【期刊名称】《动物学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(050)005
【摘要】The morphology, infraciliature and myonemic system of Vorticella chlorellata (Stiller, 1940), collected from a eutrophic freshwater pond near Harbin, China, was studied using living and protargol-impregnated specimens. No recent data derived from silver impregnation on this species are available, and an emended diagnosis and description of it are provided. Freshwater Vorticella, zooid in vivo 53- 63 × 41 -62 μm, stout in shape; cell conspicuously green-colored with symbiotic green algae; one macronucleus \-shape, but rather curved in both end. The number of transverse striations from peristomial area to aboral ciliary wreath was 33- 36, from aboral ciliary wreath (ACW) to scopula, 15 - 18.The adstomal end of peniculus 3 is rather dispersed. Peristomial disc fibers are conspicuously oblique radiate assignment,with dichotomous end in each fiber. Through the study of characteristics of the green Vorticella species, we found there still existed some confusions and believed it was wrong to identify V. chlorellata with Vorticella chlorostigma in many descriptions. The green species redescribed in this paper was V. chlorellata, but not V. chlorostigma [ Acta ZoologicaSinica 50 (5): 817-822, 2004].%小球藻绿钟