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First, stadiums and arenas provide ideal places for people to have physical exercises and entertainment. After a whole week?s hardworking, people can enjoy a wonderful football game in the weekend, and refresh themselves with a good relaxation there. Moreover, the physical exercises are good for people?s health, which will ease the pressure of medical care.

Second, theaters and museums can be used as base areas of culture and his tory education. The British Museum, which is the largest one in the world, provides visitors with knowledge about the world culture and the arts. The visitors to the museum are all overwhelmed by the magnificence of the cultural and historical displays featuring mankind?s achievements. In additio n, the performances shown in the theaters will also greatly enrich the lives o f citizens. People can enjoy ballet, symphony, and Peking Opera in a theater, which contain the soul of Chinese and western cultures.

Third, running theaters and stadiums can earn much money.And this amount of money can do great contribution in other fields, including medical care, and education. After winning the Olympic 2008,Beijing made a plan to spend 160 billion RMB building an Olympic Village. This will surely attract many sports fans to China, which would be much rewarded, not only in economy but the whole society.

You can tell form my commentary above,since building theaters and stadiums benefit not only individuals but also the state, it is very worthy of these expenses.And the government should speed up the pace of the constructions. 范文3

An argument often heard these days is that whether or not the government should put money on building theaters and stadiums. Some believe that instead of spending money on this area, Medical care and education, both of which are basic developing factors of one country should be spent more money on. After weighting the pros and cons, I disagree with this opinion.

Firstly, theaters and stadiums are best choice for people relaxing. Most of workers, especially white collar who often feel nervous after one day?s hard work, need to relax both mentally and physically. Compared with staying at home, it is much better way to stay in comfortable theater and listen to a wonderful concert.

In addition, going to theaters and stadiums affect the same effect as education and medical care. Having more chances to go to theaters can help them mold character. There is no better way to keep healthy than doing proper sports in the daily. In this way, the culture and health will be improved greatly, which plays the same role of education and medical care.

Moreover, theaters and stadiums are basis essential facilities to a developed city. Take holding an Olympic games as an example, it is no doubt it will take millions of money to build stadiums. Why the winner country is proud of that. Because this is a confirmation given by whole world. Of course I don?t mean that the more theaters and stadiums, the better society will be, after all, nothing can take the important place of medical care and education.

In summary, the key point is to keep both of this two part developing. Only in this way, can all people live better in future. V108

Some people said the government shouldn't put money on building theaters and sports stadiums; they should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or not agree?

Recently, a criticism often heard is that the government tends to put too much money on building theaters and sports stadiums. They maintain that medical care and education would benefit the citizens and the country much more. However, I advocate building more theaters and arenas. Numerous circumstances lead to the worth of building theaters and arenas, but here are two main reasons:

What strikes me most of all is that theaters and sports stadiums provide ideal places for people to build up a world of relaxation. After five days of hardworking, people can refresh themselves by taking physical exercises and enjoining a football game there. Meanwhile, exercises is to health what water is to fish. The physical exercises can benefit people?s health, which will surely ease the pressure of medical care. Moreover, it provides people a good opportunity to enter into communion with each other, which will benefit people?s mental health.

Beyond this, it is also of paramount importance to use theaters and museums as the “social classroom” of culture and history education. The Sydney Opera House, which is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings, has come to define not only a city, but also an entire nation and continent. The opera house shows the concept of modernism and the never properly finished inside provides visitors with a story of its creator Jorn Utzon. In addition, the performances which contain the soul of human civilization shown in the theaters will also greatly enrich the lives of people from all over the world.

Certainly, medical care and education both play dominant roles, but building theaters and sports stadiums will benefit not only the individual both mentally and physically, but a nation and continent permanently V108

Some people said the government shouldn't put money on building theaters and sports stadiums; they should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or not agree?

Recently, a criticism often heard is that the government tends to put too much money on building theaters and sports stadiums. They maintain that medical care and education would benefit the citizens and the country much more. However, I advocate building more theaters and arenas. Numerous circumstances lead to the worth of building theaters and arenas, but here are two main reasons:

What strikes me most of all is that theaters and sports stadiums provide ideal places for people to build up a world of relaxation. After five days of hardworking, people can refresh themselves by taking physical exercises and enjoining a football game there. Meanwhile, exercises is to health what water is to fish. The physical exercises can benefit people?s health, which will surely ease the pressure of medical care. Moreover, it provides people a good opportunity to enter into communion with each other, which will benefit people?s mental health.

