【期刊名称】《中外健康文摘》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)013
【摘要】目的剖宫产后切口疼痛,活动不便;产妇喂奶姿势不正确以及产妇及家庭成员对母乳喂养知识缺乏等原因,使得相当一部分产妇对产后母乳喂养信心不足,态度不积极,影响了母乳喂养的实施。针对这种情况,我们采取了术前早宣教,术中早接触,术后早吸吮,选择舒适哺乳体位等护理对策,使97%的产妇成功实施了母乳喂养。?cause of incision pain after cesarean section, moving difficultly, uncorrect feeding posture and lack of knowledge of breastfeeding , that always make part of puerperant be short of confidenc and produce passive attitude. Aimed at this situation, we adopt preoperative early propagate, intraoperative premature contact , postoperative early suck and comfortable breastfeeding posture and so on which makes 97% of maternal realize breastfeeding sucessfully.
【关键词】剖宫产;母乳喂养;影响因素;护理对策 【作者】杨凤先
【作者单位】九0三医院妇产科 四川江油 621700 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R473.71