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( ) 2. He fell from his bike and ___.

A. is hurt B. gets hurt C. got hurt D. hurt 18、

( ) 1 .The apple___very sweet.

A. is tasted B. taste -C. tastes D. are tasting ( ) 2 .You___ more beautiful in the light blue shirt.

A. See B. watch C. look D. look at ( ) 3. What you said ___. like a good idea.

A. heard B. listened C. sound D. sounded 19、

( ) 1. -What do you think of the TV play? -Wonderful. It is worth___ a second time.

A. Watching B. Watched C. seen D. seeing ( ) 2 .How dirty the tables are! They need___.

A. to clean B. clean C. Cleaning D. cleaned ( ) 3. The book is worth ___.

A. seeing B. Reading C. seen D. read


1.--What do you think of the book? --Oh, excellent. It is worth ______ a second time. A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read 2 --What do you expect me to do? --The house needs______.

A.painting B.painted C.being painted D.be painted

4.The teacher could not make himself _____ because the students were so noisy.

A.pay attention to B.paid attention to C.paid attention D.to be paid attention to

6.In some parts of the world, tea ______ with milk and sugar.

A.is serving B.is served C.serves D.served 8.--The window is dirty. -- I know. It ____ for weeks.

A.hasn’t cleaned B.didn’t clean C.wasn’t cleaned D.hasn’t been cleaned

10.It won’t be long before such a thing ______ again.

A.will happen B.happens C.is happened D.happened 11.The room ______ 100 students .

A.can hold B.is held C.can be held D.was held 12.The boy whom you lent the bike to _______ by a car.

A.hit B.be hit C.having been hit D.was hit

13.Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? It will ______ fresh for several days.

A.be stayed B.stay C.be staying D.have stayed 14.Great changes _______ in the city, and a lot of factories _______.

A.have been taken place; have been set up B.have taken place; have been set up

C.have taken place; have set up D.were taken place; were set up

15.---Have you moved into the house? --Not yet. The rooms _____.

A.are being painted B.are painting C.are painted D.are having painted

24._____good, the roast turkeys _____well.

A.Tasting, sell B.Tasted, are sold C.They are tasting, sell D.They are tasted, sell

25.The machine has been used for many years, and it needs _____.

A.repaired B.being repaired C. repairing D.being repairing 27.____ the boy quickly, or we’ll be late.

A.Wearing B.Put on C.Have on D.Dress 29.I have to go to work by taxi because my car _____ at the garage.

A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired

30.Telephone messages for the manager _____ on her desk but she didn’t notice them.

A.were left B.was left C.was leaving D.were leaving

33. Months ago we sailed ten thousand miles across this open sea, which _____ the Pacific, and we met no storms.

A.was called B.is called C.had been called D.has been called 35.—The window is dirty. –- I know. It _____ for weeks.

A.hasn’t cleaned B.didn’t clean C.wasn’t cleaned D.hasn’t been cleaned

38.All the employees except the manager ____ to work online at home.

A.encourages B.encourage C. is encouraged D.are encouraged 39.----How long _____ at this job? ---- Since 1990.

A.were you employed B.have you been employed C.had you employed D.will you be employed


1. 1-5 B D D D C 2. 1-6 B C B B C A 3. 1-3 A B B 4. 1-3 A B A 5. 1-3 B D B

6. 1-3 B A D 7. 1-3 A B A 8. 1-5 D B B C D 9. 1-4 B A D D

10. 1-3 B B A 11. 1-3 B A C 12 . 1-3 D D B 13. 1-3 B A A 14. 1-4 B C B 15. 1-4 B D A C 16. 1-3 A B C 17. 1-2 B C 18. 1-3 C C D 19. Answers:

1-3 略4-9 BCBADD 24-28.ACBDC

1-3 A C B 10-14 BADBB 29-34CAADBA 35-40.DCDDBD 20-23.BCAC 15-19AADBC



