A general sufficient condition for a graph G with
λ_m (G)≤ξ_m (G)
【期刊名称】《中国科学》 【年(卷),期】2010(000)004
【摘要】It has been shown that a λ m-connected graph G has the property λ m (G)≤ξ m (G) for m≤3.But for m≥4,Bonsma et al.pointed out that in general the inequality λ m (G)≤ξ m (G) is no longer true.Recently Ou showed that any λ 4-connected graph G with order at least 11 has the property λ 4 (G)≤ξ 4 (G).In this paper,by investigating some structure properties of a λ m-connected graph G with λ m (G) > ξ m (G),we obtain easily the above result.Furthermore,we show that every λ m-connected graph G with order greater than m(m-1) satisfies the inequality λ m (G)≤ξm (G) for m≥5.And by constructing some examples,we illustrate that our conditions are the best possible. 【总页数】6页(P.1039-1044)
【关键词】m-restricted;edge-cut;m-restricted;edge-connectivity;λ;m-cut;λ;m-connected 【作者】佚名 【作者单位】; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】N
A general sufficient condition for a graph G with λ_m (G)≤ξ_m (G)