1. Importance:
The use of the target language (Language input, create the language learning
environment.) It is an integral part of English language teaching.学英语最重要的就是创造良好的语言环境。(Immersion method) It is often used to do the following: ※Organize teaching activities. ※Give instructions.
※Invite students to think actively and share their opinions with partners.
※Give comments on student’s performance and encourage their participation and engagement.
※Help students build up positive attitude toward the target language and help them get rid of nervousness and lower their anxiety. ※Call students’ attention to the important language points and explain them.
※Build up warm rapport between teacher and students. Be kind to them.
※It is a kind of communication between
teacher and learners in the real communication context.(Now correct and fluent use of classroom English is also regarded as an important part of teaching skills.)
※It is a kind of interaction between teacher and students.
※It is the transition between the language activities. Make activities go smoothly.
2. What do teachers need to consider in using them?
※Make it clear and simple. (Don’t make it long and confusing. Maybe it is difficult for learners to understand at the beginning.
Remember it takes time and practice. Later it can be easy for learners. The more practice, the better.)
※Use it together with gestures, actions. (Make it easy for learners to understand)
※Be fluent. And use it on a regular basis.
在英语教学中,英语不仅是教学的目标语,而且是师生课堂上使用的教学媒介语。一方面,教师又通过英语发出命令,讲解语言知识,培养学生的各种能力,并表达自己的意见,与学生进行交流。另一方面,在教学过程中,教师的语言艺术对于活跃课堂气氛和调动学生的积极性有着重要的影响。 1 外语教师课堂用语的重要性
出现困难的语言现象或学生产生畏难情绪时,由于教师使用了恰当的语言鼓励学生,课堂内一时凝重的气氛会烟消云散,学生会重新奋发学习。举个简单的例子来说,每天一节课的开始,教师都会以“Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls。” “Are you all here/Is everybody here?” “I hope you all had a nice day。” “Is everybody ready to start?”等一些简单的句子与大家问候,这不仅唤起了同学们的注意,也使一些情绪比较容易紧张的同学放松下来,缩短了师生间的距离,使一节课在轻松融洽的氛围中进行下去,其效果必然要比那些呆板的课堂好得多。因此,在英语课堂里,不仅将教师的课堂用语仅仅看成是教师个人的口语表述,它是英语教学不可分割的一部分。
英语课堂里教师使用英语是真实的交际行动,而且都有真实的情景。例如,无论教师说,“Let’s take turns to read ” 或“For today’s homework, you must make sentences with the following words or