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大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)自测Reading Master 4_Test Bank_Unit 01

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Unit 1 A Green Future

A. Vocabulary

Directions: Use the words from the box to complete sentences 1 to 5. Each is used one time. corruption metropolis initiative uninhabitable indicator 1. Due to _______________ in the government, thousands of citizens decided to take to the streets in protest. 2. If Willy can take the _______________ to focus on studying for the university entrance examination, then he should have no trouble getting a scholarship. 3. Batman patrols the streets of Gotham city, a(n) _______________ known for its high crime rate

and danger. 4. An important _______________ of a robust economy is its employment rate. 5. Although scientists are curious about Mars, the planet is still considered to be a hostile environment and largely _______________. 6. The government ______ in motion new laws which would have serious implications on the constitution. a. set b. worked off c. self-sustained d. incinerated 7. The large corporation ______ its business plan slowly over the last fiscal year. a. banned b. implicated c. wasted d. integrated 8. The teens set a(n) ______ by wearing black berets and posting it on You tube. a. alarm b. trend c. game d. reason 9. Cindy ______ very hard ______ presenting her speech because she was so nervous about speaking in public. a. worked / off b. worked / at c. worked / out d. worked / into 10. I was lucky to have my dad as my boss at work because he taught me all the ______ of the daily office routine. a. ins and outs b. far and wide c. free and easy d. ins and wide

B. Grammar

Directions: Identify the correct tense and voice for each sentence. 11. Cell phone use is not permitted by the professor at any time during her lecture. a. present perfect-active b. present perfect-passive c. present simple-active d. present simple-passive


12. The English Channel has been swum across by only a few swimmers. a. present perfect-active b. present perfect-passive c. present simple-active d. present simple-passive 13. The photographers were chasing Jolin Tsai as she tried to enter the store. a. past continuous-active b. past continuous-passive c. past perfect-active d. past perfect-passive 14. Our dinner at the restaurant will be cooked by a famous French chef. a. future simple-active b. future simple-passive c. future perfect-active d. future perfect-passive 15. I will have completed my exams by the end of the week. a. future simple-active b. future simple-passive c. future perfect-active d. future perfect-passive 16. The naughty girl was scolded by her mother. a. simple past-active c. present perfect-active

b. simple past-passive d. present perfect-passive

C. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the following excerpt from Brazil: A Tropical Breadbasket and answer the questions that follow.

Over the past few years, food shortages around the world have caused famine, riots and unrest. The U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says grain and meat output

must rise substantially to support a growing population. Unfortunately, low agricultural yields and scarce water will make this difficult. The future of food production, therefore, seems to lie in regions with lots of cultivable land, plentiful water and the ability to sustain large cattle herds. When it comes to covering all of the requirements, one country fits the bill: Brazil. According to FAO figures, Brazil uses only an eighth of its 400 million hectares of farmland and has more to spare than Russia and the U.S. combined. It also has eight trillion cubic kilometers of available water per year — more than any other country. Of the world’s farmland that sees more than 975 millimeters of rainfall annually, a quarter is in Brazil. These natural advantages have been harnessed by private enterprises operating enormous farms of cotton, soybeans and maize. With minimum government subsidy, Brazil has

morphed from an importer into one of the world’s biggest exporters in just 30 years. It has caught up with the traditional “big five” exporters, and is unique as the only tropical

breadbasket. From 1996— 2006, the value of Brazil’s harvest rose a staggering 365 percent to US$63.4 billion. The South American nation is now the world’s largest exporter of poultry, sugar, coffee and orange juice, and supplies a third of the world’s soy.


17. According to the excerpt, what does the United Nations suggest? a. Increase food production. b. Increase the world’s population. c. Use Brazil’s farmland. d. Don’t waste water. 18. Why is Brazil unique when it comes to food production? a. It has a vast amount of water resources. b. It has a great deal of farmland. c. It can produce much food for export. d. All of the above. 19. Approximately how much rainfall does Brazil receive yearly? a. 400 mm b. 500 mm c. 975 mm

20. The word morphed is closest in meaning to which of the following? a. operated b. imported c. changed 3

d. 240 mm

d. sustained

大学英语泛读教程4(第三版)自测Reading Master 4_Test Bank_Unit 01


