Joan: Well, your choice of major subject is likely to have a significant
impact on your future career so it’s important to look into this carefully. I recommend you check not only which academic subjects will help you get into a particular area of work, but also look carefully at what universities offer. Each university has its strengths so try to choose one that is the best in your chosen field. Find out what links the department has to related industries and leading companies in it.
Tony: Good point. Now I’d like to take some calls from our listeners.
First up we have James on the line. Hi, James! How can we help? James: Hi. I’m interested in career in IT and I’d like to ask Joan whether
she thinks it’s better to go to a highly respected university, like Oxford, or to study somewhere that has more of a vocational focus? Joan: Well, James, you know it really depends on what you expect to get
out of a university and how you see your future. Basically a handful of the brightest graduates are picked from the top universities around the world to join the leading IT companies. So I’d say if you’re a high-flyer then this is the route that might be for you. But if you are looking for a more mainstream career then you should consider a course that helps you acquire practical, transferable skills that you can use in the workplace…and look at which universities have the best levels of graduate recruitment for
the kind of job you are aiming for.
James: I see! Thanks a lot. That really helps me out…
恩·罗宾逊。她将会给学生们一些在大学里如何去选择正确的学科的建议。乔恩,欢迎来到我们的节目。 Joan: 谢谢,托尼。
Joan:基本上,我的意思是要评价自己的优缺点、性格特征和兴趣。 Tony:明白。那么我们的听众要怎么做到这一点呢?
Tony:听起来就是个好建议。那你的第二个关于未来的建议呢? Joan:你选择的主修课程很有可能对你以后的工作有重大的影响,所
众是詹姆斯。詹姆斯你好!我们有什么能帮助你的? James:你好。我对IT行业很感兴趣,我想问一下乔恩,她认为进入
还有你对未来的看法。基本上,大把的精英都是从世界顶尖高校中被挑选出来进入到领先世界的IT公司工作。我想说,如果你是一个有野心的人,这可能是一条属于你的路。但是,如果你正在寻找主流行业,那么你应该考虑一门能帮助你锻炼在工作中有用处的实践能力与可传递能力的课程,和比较一下在哪一间大学里,你的目标专业的就业率最高。 James:明白了!非常感谢,这些建议真的让我豁然开朗。
Unit 2 Inside view Conversion 1
Janet Hey, look at that! It’s just like I’ve seen it in the films! Andy Welcome to London, my hometown. We are in Shoutwark,
south of the river. there’s London bridge off to your left, and there’s Tower Bridge.
Janet I’m really impressed. How old is it? Andy It’s only about 120 years old. Janet well, that’s quite old.
Andy the London Docks used to be around this area. What happened
was that about three or four times a day, they raised Tower Bridge, so the bigger ships could come right into London. But because they couldn’t go under London bridge, they had to stop and unload here.
Janet Does Tower Bridge still open?
Andy well, not so often. When I was a kid, I think I saw tower
bridge go up fairy often, all the traffic had to wait for the ships to pass through the bridge. Anyway, just this side of London bridge were lots of warehouses, where they kept their cargo. But during the second world war, there was lots of bombing over London…
Janet yes, I read about that…the Blitz?
Andy that’s right. And even when I was a kid, I remember that
many of the buildings were still damaged. But in the late 1980s and 90s, this whole area was redeveloped, you can see for yourself, it’s a trendy place to live now.
Janet is the river thames still polluted?
Andy well, it certainly used to be polluted. I remember it had a very
distinctive smell, if you fell in, they used to take you to hospital.
Janet that’s sounds revolting!