【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】Serious complications in patients with severe craniocerebral injury often occurs is a lung infection,its disease incidence rate is high,up to 57%,the serious influence to the prognosis of the patients and outcome,in addition,multiple organ function main causes of late death in patients with pulmonary infection caused mostly by failure,therefore,in the treatment of patients with severe craniocerebral injury,we must strengthen the prevention and treatment of pulmonary infection,the ef ective control of pulmonary infection,so as to improve the cure rate of severe craniocerebral injury.%重型颅脑损伤患者常出现的严重并发症之一即是肺部感染,其发病率较高,达57%,严重影响到患者的预后及转归,此外,患者晚期死亡的主要原因多为由肺部感染而引起的多脏器功能衰竭,因此,在对重型颅脑损伤患者进行治疗时,必须加强对肺部感染防治,从而有效提高重型颅脑损伤的治愈率。 【总页数】2页(368-369)
【关键词】纤维支气管;重型颅脑损伤;肺部感染 【作者】吕红英
【作者单位】广西玉林市第二人民医院神经外科,广西 玉林 537000