Beyond this, it is also of paramount importance to use theaters and museums as the “social classroom” of culture and history education. The Sydney Opera House, which is the mother and father of all modern landmark buildings, has come to define not only a city, but also an entire nation and continent. The opera house shows the concept of modernism and the never properly finished inside provides visitors with a story of its creator Jorn Utzon. In addition, the performances which contain the soul of human civilization shown in the theaters will also greatly enrich the lives of people from all over the world.

Certainly, medical care and education both play dominant roles, but building theaters and sports stadiums will benefit not only the individual both mentally and physically, but a nation and continent permanently V108

Some people said the government shouldn't put money on building theatres and sports stadiums, they should spend more money on medical care and education. Agree or not agree?

Government, as the controller of the macroeconomy, usually put large amount of money on building theatres and sports stadiums to stimulate the consumption. Especially when globle economy is in recession, stimulation is one of the methods for government to catch the economy?s fall. However, to my opinion, government should spend more money on medical care and education.

For men, health and education are the basic elements for development. We often say health is the best wealth. Without health, even if you are a millionaire you will not enjoy your life. The society needs more medical care to ensure people to live happily and create more fortune. This is a physical base for development of society. The spiritual foundation should be obtained from education. Only with more knowledge, can we catch up with the improvement of economy, society and technology. We need healthy people and brilliant minds to change our world into a better one. Theatres and sports stadiums are signs for higher standard of living. Compared with the basic development factors, they are minor.

Insufficiency in medical care and education will impose great stress on poor people and produce unstable factors for society. If government invested too much on recreational places, it has to lessen the expenditure on medical care and education since the total amount of distributable money will not be changed. Such action will do little influence on riches, but affect poors greatly. They can?t take out money from their own pockets to see doctors nor pursue higher education. Dissatisfaction for government will arise gradually. Then, how long the government can exist with the society fluctuated?

To make all people live and work in peace and contentment and to be a long-last power, government should do more to secure people?s basic rights. Establishments for improving living standards are in second place.

v108 Some people said the government shouldn't put money on building theatres or sports stadiums but should spend more money on medical care and education. Do you agree or not agree?

Theatres and sports stadiums are facilities with the purpose of enriching people? s spiritual life. However, some people claim that the government should spend mor e money on medical care and education rather than on such recreational programs. As a matter of fact, these people fail to realize the essence of this issue. I di sagree with this statement for the following reasons.

First, with the development of society, the basic material needs for people has m ainly satisfied, a more important task for the government is to improve people?s spiritual life. Human beings differ from other animal species in that we live no t only for prolonging our lives, but also for spiritual pursuit.

Second, entertainment projects contribute to the development of economy, as well as collect money to solve people?s basic needs. An typical example can be found in the fact that every country is eager to win the right of hold the Olympics mai nly because of the economic benefits it brings. Another example is that many spor ts and cultural activities have donated a considerable amount of fun for benefic projects.

Last but not least, entertainment and cultural services also play an important ro le in education as well as improvement of people?s health. As the living standar d enhance, people tend to not only go to school for education, but also go to the atres to receive another form of education. Sport facilities such as stadiums pro vide opportunities for people to exercise their body.

According to the reasons I give above, it can be concluded that entertainment and cultural constructions are worth building. The statement that government shouldn ?t put money on them is invalid.

V108 投资剧院运动场---医疗和教育

The reason that government-who is in dispose of public money-is elected primari ly to improve the social welfare of its people. As long as people in a society la ck the basic need, such as medical care or education , the use of public funds to support theatres and sports stadiums is inappropriate-and, perhaps, even cruel- when one considers all the potential uses of such money.

According to the psychological pundit Maslo, human needs can be classified into f ive categories: survival, safety and love, others recognition, self-realization, and spiritual refinement. Among the five categories, the need for medical care an d education is on the lowest floor of the pyramid and is also crucial.

The basic function of theatres and sport stadiums is to give people large extent of pleasure in order to ensure them to work more effectively and efficiently to c ontribute more to the society. While them, classified into the category of spirit ual refinement, is at the pinnacle of the pyramid. If we to realize our spiritual refinement, we should first fulfill our basic need. Or our seemingly resplendent

pyramid is on the verge of collapse due to its lack of a solid plinth.

The first and foremost step of its aim to fund medical care and education is t o satisfy basic need. In case that such the condition as described in the topic h appened (though very rarely), the government will be overturned. See multitudes o f revolts of peasants in China?s history.

