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第十八课时 九年级 Units 7~8


(C)1.—I don't like Mike at all.He is really a bad boy.

—But we can't give him up.We should regard him as ________ friend not ________ enemy. A.the;a B.a;the C.a;an D.the;the

(A)2.For your own ________||,you should follow the traffic rules while crossing the street. A.safety B.position C.purpose D.chance

(B)3.—What do you think of Mark?

—He is a ________ student.He does well in his lessons. A.handsome B.hard-working C.stupid D.lazy

(D)4.Eight children had a picnic near the lake.Jenny was the only girl ________ the picnic. A.for B.with C.in D.at

(B)5.This yellow coat ________ be Judy's.She doesn't like yellow at all. A.must B.can't C.mustn't D.can

(C)6.Helen ________ a gift from her friend yesterday morning||,but she didn't ________ it. A.accepted;receive B.received;receive C.received;accept D.accepted;accept

(D)7.In the cartoon Tom and Jerry||,Tom always ________ Jerry||,but he seldom succeeds in catching Jerry. A.takes after B.turns down C.slows down D.runs after

(B)8.—Have you talked back to your mother before?

—Yes.But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret ________ that silly thing to my mom. A.do B.doing C.to do D.did

(C)9.—Do your hobbies ________ your schoolwork||,Linda?

—Yes||,sometimes.I think I should learn to plan my time carefully. A.play a part in B.have to do with C.get in the way of D.take the place of

(C)10.—What's the meaning of the activity “Let's Save”?

—Paper ________ in everyday life. A.should waste B.shouldn't waste

C.shouldn't be wasted D.should be wasted Ⅱ.完形填空||。

For more than a century||,people have wondered whether there is life on Mars.Scientific searches for this began in the 19th century||,and they __11__ today with development of research methods and space science. In the late 19th century||,the American scientist Percival Lowell thought he saw rivers on the surface of Mars||,and __12__ this was true||,it might prove(证实) that our near planetary neighbor might have life on it.

__13__||,in the 1960s and 1970s||,the spaceship sent to Mars found that the rivers didn't exist(存在).Instead||,it showed a cold __14__ world.Even so||,people were still excited to watch the first pictures sent __15__ the surface of this mysterious planet by spacecraft.

Is it possible that there is life on Mars?

For there to be life||,there needs to be fresh __16__.Evidence for that has been growing and NASA seemed to have


found that there was a little water in earlier research.In 2019||,NASA discovered gullies(冲沟) that might have been caused by running water.But the temperatures were so low that water would __17__ ice||,so many people gave up the idea.For now||,the latest __18__ reported earlier has found different kinds of salts on the crater(火山口) walls.That's important because salt can melt(融化) __19__ and make it flow.The discovery proves that Mars is still active and it __20__ the possibility that it may have simple living creatures(生物).

We can look forward to having closer contact with unknown friends away on Mars in the future. (D)11.A.share B.follow C.stop D.continue (A)12.A.if B.because C.unless D.though (C)13.A.Instead B.Also C.However D.Usually (B)14.A.beautiful B.wild C.perfect D.happy (C)15.A.for B.with C.from D.on (A)16.A.air B.fruit C.food D.vegetables

(D)17.A.turn around B.turn out C.turn off D.turn into (D)18.A.book B.newspaper C.picture D.study (A)19.A.ice B.water C.snow D.rain

(C)20.A.lifts B.doubts C.increases D.believes Ⅲ.阅读理解||。

There used to be many beautiful flowers in our garden.Among them was a beautiful blue flower.My husband once told me that it only bloomed(开花) in spring and the sun in summer was too hot for it.When summer came||,he would move it out of the garden and put it inside our house.

Once||,my husband was away for some time on business||,so I had to take care of the flowers.Before leaving||,he told me to pay special attention to the blue flower.I planned to look after it as my husband had ever done||,but I was too busy to remember it.One weekend when I wanted to move the blue flower into the house||,I found that it had already been dead.I was very sad and regretted not taking good care of it earlier.

A week ago||,my husband's elder sister||,Linda||,died of serious stomach cancer.Linda was much older than my husband.Maybe because of the age gap(差距)||,we were not very close.But after she died||,we were very sad and regretted not visiting her often.

Linda's death reminds me of the blue flower.We should have done something better||,but we haven't tried our best.I believe that God has given us enough time to plant some wonderful things that will bloom inside us||,but we have missed it.

(B)21.Why should the blue flower be moved into the house in summer?

A.Because it is too small.

B.Because the sun is too hot for it.

C.Because the weather is too cold for it. D.Because it isn't beautiful in summer. (D)22.What did the husband do that summer? A.He went on a trip. B.He visited his hometown.

C.He volunteered in a hospital. D.He went on business.


(C)23.The writer didn't take good care of the blue flower because ________. A.she didn't like the flower

B.her husband forgot to tell her to do that C.she was too busy to remember the flower

D.she didn't know how to take care of the flower

(A)24.After Linda died||,the writer and her husband regretted that ________. A.they didn't visit her often

B.they didn't look after the flower well C.they couldn't go on business D.they forgot to visit her

(D)25.What's the best title for this passage? A.Don't Be Too Careless

B.How to Look After Blue Flower C.Our Elder Sister Linda's Death D.Try Our Best to Do Something Better Ⅳ.词语运用||。



26.This natural park is home to bears||,wolves and other wild animals. 27.We can't only think of ourselves and never care about others. 28.I have already made a choice||,so nobody could change my mind. 29.How to educate children is a problem for parents. 30.His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings. Ⅴ.综合填空||。


As a student||,what does it mean “to be good”? The Code of Conduct for Primary and Middle School Students(《中小学生守则》) holds the answer.

Recently||,a new draft a new(草案) code has been __31__(make) ||,replacing the old content with an updated version. There are some important __32__(change).Big phrases like “have deep love for your motherland||,the people and the Communist Party of China” are not there __33__ more.Instead||,the new code tells students to respect the national flag __34__ national emblem(国徽).It also tells students to “know __35__ China's history” and so on.

Also||,the new code asks students to “lead a low-carbon(低碳的) life”||,“take an __36__(act) part in voluntary work”||,and “control the time you spend online”.

The change on brave actions __37__(especial) draws attention.The old code told students to act bravely when they saw people __38__(break) rules.But the new code asks students to learn how to protect __39__(they) and ask for help when they are in danger.

Many teachers are __40__(please)to see these changes.Students say they know what to do when they face some problems.The new code is quite useful for students.

31.made 32.changes 33.any 34.and 35.about 36.active 37.especially 38.breaking 39.themselves 40.pleased Ⅵ.书面表达||。

升入九年级之后||,你有没有经常和父母争执周末是否可以外出活动?请以“Are Teenagers Allowed to Go Out on Weekends”为题||,结合表格中所给的信息||,写一篇英语短文||。 父母的观点 ★在家复习功课 ★好好休息 ★帮助父母做家务 你的观点 ◆放松自己 ◆…… ◆…… Are Teenagers Allowed to Go Out on Weekends 第3页/共4页



