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施心远主编《听力教程》3(第2版)Unit 6答案(2)

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over its nuclear dossier, in response to Western criticism over its violent crackdown against its own people following the June 12 presidential elections.

蒄Javedanfar, however, believes that those who are seeking a compromise with

Iran should not despair completely, because Iranian leaders are pragmatists, and may at the end of the day be ready for an agreement.

袁Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Motaki said one week ago that Tehran was

preparing to present a \package\of proposals, concerning what he called \

袇Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has also warned the West that

Tehran would weigh their criticism over its crackdown on protesters following the June 12 election, in assessing future relations with their countries.

羄A: Directions: Listen to the radio program and complete the summary.

薁This news report is about Salehi’s and the Iranian government’s attitude towards

nuclear case.

荿B: Directions: Listen to the program again and complete the following


薆Iranian Nuclear energy Chief

肄 Name 羂 Ali Akbar Salehi 肁 Education 虿Salehi was educated at the American university of Beirut and holds a doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 膄 Previous 莃Salehi is Iran’s former envoy to the international Atomic Energy position 蒈Agency. His comments 莇Legal and technical discussions about Iran's nuclear case have on Iranian finished. And there is no room left to keep this case open. 膄nuclear program We hope that more efforts will be made [by the West] to obtain mutual confidence, instead of the last six years of hostility. 1.

2. 螃The so-called Group of five-plus-one are not likely to agree with Salehi about the closure of Tehran’s nuclear file. 3.

4. 芀U.S. president Barak Obama warned Tehran that the world is giving it until September to comply with U.N. resolutions over its controversial nuclear program

during the G-8 summit in Italy. 5.

6. 膆Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Motaki said one week ago that Tehran was preparing to present a \package\of proposals, concerning what he called \

芄Part 2 Passage



2) 蚈The World Trade Organization is among the most powerful, and one of the most secretive international bodies on earth. 3)

4) 艿Globalization is not a phenomenon. It is not just some passing trend. 5)

6) 莄Used properly, fire can cook food, sterilize equipment, form iron, and heat our homes. Used carelessly, it can destroy lives, towns and forests in an instant. 7)

8) 芁Globalization has dangers and an ugly dark side. But it can also bring tremendous opportunities and benefits. 9)

10) 莀They will see globalization not as something to worship or demonize. Instead,

they will see it as something to mold, shape and manage for the betterment of everyone.

羈 Globalization is the present worldwide drive toward a globalized economic

system dominated by supranational* corporate trade and banking institutions that are not accountable to democratic processes or national governments.

蒃The World Trade Organization (WTO) is among the most powerful, and one of

the most secretive international bodies on earth. It is rapidly assuming the role of global government, as 134 nation-states, including the US, have ceded* to its vast authority and powers. The WTO represents the rules-based regime of the policy of economic globalization. The central operating principle of the WTO is that commercial interests should supersede* all others. Any obstacles in the path of operations and expansion of global business enterprise must be subordinated. In practice these \are usually policies or democratic processes that act on behalf of working people, labor rights, environmental protection, human rights, consumer rights, social justice, local culture, and national sovereignty.

蚂Globalization is not a phenomenon. It is not just some passing trend. Today it is

an overarching international system shaping the domestic politics and foreign relations of virtually every country, and we need to understand it as such.

肂As thoughtful people concerned about world affairs, our job is to pick up

\and then nurture and promote the good parts and mitigate* or slow down the bad parts. Globalization is much like fire.

Fire itself is neither good nor bad. Used properly, it can cook food, sterilize equipment, form iron, and heat our homes. Used carelessly, fire can destroy lives, towns and forests in an instant. As Friedman* says:

\can be incredibly empowering and incredibly coercive*. It can democratize opportunity and democratize panic. It makes the whales bigger and the minnows* stronger. It leaves you behind faster and faster, and it catches up to you faster and faster. While it is homogenizing* cultures, it is also enabling people to share their unique individuality farther and wider.\

Globalization has dangers and an ugly dark side. But it can also bring tremendous opportunities and benefits. Just as capitalism requires a network of governing systems to keep it from devouring societies, globalization requires vigilance and the rule of law.

Antitrust laws, the Securities and Exchange Commission, labor unions, charities, the Federal Trade Commission, and countless other agencies and organizations keep American capitalism in check. Similar transparent mechanisms are needed to make sure globalization is a positive force in the world.

Globalization will always have cheerleaders who are blind to the destruction globalization can cause. And it will always have strident* opponents blind to the way

globalization gives some people their first opportunity to fulfill basic aspirations.

As with most issues, the majority of people will be in the middle. They will see globalization not as something to worship or demonize. Instead, they will see it as something to mold, shape and manage for the betterment of everyone. Exercise D After-listening Discussion

Directions: Listen to the passage again and discuss the following questions. 1. Milton Friedman says, \incredibly coercive. It can democratize opportunity and democratize panic. It makes the whales bigger and the minnows stronger. It leaves you behind faster and faster, and it catches up to you faster and faster. While it is homogenizing cultures, it is also enabling people to share their unique individuality farther and wider.\

施心远主编《听力教程》3(第2版)Unit 6答案(2)


