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作者:刘宏伟 胡润伟 王 亮 王娇娇 史月静 韩娜 尹宝叶 马纯 来源:《健康必读(上旬刊)》2019年第04期
【摘; 要】目的:探讨神曲消食口服液治疗儿童功能性消化不良的临床效果。方法:常规组40例口服多潘立酮片,研究组40例口服多潘立酮片与神曲消食口服液。结果:研究组观察指标优于常规组(p<0.05)。结论:神曲消食口服液的疗效更好。 【关键词】神曲消食口服液;儿童;功能性消化不良
【中图分类号】R72;;;;; 【文献标识码】A;;;;; 【文章编号】1672-3783(2019)04-0030-01 Clinical study of shenqu xiaoshi oral liquid in the treatment of functional dyspepsia in children 【Abstract】Objective: to investigate the clinical effect of shenqu xiaoshi oral liquid on functional dyspepsia in children. Methods: 40 cases in the routine group were given oral doperidone tablets, 40 cases in the research group were given oral doperidone tablets and shenqu xiaoshi oral liquid. Results: observation indexes in the study group were better than those in the conventional group (p<0.05). Conclusion: shenqu xiaoshi oral liquid has better curative effect. 【Key words】shenqu xiaoshi oral liquid; Children; Functional dyspepsia