【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》 【年(卷),期】2012(020)005
【摘要】At present, the coal mine underground voice broadcasting system coverage is small and is difficult to integrate with current telecommunication system. Aiming at these problems, the digital voice gateway is presented. The digital voice information using AMBE modulation technology can transmit between the field network and the underground Ethernet by RS485 interface and IP interface. Realized voice information region broadcasting and whole mine broadcasting. The system network architecture and functionality were introduced. It also presents the design of hardware circuit and protocol conversion of the digital voice gateway. Experiments show that tt can get better sound quality by the gate and data transmission is reliable.%针对目前煤矿井下语音广播系统覆盖面小、难于与井下现有通信系统融合的问题设计了数字语音通信网关;语音信息采用AMBE调制技术数字化后,通过RS485接口和IP接口可以在现场网络和井下以太网之间进行传输;实现了语音信息分区域广播和全矿井广播;介绍了系统网络结构和工作原理,并详细介绍了数字语音通信网关的硬件电路以及协议转换的设计;实验表明,通过该网关传输语音能够获得较好的音质,并且传输稳定可靠. 【总页数】3页(1407-1409)