项目全称 发展中国家农机使用与维修培训班 实施单位名称 中国农业机械化科学研究院 2010年6月15日至7月26日 举办时间 邀请范围 工作语言 英语 蒙古、苏丹、埃塞俄比亚、赞比亚、马拉维、津巴布韦、加纳、尼日利亚、乌干达、纳米比亚、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、赤道几内亚、毛里求斯、塞舌尔、卢旺达各1-3人 25人 年龄要求 身体健康状况要求 工作语言要求 其 它 举办地点 参观考察城市 备注 项目联系人 实施单位 联系方式 办公电话 手 机 传 真 E-mail 北京 浙江、河北、河南 举办地天气状况 考察地天气状况 赵小鹏、杨栋、马腾 +86-10-64882244,+86-10-64883347 +86-13501220595(杨),15810149308(马) +86-10-64849687,+86-10-64883508 iec-caams@263.net.cn 50周岁以下 身体健康,无传染性疾病、严重高血压、心脑血管疾病、精神性疾病,非肢体残疾,非孕期 通晓英语 天气晴朗,平均气温20~30 摄氏度 天气晴朗,平均气温20~30 摄氏度 计划人数 学员要求 中国农业机械化科学研究院(简称“中国农机院”)于1956年建院, 是为中国机电、食品等行业技术进步提供装备、技术服务的多专业,集科研、制造加工和内外贸于一体的综合性国有大型科研机构。 中国农业机械化科学研究院是中国规模最大、创新能力最强的从事基础、应用、开发等多学科、实施单位简介 综合性以现代农业装备研发为主、面向“三农”的应用类研发机构。建院50多年来,组织完成了9大类3000多种农机产品的研制,取得科技成果2000多项,为我国农业机械化事业的发展做出了巨大贡献,在农机行业具有公认的技术中心地位;是我国农机行业共性关键技术、应用基础技术的辐射源、我国农机行业发展战略的策源地、国内外农机行业技术和信息交流的窗口。 受中华人民共和国商务部委托,中国农业机械化科学研究院将于2010年6月15日至7月26日举办“发展中国家农机使用与维修培训班”。通过培训使学员提高农业机械化方面的知识水平和项目内容介绍 操作技能,了解中国农机行业的现状和发展趋势,建立各发展中国家与中国农业机械行业的政府管理部门、科研机构以及制造企业之间的联系,促进国际合作的开展。主要培训内容有:耕作机械、播种机械、植保机械、收获机械、节水灌溉、仓储干燥机械、饲料加工、农产品加工、农村能源设备的理论及现场操作实习、工厂考察以及业务研讨会等。 Introduction of Operation and Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery
for Developing Countries
Name Organizer Time Training Course on Operation and Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery for Developing Countries Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences Jane 16 to July 26, 2010 Language English Invited Countries Number of Participants Requirements for the Participants 1 or 3 participants from Mongolia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nigeria, Uganda, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, Seychelles, Rwanda 25 Participants Age Health Language Others Beijing Zhejiang, Henan, Hebei Under 50 - year old In good health, free of infectious diseases, severe hypertension, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and mental disorders, no physical disabilities and non-pregnancy English Local Fine, the average temperature is about Temperature 20℃-30℃ Local Fine, the average temperature is about Temperature 20℃-30℃ Contact Persons Telephone Zhao Xiaopeng, Yang Dong, Ma Teng +86-10-64882244, 64883347 +86-13501220595, 15810149308 +86-10-64849687,64883508 iec-caams@263.net.cn Host City Cities to Visit Notes Contact of the Organizer Cell Fax E-mail About the Organizer Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) was established in 1956, it's a comprehensive organization involving in R & D, manufacturing and trading, supporting Chinese machinery & electronic industry and food industry with equipments and technology services. CAAMS directly owned by central government as a large scale scientific and technological enterprise. CAAMS is the largest research organization with the strongest innovation ability engaged in fundamental, application sciences with multiple disciplines, comprehensiveness and gives priority to R&D on modern agricultural equipment while facing the needs of agriculture, countryside and farmers. Science the establishment of CAAMS more than 50 years ago, it coordinated the related Ministries and Commissions of our country to finish researching and manufacturing over 3000 kinds of agriculture machineries of 9 categories, gained more than 2000 scientific and technological achievements, made great contributions to the development of agricultural mechanization of our country and thus it has been recognized by the public as the technology center in agricultural machinery industry. It is the source where key technologies, applied fundamental technologies extended to all over the country; it is the source of development strategy of agriculture machinery industry in our country and it is the window of technology and information exchanges at home and abroad in the field of agricultural machinery industry. Entrusted by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS) will organize “Training Course on Operation and Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery for Developing Countries” (Working Language: English, 42days) from Jane 16 to July 26, 2010. The objectives of this training course is to update trainees’ knowledge and skills of agricultural machinery; to help trainees understand the general situation and developing trend of Training agricultural machinery in China and to establish relationship with Chinese governmental authorities, Course Content research organizations and equipment manufacturers for future cooperation. The programs will cover the theory & practice of operation & maintenance of following topics: tillage machinery, seeding machinery, plant protecting machinery, harvesting machinery, water saving machinery, drying machinery, feed processing, agro-products processing, rural energy, factory visits, technical seminar and on-site investigations in Beijing and other provinces.