Comprehensive Test I
are the difference between subcultures and counterculture
subculture: share many elements of mainstream, maintain own distinctive customs, values and lifestyles
counterculture: reject the conventional wisdom and provide alternatives to mainstream
are the major events that led to the outbreak of the Civil War
John Brown, tried to began a slave rebellion in Virginia/ election of Abraham Lincoln
are college students selected in the United States
a) high school records
b) recommendation from high school teachers c) the impression during the interview d) score on the SAT
king of changes has the American workforce undergone in the past few decades
a) the structure: (labor market) from manufacturing-based to service-oriented (the employment distribution) from blue-collar to white-collar b) sharp increase of women in number
does “the feminization of poverty” mean And how has it affected the American family
single mothers account for about half of households with children living below
the poverty line
are fundamental principles established by constitution
a) popular sovereignty: control by the people
b) a republic government in which the people choose representatives to make decisions for them
c) limited government with written laws d) separation of powers e) a federal system
are the main characteristics of religious in America
a) diversity
b) freedom: government not interfere
c) competition: adept at organizing and marketing d) commitment: high proportion believing in God
did Horace Mann’s ideas on mass education influence the education system in the United States
education should not be reserved for the high class, but should be extended to all people
“common school”: public education open to all, supported by all and controlled by all
kind of changes has the American family experienced since the 1950s
decrease of classic American family(traditional nuclear)
rise of dual-employed, blended, child-free, single-parent, gay and lesbian, cohabitation and independent living
was the constitutional convention in 1787 hold for
discuss the changes which would be necessary to strengthen the Articles of Confederation
Comprehensive Test II
are the main natural resources in the United States
water, forests, mineral and agricultural resources
were John Dewey’s major contribution to American education
a) what to teach: “the only worthwhile knowledge is knowledge that can be used” school should not teach useless facts but teach attitudes and skill so as to produce useful, responsible and happy adults
b) how to teach: “learning best by doing” school should help develop special abilities and subjects should be adjusted to the child’s innate capacities
are the main problems in the American media
a) tendency toward conglomeration: economic forces reduce the number of media operations
b) influence of advertising: likely to ignore or minimize a news item that may harm its advertiser
c) an uniformed public: the general public isn’t well-informed about politics and public affairs media: entertainment-oriented
kind of difficulties have the Asian American experienced in American society
a)early immigrants: viewed as competitors for scarce jobs/ Chinese Exclusion Act(1882)
b) discrimination against Asians
do you know about Electoral College
not excitable masses supposedly dispassionate, reasonable
body that elects the president and vice-president with total number of members, 538
each state represented by the same number of members as in its congressional delegation
does ”detente” mean How did the US government apply this policy during the Cold War
meaning: a relaxing of strained relationships between nations
officially recognized the People’s Republic of China
Nixon visit China and signed the “Shanghai Communique”
Jimmy Carter: abandon a 30-year-old position that the government of Taiwan was the official government of China
do you know about the two Protestant denominations founded in the United States—— the Mormons and the Christian Scientists
Mormons: at first practiced polygamy and throve in Utah discontinued
the practice until 1896 one of the fastest growing denomination
Christian Scientists: man is wholly spiritual so that healing of sickness results from spiritual understanding rather than from medical treatment
Christian Science Monitor is considered one of the nation’s finest newspapers
did the United States transform from an agricultural country to a post-industrial one
from agricultural to industrial: a) abundant natural resources
b) large labor supply brought by waves of immigrants c) the assembly line
d) development of transportation e) sufficient capital
f) favorable political and social climate
from industrial to post-industrial:
manufacture of information and knowledge has dominated American Economy
has the two-party system evolved in the United States
a) the election system: tendency for some groups within a district to form coalitions
b) the effect of the presidency
c) the division of interests: a polarization of interests on any problem in the country
Comprehensive Test III
do you know about the Reconstruction in American history
now constitutions had been ratified in all southern states to abolished slavery however, southern blacks had only limited civil rights
are the Americans still very religious
a) religious tradition
b) search for social conformity and emotional security c) disillusioned with social conditions
what ways can the US government affect the American economy
a) direct service: the postal system, construction and maintainence of most highways
b) fiscal policy: taxing and spending decisions federal budget: the principal instrument
c) monetary policy: tighten or loosen the money supply to slow or invigorate the economy
are the major Hispanic groups in American society
Mexican Americans: one of the oldest immigrant groups
are the major parties involved in the making of US foreign policy
a) the president and congress b) the Department of State c) the Department of Defense d) CIA and intelligence agencies e) the National Security Council f) interest groups
do you know about the contemporary trends in American education
a) year-round education: lag behind of British and Japanese counterparts b) the home schooling movement c) multicultural education