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Adolescence [Adolescence] 2005 Spring; Vol. 40 (157), pp. 215-23. Author: Chien-Huang Lin and Hung-Ming Lin
The purpose of this study was to examine via a questionnaire the personal characteristics and impulsive buying tendencies of 15-to 19-year-old Taiwan-ese adolescents.Results indicated that the impulsive buying was significantly associated with gender,age,and amount of pocket money available.Females indicated more impulsive buying than did males,and gradually increased with age.Impulsive buying significantly increased with the increase in the amount of pocket money available.Possible extensions of the research in this area are offered.
Marketers have recognized the significance of impulsive buying.Retailers are continually trying to increase the number of impulsive purchases through product displays and store and package designs(Hoyer&Maclnnis,1997;Jones et al.,2003).In addition,contemporary marketing innovations, for example,24-hour convenience stores,television shopping channels,and Internet shopping,expand impulsive buying opportunities(Kacen&Lee,2002).
Research on impulsive buying has increased during the last decade(Rook & Fisher, 1995; Rook & Gardner, 1993).Impulsive buying is defined as“an unplanned purchase”that is characterized by“relatively rapid decision-making,and a subjective bias toward immediate possession\arousing,unintended,less deliberate,and more irresistible buying behavior as compared to planned buying behavior (Rook , 1987; Rook & Fisher, 1995; Rook & Hoch, 1985 ).Further,higher impulsive buyers are likely to be unreflective ,to be
emotionally attracted to the object,and to desire immediate gratification(Hoch & Loewenstein, 1991; Thompsonet al., 1990).
Consistent with research on impulsiveness in the psychology literature,recent studies in marketing assert that the impulsive buying tendency is a distinctive personal trait( Beatty & Ferrell, 1998; Puri, 1996; Rook & Fisher, 1995).For example,Rook and Fisher(1995, p.306)suggest that\impulsive buying tendencies can be conceptualized as a consumer trait.\Based upon the research literature(e.g.,Beatty & Ferrell,1998; Puri,1996; Rook & Fisher,1995; Rook &Gardner, 1993) ,impulsive buying tendency can be defined as the degree to which an individual is likely to make unintended,immediate,and unreflective purchases. Furthermore, several scales have been developed to measure this tendency (e.g., Puri,1996; Rook & Fisher, 1995; Rook &Gardner,1993;Weun et al.,1998).
For adolescents, impulsive behavior has generally been viewed as counterproductive,and individual differences in impulsiveness were found to be related to a number of socially relevant behaviors,including aggression(Stanford et al.,1995),drug use(Stanford et al.,1996),pregnancy(Jones&Philiber,1983)and HIV risk-related sexual behavior(Clift et al., 1993 ). However, in spite of this significant relationship,impulsive buying among adolescents remains relatively unexplored. Compounding the problem,adolescents are being more heavily targeted because of their increased spending potential(Simpson et al.,1998).Further,they are considered to be consumers who are not likely to be well informed,to comparison shop,or seek advice about their purchases(Jones et al.,2003).
Studies have emphasized that a variety of factors affect impulsive buying,including the consumer's mood or emotional state(Rook,1987; Rook & Gardner, 1993),self-identity(Dittmar et al.,1995),and personal characteristics,in particular“age”(e.g.,Bellenger et al.,1978;Wood,1998).Wood(1998)found a non-linear relationship between age and impulsive buying in his United States adult sample.The relationship suggested that impulsive buying should increase slightly from ages 18 to 39,and decline thereafter.This is somewhat consistent with the finding of Bellenger et al.(1978)who noted that shoppers under age 35 were more prone to impulsive buying than those who are older.Also,studies on impulsiveness indicate that young persons score higher on measures of impulsiveness than do older people(Eysenck et al.,1985;Helmers et al.,1995;Rawlings et al.,1995).However,most of those studies were conducted with adult samples.For adolescents,variation in impulsiveness by age may be larger than for adults,since the adolescent development
stage is noted for impulsivity(Kahn et al.,2002).However,investigation of impulsive buying by adolescents of different ages would be a valuable contribution to the literature.
In addition,impulsive buying is also related to gender(Dittmar et al.,1995),and income(Wood,1998).Similarly,previous studies also were conducted mostly with adult samples;few of them included adolescents.Thus the present study's focus on adolescents should be a valuable addition to the literature.
Using a convenient sampling method,514 Taiwan adolescents,ages 15 to 19,participated in this study.All of them were high school or college students in Taiwan.
Data Collection
A questionnaire containing fourteen items was developed as the survey instrument;it consisted of two sections.The first section contained five items to assess personal characteristics of subjects.The second section contained nine items to measure on a five-point Likert scale,the degree of Impulsive buying tendency;these were based orv the work of Rook and Fisher(1995).The Cronbach's alpha coefficient in the present study was 0.85,a satisfactory level of reliability.
