我国有数千年的酿酒历史,酒星始酒、上皇兴酒、仪狄作醪、杜康酿酒的传说流传至今,在世界上形成了独具特色的酒文化。唐朝诗人李白《月下独酌》诗中曾有“天若不爱酒,酒星不在天。地若不爱酒,地应无酒泉。天地既爱酒,爱酒不愧天。”的诗句;晋代江统在《酒诰》中也有“酒之所兴,肇自上皇”的记载。婚丧嫁娶、择业升迁、生儿育女、祝寿归天、祭祀神灵、敬仰先辈……“无酒不成席,无酒不成欢,无酒不成礼。”酒从诞生起就深深地融入了人们的日常生活和文化中。从绿色天然的原料选取到师法自然的神秘工艺,作为中国传统文化的一个载体,酒的自身价值与其蕴涵的文化价值密不可分,是中国文化的一种象征。由中国酒类流通协会监制、济南五月风中国名酒市场管理有限公司出品的“名酒汇萃 盛世收藏”酒版礼盒精选了中国十款历史名酒,代表了我国酿酒行业酒类产品的精华,是名酒按照一定比例严格缩小的迷你版,蕴含着名酒的历史、品牌、技艺文化,具有权威性的背景及公证力,向收藏者展开一幅绚丽多彩的中国酒文化史的画卷。其中有“风来隔壁千家醉,雨过开瓶十里香”之美名的国酒茅台;“借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村”的唐代即成为朝廷贡酒的汾酒;东汉时开始流传的古井贡酒;被誉为中国第一窖、国宝窖池、1996年被国务院批准为国家一级文物保护单位的泸州老窖及其具有浓郁文化特色的代表性产品国窖1573;还有享誉国内外的五粮液、酒鬼酒、郎酒、洋河蓝色经典、水井坊等,具有极高的欣赏、投资价值。“名酒汇萃 盛世收藏”酒版礼盒采用中国古代寓意富贵、吉祥的龙凤呈祥图案,彰显中国名酒“福寿同天”的王者风范,做工精细,品相极优,是收藏、馈赠、祈福、镇宅之宝,完美不吝品鉴,惟有亲身体验,方可感悟真谛。
Our country’s brewing history goes back several thousand years, legendary stories about it coming down since the ancient times, such as
“Wine star begins wine making”, “Emperor popularizes wine making”, “Yi Di makes undecanted wine” and “Dukang makes wine”, which have developed a complete wine making culture with unique features. Li Bai, a famous poet in Tang Dynasty, had a poem “Drinking Along with the Moon” that has lines of “If the heaven doesn't love wine, the god of wine wouldn't bide there; if the earth doesn't love wine, there
wouldn't be a place named Jiuquan. Being a son of both heaven and earth, my enthusiasm for wine was born a nature”. A poem “Alcohol Ban\” composed by Jiang Tong in Jin Dynasty has record of “the popularization of wine originates from the emperor's father”. Wine has deeply become a very important part of people's daily lives and cultures since its existence, and there is a saying of “no banquet without wine, no mirth without wine and no politeness without wine”, which is popular in such things as weddings and funerals, career promotion, bearing sons and daughters, birthday congratulation and die away, gods worshipping, antecedent
revering…… From the selection of green natural material to the mysterious procedure of natural development, wine is a carrier of the traditional Chinese culture in which the wine’ s own value is closely interrelated with its culture value, which is a symbol of Chinese culture. Under the supervision of China Alcohol Circulation Association and produced by Jinan Wind in May Management of Chinese Fine Wine Market Co., Ltd, the gift wine box of “Fine wine gathering, Great collection” has chosen ten historic famous wine that represents the best wine products of Chinese brewing industry, which is a strict proportional minimized “mini version” of the famous wine, implies famous wine’s history, brand and craft culture, and posses an authoritative background as well as a notarization force, and expands a bright and colorful Chinese wine culture history picture to the collectors. In the gift wine box, the following famous wine are included: Moutai, the national banquet wine; Fenjiu, the royal tribute wine originated in Tang Dynasty; Gujing Tribute Wine, handed down from Chinese Eastern Han Dynasty time; Luzhou Laojiao, authorized to be a national grade one cultural relics protection unit by State Council of China in 1996 and its Guo Jiao 1573 (The
First Cellar in China) possessing a strong culture features, is honored as “Chinese First Fermentation Pit” and “National Treasure
Wine Producing Cellar Pools”; and wines known home and abroad such as Wu Liang Ye, Jiugui Liquor, Lang Liquor, Yanghe Blue Classic and Shuijingfang Liquor; all of these wines have a very high aesthetic and investment value. The gift wine box of “Fine wine gathering, Great collection” uses the Chinese propitious dragon and phoenix pattern that symbolizes riches and lucky, and bursts out the temper of the king; the product has excellent workmanship and very fine quality, which is very suitable for collection, gift, blessing and great treasure, and the essence of it can only be comprehended by self experiencing.