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(人教版)高中英语必修4教学案:Unit 3 Section 1 (含答案)

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Ⅰ.Match the word with its meaning.

1.humour A.having or bringing an advantage, an opportunity, a piece of good luck

2.content B.feeling tired and impatient because you have lost interest in sb./sth. 3.astonish C.the ability to laugh at things that are amusing

4.fortunate D.to successfully control a feeling or problem that prevents you from achieving something

5.ordinary E.to interest and amuse sb. in order to please them 6.bored F.excellent; extremely good

7.entertain G.happy and satisfied with what you have 8.outstanding H.to make sb. believe that sth. is true

9.convince I.not unusual or different in any way 10.overcome J.to surprise sb. very much 答案:1~5 CGJAI 6~10 BEFHD

Ⅱ.Write down the meaning of phrases in each sentence.

1.I have seen 5 movies directed by Charlie Chaplin up to now.到现在为止 2.She looked at her newly-finished painting again and was content with herself.对……满意

3.He has become quite badly off since he lost his job.穷困的

4.I'm going to pick out a few books to send to some friends in West China.挑出 5.He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us.剪下

Do you know the following humorists and what they are famous for? Match them.

A.Charlie Chaplin — comedy (喜剧) B.Mr. Bean — mime (哑剧) C.Sanmao — clown (小丑)

D.Mark Twain — funny stories (幽默故事) E.Feng Gong — crosstalk (相声) 答案:1~5 BADCE


1.Skim the passage to catch the main idea of the text.

The text is about the life and work of Charlie Chaplin who brightened_the_lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the_hard_years_in_between.

2.Find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Para.1 A.Why people needed cheering up. Para.2 B.Charlie's achievements.

Para.3 C.What Charlie's childhood was like.

Para.4 D.What his famous film character was like. Para.5 E.An example of his work. 答案:Paras.1~5 ACDEB Ⅱ.Carefulreading

Choose the best answer according to the passage.

1.People enjoy seeing other people's bad luck because ________. A.they enjoy doing so

B.it makes people more worried about their life C.it makes people more content with their life D.there's much fun in doing so 2.Which of the following is NOT true about the description of Charlie Chaplin, as a tramp in the film?

A.He wore large trousers, worn-out shoes.

B.He was a poor, homeless man with a moustache. C.He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick. D.He couldn't overcome difficulties with determination.

3.In the end of the 19th century people went to Alaska to look for ________. A.films B.gold

C.entertainment D.water

4.Chaplin was given a special Oscar for ________. A.the characters he played in his films B.the films he directed

C.the joy he gave us in his films D.the contributions he made in films

5.From the text, we can know that ________. A.Victor Hugo had made friends with Chaplin

B.many people went to California to become rich in the 1840s C.Charlie Chaplin had a happy life when he was young

D.when the little tramp chewed the shoe, he told the audience it was delicious 答案:1~5 CDBDD Ⅲ.Studyreading

Analyze the following difficult sentences in the text.

1.As Victor Hugo once said, “Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.

[句式分析] 本句中and连接两个并列分句, as意为“正如”,引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为整个主句;that引导限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。

[尝试翻译] 正如维克多·雨果曾经说过,“笑声如驱走人们脸上寒冬的太阳”。关于这一点,直到今天也没有人能比查理·卓别林做得更好。

2.Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.


[尝试翻译] 不幸的是他的父亲去世了,这使得他的家境更加贫寒,因此查理的童年是在照顾生病的母亲和弟弟中度过的。

3.The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted.


[尝试翻译] 卓别林的表演是那么有说服力,以至于你会相信这顿饭是他所吃过的最美味的一顿!



(人教版)高中英语必修4教学案:Unit 3 Section 1 (含答案)