Personal Characteristics
The five questions in the first section of the questionnaire provided the personal characteristics of the subjects:gender,age,pocket money,part-time job,and sources of family income.Table 1 indicates that the number of females was almost equal to that of males.Regarding pocket money available per week(in U.S.dollars),39.5%of the adolescents had less than$13,23.9%had about$13-26,26.5%had about$26-39),and 10.1%has more than$39).Although 16.6%of respondents had a part-time job,the others did not.In addition,58.6%of the adolescents indicated that their man source of pocket money was from both father and mother. Impulsive Buying Tendency
Findings from the second section of the questionnaire are listed in Table 2. To explore the differences based on adolescents' age in impulsive buying
tendency,one-way ANOVA was used(see Table 4.The results revealed a significant effect among 15-19-year-olds(F(4,509)=2.776,p<0.05).A post hoc test,LSD test,was used to determine the differences;19-year-olds(Af=26.39)had the highest score on impulsive buying,which was significantly higher than that of the 15-year-olds (M =23.89) and that of the 17-year-olds(M=23.84).
These results suggested that impulsive buying,in many cases,gradually increase with age.This indicated that adolescents' impulsive buying significantly increased as their pocket money per week increased.
The results of the present study indicate that personal characteristics such as gender,age,and pocket money,were associated with adolescents' impulsive buying tendency among Taiwanese adolescents.It is interesting to note that female adolescents engage in more impulsive buying than do males,and the tendency gradually increases between ages 15 to 19.In addition,when adolescents had more pocket money,impulsive buying significantly increased.
Adolescents' impulsive buying is particularly important since they are increasingly exposed to innovative marketing strategies.It is recommended that educators pay greater attention to this trend and develop guidelines to help adolescents spend money more effectively.Future research needs to explore the causes of impulsive buying and its related behaviors for adolescents.
Adolescence [Adolescence] 2005 Spring; Vol. 40 (157), pp. 215-23. 作者:Chien-Huang Lin and Hung-Ming Lin 1摘要
营销人员已经认识到冲动性购买的重要性。零售商们不断努力,通过产品展示和储存数量和包装设计来增加购买冲动(Hoyer&Maclnnis,1997;Jones et al.,2003)。此外,现代市场营销创新,例如,24小时便利店,电视购物频道,网上购物,冲动性购买的机会扩大(Kacen&Lee,2002)。
在过去十年,冲动购买的研究有所增加(Rook & Fisher, 1995; Rook & Gardner, 1993)。冲动性购买的定义是“非计划购买”的的特点是“相对快速决策,呈现眼前拥有主观偏见”(Rock&Gardner,1993,p.3)。相比计划的购买行为,它被形容为,更多的发动群众、意想不到的、更少的深思熟虑的,和更多的不可抗拒的购买行为(Rook , 1987; Rook & Fisher, 1995; Rook & Hoch, 1985 )。此外,更高的冲动性购买者都可能要顾及,情绪被对象吸引,紧接着立即要满足(Hoch & Loewenstein, 1991; Thompsonet al., 1990)。
在心理学与文学的研究结果一致,浮躁情绪,市场营销最近的研究断言,冲动性购买倾向是鲜明的个人特质(Beatty & Ferrell,1998; Puri,1996; Rook &Fisher,1995)。例如,Rook and Fisher(1995, p.306)提出:“个人冲动购买”的倾向可以概念化作为消费者的特质。依据研究文献(e.g., Beatty & Ferrell, 1998;Puri,1996;Rook&Fisher,1995;Rook&Gardner,1993),冲动购买趋势可以定义为个人的程度,很容易让意想不到的,直接,并顾及采购。此外,一些规模已发展到这一趋势的措施(e.g.,Puri,1996; Rook & Fisher,1995; Rook & Gardner, 1993;Weun et al.,1998)。
对青少年,一时冲动行为普遍被视为适得其反,在冲动的个体差异被认为是与社会相关的行为,包括侵略(Stanford et al.,1995),药物使用(Stanford et al.,1996),怀孕(Jones&Philiber,1983),和艾滋病毒的风险有关的性行为( Clift et al., 1993 )。然而,尽管如此重要的关系,青少年冲动性购买仍然相对未开发。情况使问题更加复杂化、青少年被更重的目标,因为他们增加消费潜力(Simpson et al.,1998)。此外,他们都被认为是消费者,他们不可能消息灵通,货比三家,或者寻求建议购买(Jones et al.,2003)。
研究强调了多种因素影响冲动购买,包括消费者的情绪或情绪状态(Rook,1987; Rook & Gardner, 1993),认同(Dittmar et al.,1995),和个人特征,独特的“时代”(e.g.,Bellenger et al.,1978;Wood,1998)。伍德(1998)发现在他的美国成人样本年龄与冲动性购买的非线性关系。这种关系表明,冲动性购买应略有增加18至39岁,不再推展。这是有点符合Bellenger et al.(1978)的观点,他们指出35岁的购物者比那些年长的更容易冲动购买。此外,在冲动的研究表明,青少年的冲动措施得分高于年长者所做的(Eysenck et