comp any L imited, S ip ing Pow er Sup p ly Comp any , Sip ing 136000, China; 5. J ilin M eng x i Engineering M anagement Comp any , L td. , J ilin 132021, China
Abstract:T his paper introduces production, technolog y and market of nylon 66, and pro poses ny lon 66development sugg estio n based on Chinese present situation.
Key words:nylo n 66; productio n; market; techno logy ; development sugg estion (上接第 63页
能显著提高材料的硬度、 密度及拉伸强度、 撕裂强 度等力学性能。 PS 的加入可以使发泡材料的撕 裂强度、 拉伸强度、 硬度、 密度显著提高 , 但会降低 材料的回弹性。充油 SEBS 母粒对硬度、 回弹性、 密度 的影响都不大 , 但能降 低撕裂强度和硬度。 通过 SEM 观察 , TVA 发泡材料的泡孔均 一 , 尺 寸小 , 为闭孔结构。
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Study on foaming properties of plastical butadiene styrene rubber TVA ZH OU Liao yuan 1, ZH ANG Ai min 2, ZH OU Tao 2
(1. Sy nthetic R ubber B usiness Dep ar tment of Baling P etr ochemical Com p any , L td. , Yuey ang 414014, China; 2. Sichuan Univer sity , Chengdu 610065, China
Abstract:T his paper studied the fo am ing pr operties and influencing factor s o f plastical butadiene styrene rubber T VA. T he result show ed that T VA has vulcanizing crosslinking pro perty and has also ex cellent fo am ing properties. Foaming ag ent, crosslinking ag ent, PS and SEBS hav e direct effects on the foaming pro perty.
Key words:foaming; butadiene styrene rubber; T VA; SBS 82 弹 性 体 第 20卷