Even though people?s basic needs can be fulfilled, the society, especially the g overnment, should not use all its money to the theatres and sports stadiums, a pr oper proportion of the investment must be considered exactly.

Version 00109

the computer are widely used in education and some people think teacher are not play important role in the classroom . to what extend do you agree?(agree/disagree) 范文1

Computers are widely used in education and some people think teachers are not playing an important role in classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The 21st century is the period of information, in which computers will play an important role in every area of our lives. Recently, computer assisted education has become more and more popular in primary schools, high schools and colleges. The computer?s multimedia abilities make the classes lively and interesting. As a result, some people have said that teachers are no longer playing a significant role in classroom.I can hardly agree with the m.

First, it is the teacher who creates the software used in class. For example, the software may be an outline of the teacher?s lecture.If you listen to som e lectures, you will find that the lectures contain far more information than the multimedia software includes. While showing the class, most teachers will expand the knowledge extent, especially adding some latest discoveries and breakthroughs. So, the computer is just an assistant, which makes the class more vivid and clear. Teachers and students are the main part of a class. Second, computers cannot organize activities in class in place of teachers. For example, we often do some group work during classes, and it is the teachers who set the groups and control the time. After checking our homework, teachers will understand what the real weakness of students is, and adjust their classes to improve their teaching, while computers cannot. Moreover,the interaction between students and teachers is very useful.During the asking and answering of questions, students pose problems and find answers more clearly. But computers, now, have not that intelligence. All in all, although computer technology is developing very quickly and computers can solve more and more problems without people, teachers still play an important role in class. And I insist that, no matter how the technology develops, teachers will be in the front of the classroom forever ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 范文2

The computer is widely used in education,and some people think teachers d o not play important roles in the classroom. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

In this period of communication,computer has been used in all kinds of fields widely, and plays a particular role in our lives. Especially computer has become more and more important in educational field, therefore dozens of people considered teachers could be replaced computers that will go with the current of the times. The above point is certainly wrong; this essay will outl ine three reasons.

The main reason is that people?s brain better than computer. Firstly, people design all kinds of computer?s programs. Secondly, computer doesn?t hav e logistic ideation. Computer only can defend on that designer inputted computer?s programs to judge a question?s right or wrong. In other words, computer can?t defend on thinking that computer independently analyzes a question?s right or wrong. In case, designer inputted programs that are wrong. Computer output the result that also will be wrong. If this kind of problem happened in classroom, students would be infused plenty of wrong information.

Another reason is that computer?s programs designed software of education that could be amended difficultly.If software of education of bugs were foun d, commonly these of problems couldn?t be solved in the classroom. The so ftware was amended that means total of program were corrected, not only parts of program were inserted or amended usually.

Last but not the least reason is computer is mechanical,it couldn?t be suited all kinds of students and different demands. As students? intellect is differe nt, same of software couldn?t base on every status of student to set a perf ect project.

In conclusion, computers couldn?t instead of the position of teachers in the classroom, however computer is an absolutely good helper for teacher 范文3

In this IT age, computers are widely used in the classroom in order to enrich the methods of teaching. This phenomenon gives some the illusion that the thing teaching students is no longer the teacher but a computer. Personally, I disagree with this opinion.

As another machines, computer doesn?t enable to control itself. Though computers are capable of learning from their mistakes and improving on their performance, they need details instructions from human being in order to be able to operate. They can never, as it were lead independent lives, no mention teaching students. In case a computer lacks the control of a teacher, there is no difference between a computer and waste.

Not only this, but computers, unlike a teacher, can?t solve a variety of new problems. Everything is developing in today?s society, including education. For example, a student suddenly asks a creative question that the computer isn?t programmed for, it can do nothing, while teacher can explain clearly though abundant teaching experience.

Last but not least, the computer can?t communicate with students from emotion. Such as an eyesight or gesture of teacher can transfer his or her idea and feeling to students. In this way, students can feel more human touch in the class. In comparison, the computer is too dry and dusty to understand.

All in all, no matter how nice a computer is, it can?t take the place of teacher. Of course, I don?t mean that computer is useless. In contrary, I believe it will become the most powerful assistants to teacher in further. 范文4

Computer, the most exciting and significant invention in 20 century, will reshape our lives and our world. As a result, some people proclaim that computers should be involved into our classroom, and replace the roles of human teachers. However, I cannot agree with their point of view.



