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章节 Unit One: The Way to Success Section A: New Words and Expressions Text: Never, ever give up! Exercises: Vocabulary, Sentence Structure, Translation Listening, Speaking & Writing Skills 教学内容 教学目的 1.To talk about the secret of success; 2. To further understand the text; 3. To apply the phrases and patterns; 4. To master the essay writing skill; 教学要求 1. Clearly know the structure of the passage; 2. Master the important language points; 3. Briefly summarize the passage alone; 4. Correctly use and master the key words in this unit. 1. The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage 2. The reading skills mentioned in this unit 3. listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit 1. The use of the new words and phrases in this passage 2. The writing ways mentioned in this passage 3. Some important sentence structures 重点 难点 课 堂 设 计 The First Two Periods Step 1: Lead-in Step 2: Pre-reading Activities Step 3: New Words 10m 10m 80m 10m 10m 70m 10m 20m Questioning & Discussing Questioning & Discussing Lecturing, Questioning & Giving Examples Questioning & Discussing Lecturing Lecturing, Questioning & Giving Examples Questioning & Discussing Questioning & Discussing Step 1: Background Information The Second Step 2: Structure Analysis Two Periods Step 3: Language points and Difficult Sentences Step 4: Comprehension of the Text A The Third Step 1: Summarize the passage orally 1

Two Periods Step 2: Exercises (Words in use, Word building, Banked 70m cloze, Expressions in use, Translation in Section A) Step 3: Revision & Homework Step 1: Check Homework 10m 30m 30m 20m 20m Questioning & Discussing Lecturing, Questioning Questioning Watching & Discussing Listening& Questioning Questioning & Discussing The Forth Two Periods Step 2:Structured Writing Step 3: Listening Step 4: Speaking 教 学 过 程 The First Two Periods: Step 1: Lead-in: 1. What is success? 2. What do you think are the secrets of success? Step 2: Pre-reading Activities: 1. Listen to a talk about steps to make your dreams come true. Fill in the blanks based on what you hear. 2. Listen to the talk again and discuss the following questions. Step 3: New Words The Second Two Periods: Step 1: Background Information 1. Public schools in the UK & US 2. Winston Churchill Step 2: Structure Analysis Part I (Paras.1-2): By using Winston Churchill’s story and his speech at Harrow as an introduction to the topic, the text makes clear its statement: the secret of success is “Never give up”. Part II (Paras.3-7): Through the examples of world famous scientists, statesman, and jurist, the text brings forward the statement that only those with a strong will, those who “keep their eyes on the prize”, and those who expend the substantial effort to keep going, will finally succeed. Part III (Paras 8): By reinforcing the statement given in part II, the text draws the conclusion that with hard work, determination, dedication and preparation, you can transcend any handicap, accomplish any feat, and achieve success. Step 3: Language points and Difficult Sentences Practical Phrases 1. deviate from …偏离,背离?? 2. preclude sb. from doing …阻止某人做?? 3. triumph over …战胜?? 4. in (the) pursuit of …追求?? 5. work one’s way; to/through/into…通过奋斗逐步达到 6. give up on …放弃?? 7. focus on …专注于?? Functional Patterns 2

1. A, B, C –none of these be/do…用于表达“对已知条件的否定”。 2. Sb. do sth., not because …, but because …用于表达“某人做某事的原因”。 3. It’s not … that matters. It’s …that be/do…用于表达“对某事物最为重要的因素是??”。 Step 4: Comprehension of the Text A Understanding the text (Page 9) The Third Two Periods: Step 1: Summarize the passage orally Step 2: Exercises Words in use (Page 9) Word building (Page 10,11) Banked cloze (Page 12) Expressions in use (Page 12) Translation (Page 16) Step 3: Revision & Homework 1. Finish the exercises of Unit 1in the Comprehensive Exercises (Page 1-6, 9) 2. Write a composition of no less than 200 words on the topic: No one succeeds without a strong will The Forth Two Periods: Step 1: Check Homework Step 2:Structured Writing Topic:Biological clocks Introduction: Thesis statement: Even though it is not easyto explain why, scientists believe living thingsmust have built-in biological clocks that can be reset. Body1: Topic sentence: To start with, various 24-hour rhythms observed in people’s biological clocks can be adjusted. Example: A traveler flying from New York to London can adjust his normal rhythms to London time. Body2: Topic sentence: The same kind of resetting also takes place in the biological clocks of animals and plants. Example 1: The clock of an animal or plant can be set to the laboratory-produced hours of light and dark. Example 2: Mussels can adjust to the tides of the new beach after being moved from the old one. Conclusion: Biological clocks, in a way, serve as automatic internal “watches” for all living things. Step 3: Listening Step 4: Speaking Make a speech on the following topic. Suppose you are to give a speech on how to achieve success. 3




